UF/UF 291: The Rise of the Anti-Maskers

I used to think Anti-Vaxxers were kind of ridiculous. But compared to Ant-Maskers? Hell, Anti-Vaxxers are practically mainstream.

An.ti – Mask.er (an ti mas ker) n. 2020 origin American Continent 1. Angry or discontented American, devoid of care for their fellow country men or any human for that matter to the point of refusing to wear a mask the way a normal person wears pants. 2. Person who believes wearing a mask potentially protecting their fellow man from a deadly virus is so egregious to their “constitutional rights” they would rather get infected and die than simply WEAR A GODDAMN MASK. (See Herman Cain) (except you can’t see Herman Cain because he’s hospitalized with Covid-19 after not wearing a mask to Trump’s Tulsa Oklahoma rally)

Yeah man, this is where we are right now. I type this as I watch a series called Life After People. It now seems less like fantasy and more prophetic. The current news makes our Signs of the Apocalypse seem like a silly joke.

In other news, Joe comes out of the basement to throngs of tens, Trump goes into hysterics after crowds of hundreds not millions, and the election on Nov 3rd is likely to be in chaos for millions. Other than that it should be fine. And what happened to the murder bees?

All that and more tonight on:


UF/UF 291 The Rise of the Anti-Maskers



A tale of two masks

UF/UF 281: From Russia with Love

As the election season ramps up and the Dems realize they’re sucking wind, both parties get notified the Russians are “meddling” in both sides of the election.

Yeah that’s right, Bernie Sanders has been notified the Russians are helping his campaign as well as Trump’s run. Not sure why Trump needs help at this moment, but hey it’s their rubles, they can spend them how they want.

Saddle up gang. The Russians are coming.  Again.

UF/UF 281: From Russia with Love



Comrades in Arms

Podcast Season 2 Episode 55: Burgers, Borscht, and Bad Decisions

As Ancient Rome burned, Emperor Nero sat on a hill and whittled away a piece of wood. Times have changed of course. Now it’s the world that’s burning, literally, and Nero President Obama doesn’t whittle, he goes for burgers. Big goings on this week and we cover it all, or at least a small portion of it. Plus resident “Legitimate Rape” guy Todd Akin has an epic appearance on MSNBC where he tries to man-splain his comments. Click the link, be informed.

Podcast Season 2 Episode 55: Burgers, Borscht, and Bad Decisions

Or find us here: http://unfilteredunfettered.podhoster.com/

Or go to iTunes and search Unfiltered Unfettered. Find the UF/UF icon, click, and enjoy every episode from season 1 and/or 2.

Then tell us what you think, ask questions, argue with us, mock us. Do it in the comment section below or the show’s email: theunmail@yahoo.com

On to the tease…

Hey! A world leader has to eat. #amiright!

Hey! A world leader has to eat. #amiright!

I’ll have the big fat nothing burger.

The President was on a fund raising trip to Delaware when the Malaysia flight was shot out of the sky, killing all 300+ people on board. Instead of making a statement, he went to a burger joint recommended by Crazy Joe Biden. The Prez’s only thoughts on the matter, “I think it will be a terrible tragedy.” Then he said , “And super size my fries.” (not really)



The world his oyster? Sure seems that way at the moment.

The world his oyster? Sure seems that way at the moment.

I’ll have the Crimea, with a side of Kiev, oh and some Borscht!

Comrade President Putin started this mess in the Crimea. Is he to blame, no matter who shot the plane down? With so many troops massed on the Ukraine border is he long from invading the entire country and taking the capital city of Kiev? Does he really eat borscht? That stuff is nasty.




Yes Todd Akin, he's talking about you.

Yes Todd Akin, he’s talking about you.

Hey Cletus, watch this!

Who had a worse Wednesday; the Michigan woman who shot herself in the face with a shotgun after slamming the butt to the floor trying to emphasize her point or Todd Akin, former Missouri Congressman who tried to explain why he said women don’t get pregnant from legitimate rapes because their bodies can, “Shut that whole thing down.” We report you decide!

Plus Tony and I dissect AG Holder’s comments about racial animus hindering the Obama Presidency, in our old segment “Is That Racist?”

Click link. Get smarter.

Podcast Season 2 Episode 55: Burgers, Borscht, and Bad Decisions

Then tell us what you think, ask questions, argue with us, mock us. Do it in the comment section below or the show’s email: theunmail@yahoo.com

Podcast Season 2 Episode 40: Putin, Pearl, and the Poor

Big show tonight. We’re talking Putin, we’re talking poor people, we’re talking Bruce Pearl. In short we’re talking about everything and anything. Don’t blink, you might miss something.

