UF/UF 274: It was the best of times…

Depending on your perspective 2019 may have been great.  It may also have been shitty. Well we here at UF/UF The Podcast have the uncanny ability to straddle that line.

So tonight we break it all down for you; the best, the worst, the most sad, and the things most ludicrous that they might just make you happy.

Click the link, you’ll love it.  Or you may hate it. Up to you.

UF/UF 274: It was the best of times…





Totally up to you.


UF/UF 269: Words Mean Things

If you’ve ever consciously uncoupled or have been self-partnered, well my friend you just might be an idiot. If you’ve referred to yourself or others with a pronoun besides  he/she or her/him, well you are an idiot.

We are in an epidemic people; an epidemic of asshattery on a literary scale.  Would you like to know more? Click the link and we’ll break it all down for you. But you ain’t gonna like it. The Hollywood ranks renaming shit I mean.

You’ll love the podcast, as always.

Click it.

UF/UF 269: Words Mean Things




This hottie is self-partnering.  Yes, I’d pay money to see that.

UF/UF 245: Measels are back!

Editor’s Note: At the time of recording episode 245 in the studio, we were unaware of the transition to the living force of Peter Mayhew, the actor who brought the most beloved walking carpet in the history of movies to life in the form of Chewbacca. 

We would be remiss in not mentioning this event even though we don’t speak of it in the following podcast. It is after all May the 4th. If you need the importance of this day explained to you, Chewbacca’s passing means nothing to you anyway. 

For all others: See you again Chewie, no one is ever really gone.


May the 4th Be With You.

Now on to the show UF/UF 245: Measels are Back

In case you were missing that famous desease that’s so much fun it’ll make you die, the Anit-vaxxer idiots got your back.

They have single-handedly brought back a disease that was eradivcated from America for years now.

Thank assholes.

UF/UF 245: Measels are back. Thanks Assholes.




Pic of actual anti-vaxxer  aka asshole