UF/UF 171: Kim Jong Un-believable

Well he’s at it again. Un fires a test rocket over Japan. Aside from a joint show of air force by Japan, South Korea and the US there has been no response. But how long can that last?

Update: Right after we taped this episode Kim Jong Un claims they have now tested a hydrogen bomb and have miniaturized it enough to put it on the tip of an intercontinental missile.

Warning, this episode is not for the faint of heart.

Now click you cowards.

UF/UF 171: Kim Jong Un-believable

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You’re Welcome America!


So misunderstood.

Podcast Episode 7: Coming to America….with conceal carry permits

As always a lot to talk about tonight.  And, as always, here are the ways you can listen.

Podcast Episode 7: Coming to America….with conceal carry permits 

Go to iTunes and search for unfiltered and unfettered and you will see our new UF logo. Click, enjoy, write review.

If you don’t use iTunes, you can find us on Podhoster: http://unfilteredunfettered.podhoster.com/

Tell us what you think, ask questions, argue with us.  Do it in the comment section below or the show’s email: theunmail@yahoo.com

On to the tease.  Enjoy!

Eyes on your own paper bro!

Eyes on your own paper bro!

Same Song, Different Dance?

Rubio’s immigration reform bill looks a lot like the President’s bill ridiculed by the Repups.  Does Rubio have some new ideas or, unlike the Pres, did he find a way to make it work for everyone? We report, you decide!






Don't say I didn't warn ya

Don’t say I didn’t warn ya

Kim Jong UnAnnounced

Un takes offense to South Korea protesting his grandfather’s and father’s birthday celebrations in the North.  Lil Kim announces he will attack the South unannounced.  No.  Not making this up.






Play the home version!

Play the home version!

Who Said That!

Linardo is dominating Hupp in the Who Said That segment.  Can you beat his 3 for 5 average?  Here’s a softball to get you started.  Send us an e-mail at theunmail@yahoo.com with your answer.  Winners will be announced on the air!



All this plus:

Gun control reforms firing blanks.

The Nutella vs Jiff Hazelnut spread debate is finally put to bed

A moment of silence for Boston…followed by a thrashing of the media for getting not one thing right in the reporting of this tragic event.

Click. You won’t regret it.  Trust me man, I’m a scientist.

Episode 7: Coming to America….With conceal carry permits