UF/UF 324: France v Britain Who ya got?

We at UF/UF the Podcast would like to wish all the Moms out there a most happy Mother’s Day.

On to the show.

Yeah man it’s on like Donkey Kong.

What started out as a small dispute over fishing rights is escalating quickly. Navy ships from both sides came to the fore and it was about to break out when the French fishermen fired off a few flares, yelled some obscenities’ and sailed away.

Sainte vache! Where have we seen this before. I think we all know how this movie ends.

Surrender like the French and click the link.

UF/UF 324: France v Britain Who ya got?

It’s white flags at 30 paces boys!

UF/UF 323: Oh Rudy

Bitten by the hand that fed him. Hoisted on his own petard. And any other euphemism that applies to the situation America’s Mayor finds himself in at the moment.

Rudy was raided by the Department of Justice under a warrant that does not require his consent or knowledge before or after it’s executed. But Rudy knows the score. He used to execute these all the time and has long been a champion of their use.

Until the other day.

They got Rudy, they got his files, the got his Cloud, they got it all. The question remains what will all that data and info tell them?

Can’t wait to find out.

UF/UF 323: Oh Rudy

America’s what now?

UF/UF 315: The Graven Image – CPAC 2021

1 And God spake all these words, saying,

2 I [am] the LORD thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage.

3 Thou shalt have no other gods before me.

4 Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness [of any thing] that [is] in heaven above, or that [is] in the earth beneath, or that [is] in the water under the earth:

5 Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God [am] a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth [generation] of them that hate me;

Exodus Ch 20 1-5 KJV


UF/UF 315: The Graven Image


Pay homage to the Trump god or be damned. CPAC 2021

UF/UF 314: We’ll always have Mars

The Rover has landed, the Rover has landed. During the live taping of the podcast today the Rover landed on the Martian surface in spectacular fashion. Not only did we get live, color video, but we got sound as well. An amazing achievement.

We talk about that and more on today’s edition of UF/UF The Podcast.

But you gotta click.

UF/UF 314: We’ll always have Mars


Behold! The first live shots from the Martian planet!

Sorry we thought that was Mars, it’s actually Jersey.

UF/UF 311: Coup d’état by any other name…

The week has been a year long. It was only 6 days ago that we heard Trump on the phone with Georgia election officials and the GA Secretary of State, trying to force him to rig the election results of that state. And we don’t even cover that on this episode.

That’s how crazy the week has been.

Then we watched in real time, live on TV, the President of the United States call the in-coming President illegitimate, shame his own VP Mike Pence, and then encourage a mob to go to the capitol to “help the weaker Republicans in congress.” Then America’s mayor, (and equally idiotic lawyer), Rudy Giuliani said we need “Trial by Combat”.

The crowd gave Trump and Rudy what they wanted.

Then we watched in horror as an Air Force veteran along with hundreds of others, seduced by ridiculous lies about stolen elections and stupid conspiracy theories about deep state actors, break into our center of government to attack a system that has stood the test of time for over 200 years. She paid for that terrible decision with her life.

That horror was followed by seditionists and traitors wearing MAGA gear, attack and eventually kill Capitol Police Officer and National Guard Staff Sargent Brian Sicknick, reportedly beating him with a fire extinguisher.

All live in real time.

It’s been a week of weeks. And I’m afraid we may not be done.

Coup d’état by any other name…


Back the Blue? US Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick – murdered by traitors to the United States Jan 6 2021

UF/UF 310: If you can dodge a law, you can dodge an election!

I will say one thing, these 12 GOP senators are all in. No behind the scenes stuff. They are out in front demanding that they get to pick the president and overturn the will of about 80 million Americans.

In the words of Dodgeball legend Pepper Brooks, It’s a Bold strategy Cotton, I wonder if it will pay off.

Spoiler! It will not pay off for Ted Cruz and his band of seditionists. This is one wrench they can’t dodge.

UF/UF 310: If you can dodge a law, you can dodge an election!


Jesus Ted, you’re babbling.

UF/UF 307: Sedition by any other name…

Editor’s Note: At the time of the podcast the Supreme Court had not yet ruled and we reported they would do so on Monday the 14th of December. They made liars out of us by ruling Friday night, the night we recorded this week’s episode, that the case is without merit and would not be heard at all.

Thus ends the attempts to subvert a legal election and remain in power. Or does it?

UF/UF 307: Sedition by any other name…

Well we warned you. We have been saying for a while now Trump will not go quietly into the night. I am surprised by the lack of violence so far, although it’s starting to ramp up a bit now.

we’ll break down the case brought by Texas against the 4 battleground states along with the number of Governors and members of Congress who have signed on to this seditious document. Again this occurred as we were taping. Since that moment several members of congress have back tracked or have tired to make excuses for why they singed on to subvert another state’s election.


