UF/UF 288: Riots, riots, everywhere riots.

Lot going on this week.  Mostly riots. Lots of cow cookies being offered up by various politicians and party mouthpieces on various airwaves from both sides.  And when I say cow cookies I mean total bullshit.

The question of the day: will cynicism rein supreme as the Pope of the Podcast think?. Or can the dumb from the neck up American populace find a way to treat everyone the same as the Bully Opinionist believes? That debate starts now.

But you gotta click.


UF/UF 288: Riots, riots, everywhere riots.



The good old days, when riots were done the right way.


Podcast Season 2 Episode 29: New Year – Old News

We’re back! Welcome to season two of Unfiltered and Unfettered. Yeah Season Two. Let that sink in for a second. Not sure who made the career ending decision to green light our show for a second season, but God bless em!

A question for you, our faithful readers/listeners. Should we restart the clock on episode numbers or stay continuous. In other words should this be episode 1 of season two or should we just keep counting and call it episode 29? Answer in the comment section or e-mail us if you please.

OK let’s get to work.

Click the link or chose other options below and listen to this podcast, unless of course you hate real America.

Episode 1 or 29: New Year – Old News

Or find us here: http://unfilteredunfettered.podhoster.com/

Or go to iTunes and search Unfiltered Unfettered. Find the UF/UF icon, click, and enjoy every episode from season 1.

Then tell us what you think, ask questions, argue with us, mock us.  Do it in the comment section below or the show’s email: theunmail@yahoo.com

On to the tease…


Ah fresh powder.
Ah, fresh powder.

Old Faithful – on skies.

Yeah our old buddy is back and he’s badder than ever. Kim Jong Un, fresh off grinding his uncle’s bones into a fine powder, uses that powder to open North Korea’s first ever ski resort. Open to the public too. Never let it be said he’s not a man of the people.


Don't let them forget. Ever.

Don’t let them forget. Ever.

Chew that bone Darrell

Rep. Issa, R CA, is not letting go of the Benghazi cover up. Call him a right wing nut job if you want, but he’s one of the few in government that seems at all concerned about how four Americans were left to die in our own embassy. That makes Darrell our Politician of the Podcast.


Jean Luc Picard - greatest of all time? (yes)

Jean Luc Picard – greatest of all time? (yes)

2013 – Politics of the Weird

UF/UF top five list of the weirdest things in politics for 2013. The Pres tops our geek list when he confused Star Wars and Star Trek. Truly an impeachable offense.




All that and more as the ball drops on a new year.

Listen here.

Episode 1 or 29: New Year – Old News

Then tell us what you think, ask questions, argue with us, mock us.  Do it in the comment section below or the show’s email: theunmail@yahoo.com

click the link





do it






well go on and do it already




Let the games begin – Rand Paul fires the first shot for 2016.

It's on folks.

It’s on folks.

Well we were wrong. Tony and I had discussed on our podcast that the race for the White House would heat up in the late summer of 2014. That has been the norm. A straw poll event in Iowa in late August 2 years prior to the actual election is what normally kicks off the presidential race.

So for example, the election for the next President is in November of 2016. The straw poll/state fair type event in August of 2014 would usually start the festivities, meaning sniping, snarking, baiting, and berating by all the candidates running for their party’s nomination. So that’s a good 2 years and 3 months of campaigning in some form. However it appears the Rand Paul campaign has decided to get a jump start. Read what one of his operatives in New Hampshire, Andrew Demers, had to say about Congressmen Perter King (R) NY. The quote appeared in the New Hampshire Union Leader in an opinion column written by Demers himself.

“In New Hampshire, where two of the top three 2012 Republican presidential primary candidates were non-interventionists (and carried 40 percent of the vote total of the five major candidates), Rep. King will not have much luck with a message that even he admits most Republicans oppose.” Andrew Demers New Hampshire Union Leader 26 December 2013

King has been publicly contemplating a run at the White House in 2016 as well. I guess Paul is looking to stomp all the early challengers as quick as possible. Demers also used phrases like “King’s faction on the Republican party” and called King an interventionist because of King’s stance on Syria. Read the entire piece here: http://www.unionleader.com/article/20131227/OPINION02/131229497

This is a great sign for political geeks and junkies. I count myself among them. The first three buttons on my TV remote favorites list are C-Span, C-Span2 and C-Span3. And with good reason. As President Obama is term limited we should get twice the fun since both parties will be having meaningful primary elections.

Tell me you're not excited about this!

Tell me you’re not excited about this!

I mean it’s not unprecedented by any stretch. This won’t cause a lot of ripples for most people. But a shot like this, coming this early in the proceedings, indicates it’s gonna be a good brawl for the next two years. And this is just the Republicans. The Democrats haven’t even started trying to bring Hill-Dogg down yet.

I get that this may be a complete non-story for most of you. But I’m baking cookies and putting out a glass of milk, cause for me this is Christmas Eve all over again.

