UF/UF 342: Fright and Upset in VA Governor’s Race

Not too many people are paying attention, but there is about to something frightful or spooktacular, depending on your view point, happening in the race for governor of Virginia.

For the first time in a long time it looks like the Republicans have a real chance there. Want some evidence? Democrats staged a desperate, boarding on stupid stunt in an attempt to link the Republican candidate to the white nationalist rally held in Charlotte during Trump’s time as President.

It not only failed, it actually backfired. Dems are now in full panic mode as they should be. Tune in to hear us break this down.

Also tonight, Top 5 lists of our favorite candy and horror movies. It’s a 2 for 1 Halloween Extravaganza. It will help tremendously if you go into these lists just accepting the fact that we are right and you are wrong.

Click to find out which it the greatest candy ever.

UF/UF 342: Fright and Upset in VA Governor’s Race

UF/UF 341: To boldly go…

He’s back! James Tiberius Kirk, Captain, USS Enterprise, United Federation of Planets is back in space.

Well actually it was William Shatner went into space, at 90 years old no less. A short flight aboard a Jeff Bezos sponsored Blue Origin flight took Shatner and 3 other passengers into space.

A publicity stunt? Of course. But these flights, devoid of “professional” astronauts, are becoming more and more common place. Shatner’s flight will provide some info on what happens to the aged in space. Again he’s 90. Add that to the effort by Elon Musk to create vehicles that can get to and colonize mars, and old Captain Kirk could very well be contributing to a world that eventually looks like the show he was on in the 60s.

While here on earth fans from the University of Tennessee trash their own stadium because they were unhappy at the placing of a football by the official. God bless America.

All that and more on tonight’s’ episode of UF/UF The Podcast.

But you gotta click.

UF/UF 41: To boldly go…

I need more power!

UF/UF 340: The Enemy Within.

So not for nothing, but we predicted this way back. I mean like prior to Biden taking office. His problems would not come from conservatives but from within his own party. And now almost 10 months into his first year, here we are.

The Squad as they call themselves, the radical left wing part of the democratic party, has taken Biden and Pelosi head on and won. Stopping a 3.5 trillion dollar bill aimed at infrastructure that had plenty of republican votes to pass.

We deep dive in what this means for both parties and the mid-term elections creep closer.

Also tonight, robot-dogs – man’s best friend or humanities’ extinction?

Click the link and be warned.

UF/UF 340: The Enemy Within.

They named him Spot. Oh the humanity!

UF/UF 339: Weird Science

We are being told constantly to follow the science. But what science is that? And who’s science? And why aren’t we following the science in any other facet of our lives, like say human biology? And if f*&king science is so great why don’t we have light sabers yet?

Lot’s questions, not many answers. No worry, we’ll make some stuff up.

Click and be educated, or you know… not.

UF/UF 339: Weird Science

A mask mandate we can all get behind.

UF/UF 338: “We will not comply!”

So says WWE wrestler KANE! Otherwise known as Knox County Mayor Glenn Jacobs. The mayor sent a letter to President Biden declaring that Knox County Tennessee will not comply with vaccine mandate for businesses with 100 or more employees.

No reply from the President or the Undertaker as of yet. Stay tuned.

Meanwhile the people who are supposed to be looking out for the poor, or so they claim, are going to Met Gala’s in custom made expensive dresses yelling about taxing the rich. I’ll let the irony sink in for you all who get it.

All this plus Nikki Minaj’s cousin’s friend’s balls tonight on Episode 338 of UF/UF The Podcast.

But you gotta click.

UF/UF 338: “We will not comply!”

Knox County Mayor Glenn Jacobs. Yep both pics.

UF/UF 337: He’s Running

So says my broadcast partner and a host of other people. The he? That would be the 45th President of the United States, Donald John Trump.

I also believe he’s going to run although he’s only teased it and not come right and said he’s running. The big question we tackle tonight; who can beat him from the repub or dem side if he does try to become the 47th President of the US?

Also tonight, in his climate speech Biden says we don’t call them tornadoes anymore. That was surprising news to us quite frankly. So the other hot question we’ll answer for you all is what do we now call those killer, twisting, funnels, of rotating debris?

Tune in to get Hupp’s Top 5 List of culturally appropriate names for said twisty things.

But you gotta click.

UF/UF 337: He’s Running

And he’ll win.

UF/UF 336: Your neighbor’s keeper.

The Texas abortion law has dominated the news cycle, almost pushing the Afghan debacle into the background. As a pro-lifer myself, I get it. The law basically outlaws abortion as most women would never know if they were pregnant after just 6 weeks. I don’t have a particular issue with that. The other part…

The bounty portion of the law, where you could be in for a $10 grand payday for ratting out your neighbor for getting or aiding anyone in getting an abortion to include the Uber or Lyft ride, is causing all kinds of issues for dems and repubs alike.

We discuss that, the Afghan issue, college football being back, and Joe Rogan’s about face on the danger of Covid, (now that he has it).

Don’t miss it.


UF/UF 336: Your neighbor’s keeper.

UF/UF 335: ID’A know man, that’s a big storm!

Heads up New Orleans peeps. IDA is coming and she’s not happy. When we started the pre production of todays’ episode IDA was a tropical storm or TS for short. Now just two days later she’s a full blown Cat 4 Hurricane hitting the New Orleans area almost 16yrs to the day that other bitch rolled in.

Likely too late for y’all to get out.  No worry UF/UF The Podcast is here to keep you company. Click and listen to everything form IDA to Afghanistan to new and improved crop circles in England.

UF/UF 333: Black Widow takes bite out of Mickey

The house of the Mouse may have gone too far this time. Disney screwed over one of it’s starts for one of if not the biggest franchise they’ve ever owned.

Disney released the new Black Widow movie, staring Scarlett Johannsen as Avenger Black Widow, to it’s streaming platform one week after the movie debuted in theaters. And by the way it was raking in the cash the first week it opened.

The release to the streaming platform some 6 months early has cut the profits of the movie and Scar Jo’s profits considerably. Mickey may have stepped in it this time. Give me the smart hot tough chick over the stupid mouse any day of the week.

Oh yeah and Trump is running for president in 2024. So there’s that.

UF/UF 333: Black Widow takes bite out of Mickey

My money is on Scar Jo

UF/UF 332: Presidential Election 2024 -Person Woman Man Camera TV

Former President Trump teases Hannity’s Fox audience that he’s made a decision about the 2024 Presidential election. He then refused to say what his decision was.

He did manage to tout his skill on that pesky test he took last year where he correctly answered all 30 questions from an exam he thought was about his IQ. Sadly all he took was a dementia diagnostic tool they give to patients with traumatic brain injury, the elderly who shows signs of dementia, and everything in between.

Also tonight, should you be allowed on the US Olympic team if your sole purpose is to protest the US? Where does freedom end and patriotism begin?

Hupp and I fix all of that in tonight’s episode of UF/UF The Podcast.


UF/UF 332: Presidential Election 2024 – Person Woman Man Camera TV

Trump got 30 out of 30. Could you?