Now click the link.

Podcast Season 2 Episode 40: Putin, Pearl, and the Poor

Or find us here: http://unfilteredunfettered.podhoster.com/

Or go to iTunes and search Unfiltered Unfettered. Find the UF/UF icon, click, and enjoy every episode from season 1 and/or 2.

Then tell us what you think, ask questions, argue with us, mock us.  Do it in the comment section below or the show’s email: theunmail@yahoo.com

On to the tease…

Fishin's great in Crimea this time of year.

Fishin’s great in Crimea this time of year.

Hey, That’s a hate Crimea

Sorry folks, they can’t all be gems. But Putin is on the move in Crimea and I don’t think he’s stopping till he gets all of Ukraine. Who’s gonna stop him?








Eff the Poor!

Eff the Poor!

Let them eat cake!

Rep Paul Ryan says the inner city is in a never-ending spiral of gov’t handouts and poverty. Does that make him a racist? Does suggesting that it makes him a racist make me a racist? We report you decide!




It's just an upside down A.

It’s just an upside down A.

Casting Pearl before swine.

Bruce Pearl is five months away from getting out from under NCAA sanctions for lying about recruiting violations. Auburn hires him up before anyone else can. Smart move but Knoxvillans are hopping mad Tennessee didn’t fire its coach on the eve of the tournament to bring Pearl back. Dopes.




All this and a Top 5 List you don’t want to miss.

Click the Link

Podcast Season 2 Episode 40: Putin, Pearl, and the Poor

Then tell us what you think, ask questions, argue with us, mock us.  Do it in the comment section below or the show’s email: theunmail@yahoo.com

A bear in a cage is still a bear (or, Crimea river)

russian bearI have no doubt that being the President of the United States is a hard job. I also believe that running for president and being the president are very different tasks. In Obama’s case, he is very good at running for president. But, again, being the president is a very different thing. For one thing, being the president is so unique. There simply aren’t that many of them. And, I believe, there are things about being the president that you won’t know, and simply can’t know, until you are the president.

Foreign policy is an area I can imagine that this is true. It wouldn’t surprise me to find out that once you get elected president, you start finding things out that, had you known them before, may have made you feel very different about your predecessor, or may have made you realize that things you were campaigning on weren’t very realistic in the first place. Things like “foreign policy will change under my administration.” I’m sure Obama’s not the first to learn this.

So the Ukraine is in a meltdown. To be clear, the whole thing is quite unclear.

In a recording that’s been leaked between assistant secretary of state Victoria Nuland and Geoffrey Pyatt, ambassador to Ukraine, while discussing the Ukrainian situation, Nuland says “Fuck the EU.” (I guess they thought they were exempt from everything being recorded?) The recording is linked below. While the conversation received press because of her use of the F word towards the EU, the conversation’s value really lies elsewhere. The topic of the call is who they intend to support coming to power in the Ukraine. If anything good could be said to come out of the Snowden incident, it should be that we can certainly say we don’t know what’s going on in our government, and we don’t know what they’re doing.

In spite of the administration’s stance, the point is, we’re very involved. The point is, we’ve been involved. This shouldn’t come as a surprise, eh?

We, the American citizen, have no real way to understand who the good guys and the bad guys are. Remember, the deposed president, Viktor Yanukovych, was democratically elected. He is, however, a bad guy. When you fire on your own people, you’re a bad guy. There are some real bad people on the other side as well. Regardless of who we, the United States, decides to support, our track record on supporting good guys isn’t that good. We supported a lot of good guys who turn into bad guys.

Part of the reason we have no way to figure it out is the sorry state of our media today. We’re not going to get any decent investigative reporting on the situation. What we’ll get will be packaged for what we like. We’ll get packaged news. Once the politicians determine who we’re for or against, (and they already have) then that’s what we’ll get.  So, if you’re just reading straight American media, NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN, Fox, you’re not going to get the whole story. You’re getting packaged American news.  Make no mistake, there are some very bad guys on both sides of this situation.

Let’s talk about the Russians for a second. If the Russians were mucking about in, let’s say Mexico, or Panama, or, let’s say Cuba, how do you think we’d take that? Probably not very well. Make no mistake, Putin’s a bad guy. But we haven’t hesitated to back him in a corner since the end of the cold war.

American foreign policy hasn’t really changed in about 50 years. However, the execution of the policy is a different story. The current administration seems to not only be bad at it, and in the case of Benghazi, unable to read the current tides, but then lie about things when they go bad.

