UF/UF 264: High Crimes and Misdemeanors

Is this it?  Is this the moment?

I don’t think so but you never know with this guy. One thing is for sure, only Trump can take down Trump. It appears as if he’s working hard at it.

Look if Vice President Mike Pence questions your actions then you probably done f*ck*ed up at some point.

Should be an interesting few months ahead.

Click and be enlightened.

UF/UF 264: High Crimes and Misdemeanors



“If the President does it, it’s not illegal.”  – Richard Nixon



UF/UF 238: Investigate All the Things!

Stormy got tossed, and not in a good way. Paul Manafort got what amounts to a timeout from the federal court. So the Dems decide it’s time to cast a net over Trump; a wide net.

Congressman Jerry Nadler D (NY) said on national television that the Ds would cast a net over all things Trump and see what turns up.  Well I can stand the current president but that is bullshit. Every judge on Law and Order would throw that out of court before the first commercial.  Can’t wait to see how this shit show turns out.

Click and we’ll fill you in.

UF/UF 238: Investigate All the Things!




Ok that may be a fair point, but for now… she gone!


UF/UF 199: The Stupid, It Burns

Brace yourself people. Lots of stupid this week. We respond with lots of vulgarity. From the #metoo movement going full dumb-ass to the Trump-ettes or deplorables as they prefer, going full anti-constitution while defending the constitution, the stupid abounds.

As usual we break it all down for you. All you gotta do is click the link.

UF/UF 199: The Stupid, It Burns




NY Attorney General – beating women while leading the charge to defend women.

UF/UF 196: Kneel-less in Seattle

The most famous quarterback/activist is still not in the NFL. Refusing to stand during the anthem Colin Kapernick lost a chance to work out for the Seattle Seahawks. Look just between me and you, he sucks. How do I know that? Because if he didn’t suck he’d be playing. Michael Vick went to jail of two years for making money off of killing dogs. Guess what he did after he got out – played 4 more years in the NFL.

Anyway click the link to hear my rant on why Kapernick is really not back in the NFL and it has nothing to do with the anthem. We talked about other stuff too.

UF/UF 196: Kneel-less in Seattle





Killed dogs – still played – didn’t suck


UF/UF 195: Masters of the News Cycle

We don’t usually do themed broadcasts, but sometimes a good one just falls in your lap. Tonight’s theme? Well of course it would be fake news in some fashion or another.  We’ll touch on various forms of fake news, lazy news, news for profit, and good old fashioned manufactured news across an entire enterprise.

Oh and in case you were unaware, it’s also Masters week.

Tune in you don’t want to miss this, and that’s for real.

UF/UF 195: Masters of the News Cycle


hioll dogg

Not sure where the fake news is here.

UF/UF 194: All the President’s Men

Well, he can’t keep a lawyer on staff and a few more cabinet members have bit the dust. The big question is who is next? My money is on the Chief of Staff and then John Bolton after that (We celebrate the guy’s entire catalog). But hey, you never know. That’s why they play the games.

Click the link for the rundown on the cabinet, who’s left, who’s gone, and who is safe for now.

UF/UF 194: All the President’s Men





Take a good look. They might not be there long.