UF/UF 306: You Can’t Handle the Truth!

As team Trump, quarterbacked by Rudy, gets their collective asses kicked in every court room they’ve entered to the toon of a 1-46 record so far, the country waits and wonders:

Was the election rigged? (no, no it wasn’t).

Can Trump get this thing overturned? (no, no he can’t)

Was there voter fraud and voting irregularities? (no no ther… oh just hold on one second Jack. Yeah they’re was.)

Will it overturn the elction? (No, no it won’t)

But to needs to be fixed for sure. Click and listen, Hupp will make it all better. Also robots being recognized as people is a thing now. That should be fine.


UF/UF 306: You Can’t Handle the Truth!


That’s not how this works! That’s not how any of this works.



After that title do we really need to say anything else. Episode 300! Who would of thought.

Strangely slow political news week for some reason. The fervor over Trumps’ lies about the pandemic has died down already. Both Trump and Biden did town halls this week to no great excitement. Also Hupp takes us all on a walk down memory lane on this week’s Bully Pulpit. Don’t miss it.



Prepare for Episode 300!


UF/UF 299: Where have you gone Kim Kardashian?

Noooo! Say it isn’t so Kim. Sadly 2020 claims another victim. Keeping Up With The Kardashians (KUWTK) is no more. Paris Hilton, who owns that tidy little franchise, has pulled the plug.

By the way did you know Paris Hilton is 40? 40! When the hell did that happen?

All that deep discussion and more tonight on UF/UF The Podcast, Epidsode 299.

UF/UF 299: Where have you gone Kim Kardashian?


BYE BYE Beautiful People

UF/UF94: School’s Out…Forever

Alice Cooper was onto something when he penned that student favorite in 1972. Little did he know…

That’s the current political football right now. To school or not to school, to go to school in reality or in a real building. Much like the NCAA, this issue is has never been about the kids themselves.

We will break it down and reveal our own choices on our progeny’s school method for the upcoming semester. That plus a whole lot more in tonight’s episode of UF/UF The Podcast

Episode 294: School’s Out…Forever


You can’t get him to wear a mask, you think 120 kindergartners will wear one?

UF/UF 290: The Year of Discontent

Man, 2020 has been a year. And it’s only June! It appears neither the pandemic nor the craziness coming from the Trump Whitehouse shows any signs of waning.

Even FOX News is publishing polls showing Trump down big to Biden. FOX News!!! We are through the looking glass my friends.

What will the second half of the year have in store?

Do you really want to know?

Click man, just click.

UF/UF 290: The Year of Discontent


Decisions, decisions…

UF/UF 268: Fickle Bitches

Democratic leadership has made it perfectly clear; they have no leadership. So the smart play, in their minds, is to find a new candidate. You know cause it ain’t like they don’t have 40 to pick from already.

That should work out for them.

Click the link to find out why it won’t and more importantly find out the top 5 candies you should be stealing from your kids trick-or-treat bag this year.

UF/UF 268: Fickle Bitches



20 MF’rs to choose from and not a solid candidate in the  bunch!



UF/UF 259: Joe’s on the loose.

So its the era of Joe apparently.

Joe Biden is back on the trail.  He just doesn’t know where he is. Although that doesn’t keep him from taking wild ass guesses while he’s addressing the crowd. At least the other night his guess as to his location was in the same time zone as his actual destination, just not the same state.

God we love that man.

And then we have Joe Walsh, hard core conservative, former Tea Partier and Congressman from Illinois. When the first wave of Tea Party people started to be swept from office, Joe met his congressional fate.

But he’s back. And unlike our other Joe, Walsh seems to know exactly where he’s wanting to go; the Republican National Convention, as its Presidential Candidate.

Yep you read that right. Republican Joe Walsh is taking on Republican President Donald Trump for the Republican nomination. Buckle up folks it just got interesting.

Click the link. We’ll sort it all out for you.


UF/UF 259: Joe’s on the loose.



Shit just got real.



UF/UF 249: Send in the clowns!

Gas up the clown car boys, it’s debatin season!

For all of you who thought the Republican primary of 2016 was a giant shit show, and I was one of those people; hang on to your hats. You ain’t seen nothing yet.

The Democratic primary has become so large the debates have to be staggered over two nights. The field is so crowded right now the Dems have scheduled debates every month until the primary election just so they can get all the candidates proper air time.

We sort out the field for you tonight. Don’t miss it.

UF/UF 249: Send in the clowns!



primary 202

Clinton, McAuliffe, and Bloomberg are the only non-official candidates in this field, but are expected to join soon.


UF/UF 245: Measels are back!

Editor’s Note: At the time of recording episode 245 in the studio, we were unaware of the transition to the living force of Peter Mayhew, the actor who brought the most beloved walking carpet in the history of movies to life in the form of Chewbacca. 

We would be remiss in not mentioning this event even though we don’t speak of it in the following podcast. It is after all May the 4th. If you need the importance of this day explained to you, Chewbacca’s passing means nothing to you anyway. 

For all others: See you again Chewie, no one is ever really gone.


May the 4th Be With You.

Now on to the show UF/UF 245: Measels are Back

In case you were missing that famous desease that’s so much fun it’ll make you die, the Anit-vaxxer idiots got your back.

They have single-handedly brought back a disease that was eradivcated from America for years now.

Thank assholes.

UF/UF 245: Measels are back. Thanks Assholes.




Pic of actual anti-vaxxer  aka asshole



UF/UF 244: Say it ain’t so Joe!

Well, he’s in now. Great friend of the show and former VP Joe Biden made it official. And we still really can’t figure out why. No point in worrying about that now. He has officially entered the fray. The Bernie Sanders campaign did not reply when asked for comment.

Also don’t miss another installment of our new segment K my A. It’s a doozy.

UF/UF 244: Say it ain’t so Joe!



Biden 2

Hello Cleveland!