Biden, in case you’ve forgotten, repeatedly ripped Obama on his knowledge of foreign policy when they were both running for president. Yea, you could overlook it as campaign talk if you want. Robert Gates in his book “Duty: Memoirs of a Secretary at War” is not particularly complimentary to Biden on foreign policy, nor is he complimentary of Obama towards the military leadership. Obama, among other things, has said “there will be consequences” if Ukraine “crosses the line” with the protestors. He’s also said “The United States will stand with the international community in affirming that there will be costs for any military intervention in Ukraine,” At this point I believe that is simply rhetoric.  I hope it is.

I know our own country has been willing to engage in military action we have felt necessary. Not everyone in the Ukraine is unhappy about the Russians being there. It’s a diverse country separated by culture, religion, geography, ethnicity, you name it. So now we’re calling Russia’s actions “an invasion” because they’re the bad guys.

Sergiy Aksyonov, the leader of the autonomous Crimean region, last week issued the statement “I call on the president of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin, to provide assistance in securing peace.”

I don’t know anything about foreign policy. I’d like to leave it to smart people, I just don’t know who they are. If you want to learn about what’s going on in the Ukraine, you can’t just stick to American news outlets. That’s a shame, but I believe it.

If you want to listen to something interesting, click on the “Democracy Now” link below and listen to the interview with Stephen Cohen.

Arseniy Yatsenyuk, an opposition leader, concluded an interview last week by saying “Ukraine is in a big mess.” Yes. A mess Indeed.






Podcast Season 2 Episode 36: GOP goes LGBT, US goes Super G & Upton’s Ds go Zero G!

Man, just when you thought it couldn’t get crazier around here, along comes the internet to up the ante. We have it all tonight, from zero gravity breasts to tornados being classified as terrorist weapons of mass destruction to Miley Cyrus eating a thong thrown on stage. I told you it was gettin weird up in here. If you don’t click on this link you lead a boring and unfulfilling life.

Click the link if you love Olympics, thong eating zombies and breasts floating in zero gravity!

Podcast Season 2 Episode 36: GOP goes LGBT, US goes Super G & Upton’s Ds go Zero G!

Or find us here: http://unfilteredunfettered.podhoster.com/

Or go to iTunes and search Unfiltered Unfettered. Find the UF/UF icon, click, and enjoy every episode from season 1 and/or 2.

Then tell us what you think, ask questions, argue with us, mock us.  Do it in the comment section below or the show’s email: theunmail@yahoo.com

On to the tease…

The Drama! Oh the drama!

The Drama! Oh the drama!

Alphabet Soup For Everyone!

The GOP has invited the LGBT to CPAC. Holy spelling bee batman, that’s a lot of letters. But the group GOProud, a conservative group made of LGBTers, is going to speak at the conservative super bowl known as CPAC. What does all that mean. No idea. All I know is CPAC has been added to my C-Span viewing list.





The Tzar groovin on a US athlete who is openly gay. Ha! The irony of it all.

The Tzar groovin on a US athlete who is openly gay. Ha! The irony of it all.

Murica EFF YEAH!

The US begins to assert its dominance at the winter Olympics in Sochi. Medaling in events they haven’t been competitive in for 60 years or more, the US team is peeing on Putin’s propaganda parade. The final straw, US men’s hockey squashed the Russian National team and it wasn’t even hard work let alone a miracle.



It just... I can't...  .....

It just… I can’t… …..

Zero G and I feel Fine!

John Glenn had no idea when he became the first American to orbit the earth that he’d be followed by a swimsuit model wearing an eye patch for a bikini. Kate Upton went through zero gravity for a photo shoot wearing a suit that proved unable to contain all her wonderfulness. I’m guessing that was the point.



All that plus a new segment; Yeah, I got a problem with that! Tune in to find out what two old, fat, retired military guys are complaining about now. Trust me, you don’t want to miss it.

Don’t be the only kid on your block to miss out! Click the link!

Podcast Season 2 Episode 36: GOP goes LGBT, US goes Super G & Upton’s Ds go Zero G!

Then tell us what you think, ask questions, argue with us, mock us.  Do it in the comment section below or the show’s email: theunmail@yahoo.com

Podcast Season 2 Episode 34: Smoke em if ya got em!

Welcome to one of the few bastions of freedom left in the world. Smokers welcome, for a while at least. Forget Wolf Blitzer, forget Hannity, forget Maddow. Take a seat, light up and enjoy a mellow podcast that brings you all you need to know about your world today.

Tune in or miss out!