A very long Christmas Eve.

Happy campaign season!

Podcast Episode 22: Cruz, Christie & Crisis

Big show for you tonight.  A few new bits and some election results.

It was a busy week and we’ll try to cover all the news that’s fit to print.

Click the link or chose other options below and listen to this podcast, unless of course you hate being smart.

Episode 22: Cruz, Christie & Crisis

Find us here: http://unfilteredunfettered.podhoster.com/

Or go to iTunes and search Unfiltered Unfettered. Find the UF/UF icon, click, and enjoy every episode from season 1.

Then tell us what you think, ask questions, argue with us, mock us.  Do it in the comment section below or the show’s email: theunmail@yahoo.com

44bo_header_smKnow Your Obama!

It’s the game show sure to be sweeping the country in weeks if not days. Listen to the quotes from any Obama press conference and try to guess what crisis he’s referring to. Fun for all ages. Tune in to see if Hupp can stump the rainman-like Linardo.



Ted on the down low

Ted on the down low

Cruz crushes Cuccenelli’s chances.

Ted is only R to campaign for Cuccenelli in the Virginia Gov race. Didn’t go so well as Va elects first governor from same party as sitting President in the states history.






"Yeah a #5 oh and a #6, supersized.  Gimmie a diet coke, gotta cut back a bit."

“Yeah a #5 oh and a #6, supersized. Gimmie a diet coke, gotta cut back a bit.”

Christie cruises, challenger crumbles.

Big Chris gets 60% of the vote over Dem challenger Barbra Buono.  He gives victory/running for president speech. Barb gives concession speech in which she blasts Dem party leadership for treason after leaving her high and dry to take on Christie alone.



All this and more on episode 22 of UF/UF. Don’t miss it!

Podcast Episode 22 Cruz, Christie & Crisis

Then tell us what you think, ask questions, argue with us, mock us.  Do it in the comment section below or the show’s email: theunmail@yahoo.com

Mini-cast Episode 19a: Bachmann, Barry-cades, and Burning Skies

1529784087_1373614272The Bully Opinionist and the Pope of the Podcast are coming to you on a weekly basis. Through the magic of bandwidth and internet access, we bring you the Mini-cast.  That’s right, the Mini-cast; a quick hit version of the UF/UF Podcast.

Now you get Tony and Fran on a weekly basis.  No story will go uncovered, no fact will fall through the cracks, and no mocking opportunity will be left un-mocked.

Click the link and enjoy a shortened version of the Big Show.

Episode 19a: Bachmann, Barry-cades, and Burning Skies: 

Podcast Episode 15: A Hugger, a Drugger, and a Blubber

Click the link or chose other options below and listen to this podcast, unless of course you hate Murica.

Podcast episode 15: A hugger, a drugger, and a blubber –

Go to iTunes and search for unfiltered and unfettered and you will see our new UF logo. Click, enjoy, write review.

If you don’t use iTunes, you can find us on Podhoster: http://unfilteredunfettered.podhoster.com/

Tell us what you think, ask questions, argue with us, mock us.  Do it in the comment section below or the show’s email: theunmail@yahoo.com  Best submissions read on the air.

On to the tease.

He will read your mind.

These are not the droids you’re looking for.

T-nak the magnificent debuts on UF/UF.

Hupp proves his ESP abilities in an amazing display akin to a Jedi controlling the force.







Hey I like to hug.  Sue me.

Hey I like to hug. Sue me. Yes Bob I think we will.

Hey I’m just a hugger!

San Diego Mayor Bob Filner accused by 13 women of sexual harassment and assault. 8 of those are former military. His go to move, directing his staff to come to work not wearing panties.







Who me?

Who me?

Yes, he’s a drugger. (and a cheater, and a tool, and a liar)

Yankee 3rd baseman suspended 122 games for using human growth hormone and anabolic steroids.  All a set up he says.  Not here to talk about that he says.  Will fight for his life he says (while chasing salary checks to the tune of 61 million).  He’s a cheater I say and worse, he’s a dope.  You don’t have to go home Alex, ya just gotta get up outta here.




"Yeah a #5 oh and a #6, supersized.  Gimmie a diet coke, gotta cut back a bit."

“Yeah a #5 oh and a #6, supersized. Gimmie a diet coke, gotta cut back a bit.”

The blubber mounts – Chris Christie’s Lap Band installed backward!!!

The NJ Governor/would be 2016 presidential contender had Lap Band surgery late last year to improve his health.  The picture left is from a few weeks ago.  You tell me, did Christie eat the cast from Jersey Shore?




Click the link or chose other options below and listen to this podcast, unless of course you love Communism.

Podcast episode 15: A hugger, a drugger, and a blubber – 

Go to iTunes and search for unfiltered and unfettered and you will see our new UF logo. Click, enjoy, write review.

