UF/UF 331: All the President’s Men.

Rudy is in a jam. With Trump no longer covering for him, Rudy Giuliani is at the will and whim of the court system. And much like his track record in helping the former president challenge the 2020 election, Rudy is losing big time.

America’s mayor, the king of New York after the September 11th attacks in 2001, has been told by the state courts of NY he is no longer welcome to practice law there.

He has bigger problems too. Rudy is staring down the barrel of a multi-billion dollar lawsuit from the voting machine company he has maligned by saying they threw the election to Biden in Nov of 2020. He won’t be alone there as Lin Wood and Sidney what’s her name will also be facing that lawsuit.

Wonder who Rudy’s lawyer will be?


UF/UF 331: All the President’s Men.

This can’t be good.

UF/UF 329: Saint gifle heureux !! Macron Slapped Silly!

Well gang, someone beat us to it. Something we’ve all dreamed about doing at some point in our lives; slapping the French people. Of course you can’t slap them all. So what’s the next bets thing? Slapping their national representative.

That’s right, Damien Tarel was all of us when he busted the French president Macron in the face at a rope line. Here’s the issue, from the initial pics we saw, the slapper looked like a woman. Sorry Damien. And he was eventually captured and charged to 4 months in the slammer.

Totally worth it.

Nice work Tarel.

We talk about other stuff too. Click.

UF/UF 329: Saint gifle heureux !! Macron Slapped Silly!

It was reported Macron surrendered France right after this. (Not really)

UF/UF 328: He’ll be back!

Will he though?

Trump has been led to believe that he will be reinstated as President by August of this year. Who is leading him to believe that you ask?


The psycho on the left is Mike Lindell AKA My Pillow Guy. The other one is Sidney Powell, Trump’s lawyer he jettisoned after she claimed Hugo Chavez rigged the machines to throw the election to Biden. Hugo took the eternal dirt nap about a hundred years ago so yeah bye bye Sid.

Either way both of these knuckle heads have been making separate loud public statements about the election and Trump being reinstated by August due to the evidence they each have dug up on their very own.

According to people in the know, the former President has taken to believe those two morons, telling his inner circle to make ready to return to the Oval Office.

Stay tuned people.

And click.

UF/UF 328: He’ll be back!

UF/UF 324: France v Britain Who ya got?

We at UF/UF the Podcast would like to wish all the Moms out there a most happy Mother’s Day.

On to the show.

Yeah man it’s on like Donkey Kong.

What started out as a small dispute over fishing rights is escalating quickly. Navy ships from both sides came to the fore and it was about to break out when the French fishermen fired off a few flares, yelled some obscenities’ and sailed away.

Sainte vache! Where have we seen this before. I think we all know how this movie ends.

Surrender like the French and click the link.

UF/UF 324: France v Britain Who ya got?

It’s white flags at 30 paces boys!

UF/UF 322: When Johnny Comes Marchin Home

It’s over. After 20 years, finally and officially over.

The war in Afghanistan is done. In what no one will recognize as a truly bi-partisan effort, President Biden officially ended the war and set the date for the troops to come home. Paying off on a promise President Trump made during his campaign in 2016 and set in motion in 2020.

As 24 and 22 year veterans ourselves, of course Hupp and I are biased and all in favor.

Presidents Bush and Obama both made threats/promises to get the troops back but it was Presidents Trump and then Biden who managed to actually get it done.

This is clearly not getting nearly the play it deserves. Go figure. Neither side can manage to turn it into a political missile to fire at the other so of course no lip service from the “media”.

Not a problem. As per usual, Tony and I will carry the water for those so called professionals who have long since forgotten what professionalism means.

UF/UF 322: When Johnny Comes Marchin Home

Coming home. Finally.

