UF/UF 213: What’d We Miss?

A little impromptu hiatus for the team of UF/UF The Podcast. We’re back now and trying to catch up.

Annnnnd it looks like we picked the wrong week to stop sniffing glue. What in the hell have you people been doing while we were away!?!

The impeachment is still going? The virus is still going. You dumbasses said it’d be gone by November 6th. Or was it Jan 20th? No matter. And what the hell is with wearing 2 masks? Is that a thing?

Anyway click the link and listen as Tony and I get our sea legs and try to unravel the goings on.

UF/UF 213: What’d We Miss?


AOC survives Trump’s coup attempt. A Festivus miracle!

UF/UF 278: Great Danes!

Yeah you read that right. Denmark gets right in China’s grill with a comic about the Corona Virus. China is offended and demands an apology from Denmark. The Danes say “Toughen up and make me some chicken and broccoli!”

It’s been that kind of week folks.

Tune in for a breakdown of the good, the bad, the happy, the sad.

UF/UF 278: Great Danes!



Ouch.  Too soon Denmark, too soon.