Click the link if you love Murica and smoking!

Podcast Season 2 Episode 34: Smoke em if ya got em!

Or find us here: http://unfilteredunfettered.podhoster.com/

Or go to iTunes and search Unfiltered Unfettered. Find the UF/UF icon, click, and enjoy every episode from season 1 and/or 2.

Then tell us what you think, ask questions, argue with us, mock us.  Do it in the comment section below or the show’s email: theunmail@yahoo.com

On to the tease…

CVS is doing what?

CVS is doing what?

CVS for your health

The big time pharmacy/convenience store announced it will no longer sell tobacco products of any kind. I get the sentiment, but I’m worried about the precident. How long until they stop carrying the Sham Wow is what I want to know.


Will Putin's showcase crash and burn?

Will Putin’s showcase crash and burn?

The Sochi Blues

What? A country that spent all its’s money on military and space programs & both programs went bankrupt, can’t get the infrastructure necessary to make ready for the Winter Olympiad? Do tell! To be blunt (haha) Sochi has been described as everything from a summer resort to a poor man’s Harlem.


Put up or shut up gang.

Put up or shut up gang.

Chris – say it isn’t so! 

Well it may not be so. Christie accusers are coming out of the woodwork claiming to have all kinds of evidence about bridgegate. Small problem, none of them can produce any of it. The Port Authority director taking all the heat, pic far left, claims to have big Chris dead to rights but won’t hand over evidence. Stop blowing smoke people.


All this plus a great Politicians of the Podcast segment!

Don’t be the only kid on your block to miss out! Click the link!

Podcast Season 2 Episode 34: Smoke em if ya got em!

Then tell us what you think, ask questions, argue with us, mock us.  Do it in the comment section below or the show’s email: theunmail@yahoo.com

Putin’s a Democrat?


2007 Time “Person of the Year.” Another blow to journalism in America

Vladimir Putin wrote a letter to the American people, published on September 11 in the New York Times.

Apparently, on the anniversary of one of the worst attacks ever on America, he felt it necessary to “speak directly to the American people and their political leaders.”

Well, we’ve been all over the board on Syria ourselves, why shouldn’t we let ol Pooty-poo weigh in? Maybe he can even help Obama and Kerry make a decision.

You can read the letter yourself, it’s linked below. In the letter, he says:

Millions around the world increasingly see America not as a model of democracy but as relying solely on brute force, cobbling coalitions together under the slogan “you’re either with us or against us.”

Well, that just wasn’t nice. After more than 3,000 of our fellow citizens were murdered, the phrase stands the test of time. That cobbled coalition was 40 countries. Your dismissive mention and characterization of an event Americans will die remembering solidifies your status as one of the worlds biggest pricks.

Anyway, Secretary Kerry has went on to say that this “Isn’t a game,” which probably puts the situation out of his league.

National Security Adviser Susan Rice said that failing to respond to the chemical weapons attacks in Syria would send a “perverse message”: “You can use these weapons blatantly and just get away with it.” Is that kind of like attacking an Embassy and getting away with it? Susan is probably not going to be much help.

So maybe we needed some help. Unfortunate that it has to come from ol Pooty-poo.

His last paragraph makes me wonder if he’s a Democrat. In it, he takes exception with a line out of Obama’s Syria speech about America’s exceptionalism:

“My working and personal relationship with President Obama is marked by growing trust. I appreciate this. I carefully studied his address to the nation on Tuesday. And I would rather disagree with a case he made on American exceptionalism, stating that the United States’ policy is ‘what makes America different. It’s what makes us exceptional.’ It is extremely dangerous to encourage people to see themselves as exceptional, whatever the motivation.”

It warms my heart to know that he has our President in such high regard, but, we don’t need encouragement. We are exceptional.   We ended two world wars. We’ve made some mistakes, sure. But after 24 years in the U.S. military, I know the tremendous capacity for compassion we have and the tremendous amount of good we’ve done in the world.

He then went on to say that:

“There’s been times when America’s shown arrogance, been dismissive, even derisive.”

….oh, no, wait, that wasn’t Putin, that was our own President in a speech in France after he was elected the first time. You could understand how easy it was to make that mistake. As I recall, it was the start of Obama’s effort to improve our foreign relations in the world.  It looks like it hasn’t worked out that well. There’s no need to wonder why our foreign policy has set us back ages in the last 6 years.

Well, I suppose we shouldn’t be harsh. The administration apparently needed some help, and the letter may have saved Obama (and Kerry) from actually having to make a decision about something important.


Putin’s letter


Obama’s “arrogant America” speech