UF/UF 315: The Graven Image – CPAC 2021

1 And God spake all these words, saying,

2 I [am] the LORD thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage.

3 Thou shalt have no other gods before me.

4 Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness [of any thing] that [is] in heaven above, or that [is] in the earth beneath, or that [is] in the water under the earth:

5 Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God [am] a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth [generation] of them that hate me;

Exodus Ch 20 1-5 KJV


UF/UF 315: The Graven Image


Pay homage to the Trump god or be damned. CPAC 2021

UF/UF 213: What’d We Miss?

A little impromptu hiatus for the team of UF/UF The Podcast. We’re back now and trying to catch up.

Annnnnd it looks like we picked the wrong week to stop sniffing glue. What in the hell have you people been doing while we were away!?!

The impeachment is still going? The virus is still going. You dumbasses said it’d be gone by November 6th. Or was it Jan 20th? No matter. And what the hell is with wearing 2 masks? Is that a thing?

Anyway click the link and listen as Tony and I get our sea legs and try to unravel the goings on.

UF/UF 213: What’d We Miss?


AOC survives Trump’s coup attempt. A Festivus miracle!

UF/UF 312: Conspiracies to the left of me, Conspiracies to the right of me…

Man who the blue hell knows what to believe anymore. We know Joe Biden will be sworn in on Jan 20th, which is in 3 days. Or do we?

The last few posts on Parlor I read, before that site was removed by its owners, seem to claim very confidently that it will be Trump getting sworn in again. Do they know something we don’t? Hard to say really.

The last post on I read on Twitter claims the My Pillow guy met with Trump this past Friday, advising the President to declare martial law. It seems “big tech” has been suppressing the fact that the Chinese, not the Italians, or the Venezuelans as he originally claimed, altered the election and Trump won by millions. According to Mike Lindell, the My Pillow guy, he knows all of this because it’s all over the internet. Uh… Mike, you mean the internet “Big Tech” is supposedly suppressing?

So will Trump declare martial law or not? Was it the Chinese or the Italians, or the Venezuelans or the god damn Martians? Will the vaccine make you a zombie? Is Bill Gates putting Nano-technology tracking devices into your blood through the vaccine? Who knows. Your guess is as good as ours.

We’ll discuss.

UF/UF 312: Conspiracies to the left of me, Conspiracies to the right of me…


The one on the right will make you want to wear a mask! Don’t do it!!!!

UF/UF 311: Coup d’état by any other name…

The week has been a year long. It was only 6 days ago that we heard Trump on the phone with Georgia election officials and the GA Secretary of State, trying to force him to rig the election results of that state. And we don’t even cover that on this episode.

That’s how crazy the week has been.

Then we watched in real time, live on TV, the President of the United States call the in-coming President illegitimate, shame his own VP Mike Pence, and then encourage a mob to go to the capitol to “help the weaker Republicans in congress.” Then America’s mayor, (and equally idiotic lawyer), Rudy Giuliani said we need “Trial by Combat”.

The crowd gave Trump and Rudy what they wanted.

Then we watched in horror as an Air Force veteran along with hundreds of others, seduced by ridiculous lies about stolen elections and stupid conspiracy theories about deep state actors, break into our center of government to attack a system that has stood the test of time for over 200 years. She paid for that terrible decision with her life.

That horror was followed by seditionists and traitors wearing MAGA gear, attack and eventually kill Capitol Police Officer and National Guard Staff Sargent Brian Sicknick, reportedly beating him with a fire extinguisher.

All live in real time.

It’s been a week of weeks. And I’m afraid we may not be done.

Coup d’état by any other name…


Back the Blue? US Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick – murdered by traitors to the United States Jan 6 2021

UF/UF 310: If you can dodge a law, you can dodge an election!

I will say one thing, these 12 GOP senators are all in. No behind the scenes stuff. They are out in front demanding that they get to pick the president and overturn the will of about 80 million Americans.

In the words of Dodgeball legend Pepper Brooks, It’s a Bold strategy Cotton, I wonder if it will pay off.

Spoiler! It will not pay off for Ted Cruz and his band of seditionists. This is one wrench they can’t dodge.

UF/UF 310: If you can dodge a law, you can dodge an election!


Jesus Ted, you’re babbling.