If you don’t use iTunes, you can find us on Podhoster: http://unfilteredunfettered.podhoster.com/

Podcast Episode 4: As the Worm Turns

Another great show for you tonight.  Episode 4: As the Worm Turns goes all over the map to bring you the hottest stories from the political, societal, and cultural corners of life and then explains them all.  Take a look at some of the topics we hit tonight.

Now it's a party!

Now it’s a party!


Kim Jong Un gets nukes and now a visit from The Worm. Un tells Dennis Rodman to pass Obama his digits and have BO call him, maybe.





Senator Rand Paul (R) Kentucky

Senator Rand Paul (R) Kentucky

Paul gets randy

Rand Paul starts a filibuster 7 hours before we recorded this podcast.  He went 13 hours.  He didn’t read phone books folks.  Paul talked Presidents’ drone program policy for 13 hours. Even at 13 hours of standing and talking he was 5 hours shy of the top five filibuster times.

Better luck next time bro.




Jean Luc Picard - greatest of all time? (yes)

Jean Luc Picard – greatest of all time? (yes)

President he is.  Sci-fi geek he is not.

President crosses streams between Star Wars and Star Trek.  Jean Luc weighs in.

Is the President a Vulcan or a Jedi?  We report, you decide.








Nightmare on Pintail Rd?

Hupp sees a phantom in his dreams – Guess which one





These stories and more in tonight’s Podcast.

Click the link and give a listen.  Then e-mail us at theunmail@yahoo.com or leave a comment to this post.  We’ll give you a shout out on the air!

Unfiltered and Unfettered: The World Explained by Us – The Podcast: Episode 4 As the Worm Turns




State of the Union 2013: Meh…

The Chamber

The Chamber

Section 3 – State of the Union, Convening Congress

He shall from time to time give to the Congress Information of the State of the Union, and recommend to their Consideration such Measures as he shall judge necessary and expedient; he may, on extraordinary Occasions, convene both Houses, or either of them, and in Case of Disagreement between them, with Respect to the Time of Adjournment, he may adjourn them to such Time as he shall think proper; he shall receive Ambassadors and other public Ministers; he shall take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed, and shall Commission all the Officers of the United States.

The post below is something I wrote about the state of the union in 2011.  The President’s 4th State of the Union was tonight.  We’ll cover it in our next podcast.  My quick analysis is this: a slow, lifeless effort by the President.  The speech had a lot of new initiatives without a lot of ways to pay for it.  It went about 45 minutes longer than it should have.

If you want the full rundown on the State of the Union and the two, yes two, republican replies check back here NEXT Friday for episode 3 of the Unfiltered and Unfettered podcast.  We will breakdown the Tea Party reply given by Senator Rand Paul (R) Kentucky and the Republican establishment or traditional reply given by Senator Marco Rubio (R) Florida.



Senator Marco Rubio (R) Florida

Senator Marco Rubio (R) Florida

Senator Rand Paul (R) Kentucky - for the Tea Party

Senator Rand Paul (R) Kentucky – for the Tea Party














Till then enjoy this post I wrote 2 years ago.  Sadly not much has changed.


Have you ever …

Nov 21 2011 by fmlinardo

…seen anything so dumb, so insincere, and so annoying as every member of congress leaping to their feet to applaud when the President mentions anything even remotely related to the military?

This brood of vipers and money changers that are about to gut veterans benifits/retirements and have been undercutting the troops in the field expect us to believe that they support us because they jumped up and clapped?

Ladies and gentlemen of the Congress, Sit The Hell Down.  You are embarrassing yourselves and insulting us.  This nonsense, along with “I support the troops but not the war,” has to end.  You can’t cut benefits and entitlements to military members or cut funding for ONGOING operations in the field and say you support the troops.  I don’t care if you leapt so high out of your seat to applaud you had to get clearance from the  tower at Reagan International to land, you are a phony, a fraud, a flim-flammer, a bam-boozeler.  Yeah, those are words.  Play me in scrabble and I’ll dare you to challenge them.

Some of you members of congress only have so many precious beats of your heart left.  Yeah, I’m looking at you McCain.  Save your energy folks, don’t waste it on false displays of patriotism.  Go sell it to someone else cause we ain’t buying.  Elect me President and the first member of congress that stands to applaud at the mention of the military will be forced to join it.  Don’t worry Barney Frank, chem gear comes in your size too.  You’re going to love our Meals Ready to Eat.  Although they might not love you back.

Oh, there was a speech tonight.  The only thing I’ll say about that is thank God the President didn’t use the same tired phrase about inheriting the worst economy since the depression.  Omitting that phrase tonight marks the first time he has not used it since his inauguration.  Hopefully he finally came to his senses and fired the toothless, half-wit who kept telling him that it was a good speech opener even though we are just about 3 years into his term.  Ok Mr. President, you said some things tonight, now lets see you act on some things.