This is where the fun begins.

But you gotta click.


So much for frivolous lawsuits.


UF/UF 107: Master (de)Bators

The Big Top rolled into Simi Valley Wednesday night for a little debate with your favorite republican candidates. There were two debates actually. Four dudes who are out of the race but haven’t got the memo yet, debated at 6pm eastern. It was as unremarkable as it sounds. Once the under card was cleared from the stage inside the Reagan Presidential Library, it was time for the big boys, and woman, to throw down.

Want to know what happened? Wanna know who won, who lost and who is probably done?

For that you gotta click.

UF/UF 107: Master (de)Bators

Or go to iTunes, search Unfiltered and Unfettered, and join the other thousands of satisfied subscribers. Yes thousands!

Let’s get it on!


UF/UF 107: Master (de)Bators

Podcast Episode 22: Cruz, Christie & Crisis

Big show for you tonight.  A few new bits and some election results.

It was a busy week and we’ll try to cover all the news that’s fit to print.

Click the link or chose other options below and listen to this podcast, unless of course you hate being smart.

Episode 22: Cruz, Christie & Crisis

Find us here: http://unfilteredunfettered.podhoster.com/

Or go to iTunes and search Unfiltered Unfettered. Find the UF/UF icon, click, and enjoy every episode from season 1.

Then tell us what you think, ask questions, argue with us, mock us.  Do it in the comment section below or the show’s email: theunmail@yahoo.com

44bo_header_smKnow Your Obama!

It’s the game show sure to be sweeping the country in weeks if not days. Listen to the quotes from any Obama press conference and try to guess what crisis he’s referring to. Fun for all ages. Tune in to see if Hupp can stump the rainman-like Linardo.



Ted on the down low

Ted on the down low

Cruz crushes Cuccenelli’s chances.

Ted is only R to campaign for Cuccenelli in the Virginia Gov race. Didn’t go so well as Va elects first governor from same party as sitting President in the states history.






"Yeah a #5 oh and a #6, supersized.  Gimmie a diet coke, gotta cut back a bit."

“Yeah a #5 oh and a #6, supersized. Gimmie a diet coke, gotta cut back a bit.”

Christie cruises, challenger crumbles.

Big Chris gets 60% of the vote over Dem challenger Barbra Buono.  He gives victory/running for president speech. Barb gives concession speech in which she blasts Dem party leadership for treason after leaving her high and dry to take on Christie alone.



All this and more on episode 22 of UF/UF. Don’t miss it!

Podcast Episode 22 Cruz, Christie & Crisis

Then tell us what you think, ask questions, argue with us, mock us.  Do it in the comment section below or the show’s email: theunmail@yahoo.com

Podcast Episode 21: A tangled web.

“O, what a tangled web we weave when we practice to deceive.” Sir Walter Scott had no idea he was talking about Obamacare, but he nailed it.

Tonight we breakdown all things healthcare.gov.

Click the link or chose other options below and listen to this podcast, unless of course you hate prosperity.

Episode 21: A Tangled Web:

Find us here: http://unfilteredunfettered.podhoster.com/

Or go to iTunes and search Unfiltered Unfettered.  There you’ll find all our episodes from the 1st to 21st.

Can Obama escape the web of his own doing?

Can Obama escape the web of his own doing?

Web Slinger’s Delight

Intentional or not, the disaster that is the health care web site has a lot of people asking if the President knew how bad things were before the roll out of Obamacare. If he did not, then why not? If he did, why not delay?




Who has two thumbs and is an old douche...

Who has two thumbs and is an old douche… We report, you decide!

Father of the Frankenstein? 

Karl Rove and John McCain have been on the offensive AGAINST the Tea Party lately. But does the guy who spiraled up the tea party that gave us Christine O’Donnell and the guy who almost made Sarah Palin Vice President have a right to attack the very thing they asked for?



Good for some - not so good for others.

Good for some – not so good for others.

Shutdown Splashdown

The Government shutdown probably won’t effect the 2016 Presidential race, but 2014 Senate seats and 2013 Governor races are definitely in play. Find out who wins and who loses in our new segment Rising and Falling.





All this and more on episode 21 of UF/UF. Don’t miss it!

Podcast Episode 21: A Tangled Web:

Then tell us what you think, ask questions, argue with us, mock us.  Do it in the comment section below or the show’s email: theunmail@yahoo.com