UF/UF 341: To boldly go…

He’s back! James Tiberius Kirk, Captain, USS Enterprise, United Federation of Planets is back in space.

Well actually it was William Shatner went into space, at 90 years old no less. A short flight aboard a Jeff Bezos sponsored Blue Origin flight took Shatner and 3 other passengers into space.

A publicity stunt? Of course. But these flights, devoid of “professional” astronauts, are becoming more and more common place. Shatner’s flight will provide some info on what happens to the aged in space. Again he’s 90. Add that to the effort by Elon Musk to create vehicles that can get to and colonize mars, and old Captain Kirk could very well be contributing to a world that eventually looks like the show he was on in the 60s.

While here on earth fans from the University of Tennessee trash their own stadium because they were unhappy at the placing of a football by the official. God bless America.

All that and more on tonight’s’ episode of UF/UF The Podcast.

But you gotta click.

UF/UF 41: To boldly go…

I need more power!

“Sex Week” on Rocky Top


The University of Tennessee had a tussle over “Sex Week”  (it will start April 5). After the event was publicized, the University was apparently pressured to withdraw state funding. Organizers were outraged.  “Conservative Backlash” is listed as the reason state funds were withdrawn.

Organizers were outraged, because, according to a local paper, “we were worried the administration wouldn’t stand by the funding once the nuthouse conservative legislators started bombarding them with complaints.”

A quote in a local paper states that “But god forbid students — WHO ARE ALREADY HAVING SEX ON CAMPUS EVERY G.D….N DAY — find out about having safe, respectful, good sex. Oh no, that would be a shame.”

Well, what is this event that has all these nuthouse conservative legislators lodging complaints? You know, the “safe, respectful, good sex?”

Here’s some insight.

There are 30 events planned including “Getting Laid,” “Sex Positivity; Queer as a Verb,” “Bow Chicka Bow Woah,” “How to Talk to Your Parents About Sex,” “Loud and Queer,” and “How Many Licks Does It Take…” – a workshop about oral sex.”  (reference)

Speakers? Yes, apparently they are qualified:

In addition to a campus-wide scavenger hunt for a golden condom, the university is hosting noted lesbian bondage expert and erotica author  Sinclair Sexsmith.  The story was first reported by Campus Reform.

Sexsmith, who serves on the board of the New York Lesbian Sex Mafia, will deliver a lecture titled, “Messing Around with Gender.”

She also runs the online website “Sugarbutch Chronicles:  The Sex, Gender and Relationship Adventures of a Kinky Queer Butch Top.” (reference)

I suppose during sex week this counts as a resume. You can’t make this stuff up. I wonder if whoever finds the golden condom gets a tour of “Charlie’s Chocolate Factory.”  Francis, what is the “New York Lesbian Sex Mafia” anyways ? Are they part of the Gambino family?

Of course, the University of Tennessee is behind the times, because they’ve been having “Sex Week” at those high-falutin’ Ivy League schools for about ten years now. Read on….

Brown University is set to hold an event on Thursday aimed at teaching its male students how to find sexual pleasure from their prostates.

The workshop, entitled “The Ultimate Guide to Prostate Pleasure,” will be conducted by sexologist Charlie Glickman and promises to show attendees “how much fun prostate stimulation can be.”

Glickman will “talk about the common concerns that sometimes keep people from exploring it (and how to overcome them), tips for easy and pleasurable anal penetration, prostate massage, which work best for prostate fun, pegging, combining prostate pleasure with other kinds of sex, and much more,” it continues.

On Monday, Brown also hosted a “Fornication 101” seminar as part of their sex week, which included topics such as “putting condoms on with your mouth,” “petting kitties,” and “anal adventures.(reference)

Kind of gives a whole new meaning to “Brown University.” I don’t know what “pegging” is, and I don’t want to. And who’s attending the “Fornication 101” ….gymnasts? I wasn’t even that flexible when I was young, I always had to use my hands to put on my condom.

Here’s a little about Yale’s sex week, that prestigious university.

Yale University students admitted during a sex workshop to indulging in bestiality and fantasizing about incest, according to reports.

Scholars at the prestigious Ivy League university also confessed at the “Sex: Am I Normal” seminar to taking part in sadomasochism and prostitution.

Student Giuliana Berry, who hosted the event, told Campus Reform the workshop – part of Yale’s Sex Weekend – aimed to increase understanding and compassion for people who indulged in “fringe sexual practices.” (Reference)

Ok, enough. Nothing but safe, respectful, good sex.

Back to UT. I’m not a prude, or a “nuthouse conservative,” but these are our universities. I’m writing the UT Chancellor and saying, thanks, I don’t want one dollar to go to this.

Sex week will go on, because they’ve apparently received private funding to replace state funding, which is what they should have done in the first place. Here’s a message for the organizers, this is a state university which means when you organize things like this, it’s officially “other people’s business.”   You don’t want contrary opinions involved, have it downtown where you’re free to do whatever you want.

If you want to engage in or learn about kinky sexual practices, this is America, have fun. But these are our universities. These are supposed to be institutes of higher learning. I don’t believe they need to teach morality, but I don’t think they are the appropriate venues for this type of sex, uh, education either. And just to be clear, this is not about “Academic Freedom” either, so quit saying it, you sound like a moron. America continues to fall behind in the hard sciences because we’ve lost our compass, allow the inmates to run the asylum, and allow this type of nonsense to take place.

There’s a larger agenda here, and I don’t agree with it either. And it doesn’t make me any of the names you would call me for saying it.

As for me, I’m keeping my prostate between me and my doctor.