UF/UF 342: Fright and Upset in VA Governor’s Race

Not too many people are paying attention, but there is about to something frightful or spooktacular, depending on your view point, happening in the race for governor of Virginia.

For the first time in a long time it looks like the Republicans have a real chance there. Want some evidence? Democrats staged a desperate, boarding on stupid stunt in an attempt to link the Republican candidate to the white nationalist rally held in Charlotte during Trump’s time as President.

It not only failed, it actually backfired. Dems are now in full panic mode as they should be. Tune in to hear us break this down.

Also tonight, Top 5 lists of our favorite candy and horror movies. It’s a 2 for 1 Halloween Extravaganza. It will help tremendously if you go into these lists just accepting the fact that we are right and you are wrong.

Click to find out which it the greatest candy ever.

UF/UF 342: Fright and Upset in VA Governor’s Race

UF/UF 340: The Enemy Within.

So not for nothing, but we predicted this way back. I mean like prior to Biden taking office. His problems would not come from conservatives but from within his own party. And now almost 10 months into his first year, here we are.

The Squad as they call themselves, the radical left wing part of the democratic party, has taken Biden and Pelosi head on and won. Stopping a 3.5 trillion dollar bill aimed at infrastructure that had plenty of republican votes to pass.

We deep dive in what this means for both parties and the mid-term elections creep closer.

Also tonight, robot-dogs – man’s best friend or humanities’ extinction?

Click the link and be warned.

UF/UF 340: The Enemy Within.

They named him Spot. Oh the humanity!

UF/UF 339: Weird Science

We are being told constantly to follow the science. But what science is that? And who’s science? And why aren’t we following the science in any other facet of our lives, like say human biology? And if f*&king science is so great why don’t we have light sabers yet?

Lot’s questions, not many answers. No worry, we’ll make some stuff up.

Click and be educated, or you know… not.

UF/UF 339: Weird Science

A mask mandate we can all get behind.

UF/UF 337: He’s Running

So says my broadcast partner and a host of other people. The he? That would be the 45th President of the United States, Donald John Trump.

I also believe he’s going to run although he’s only teased it and not come right and said he’s running. The big question we tackle tonight; who can beat him from the repub or dem side if he does try to become the 47th President of the US?

Also tonight, in his climate speech Biden says we don’t call them tornadoes anymore. That was surprising news to us quite frankly. So the other hot question we’ll answer for you all is what do we now call those killer, twisting, funnels, of rotating debris?

Tune in to get Hupp’s Top 5 List of culturally appropriate names for said twisty things.

But you gotta click.

UF/UF 337: He’s Running

And he’ll win.

UF/UF 336: Your neighbor’s keeper.

The Texas abortion law has dominated the news cycle, almost pushing the Afghan debacle into the background. As a pro-lifer myself, I get it. The law basically outlaws abortion as most women would never know if they were pregnant after just 6 weeks. I don’t have a particular issue with that. The other part…

The bounty portion of the law, where you could be in for a $10 grand payday for ratting out your neighbor for getting or aiding anyone in getting an abortion to include the Uber or Lyft ride, is causing all kinds of issues for dems and repubs alike.

We discuss that, the Afghan issue, college football being back, and Joe Rogan’s about face on the danger of Covid, (now that he has it).

Don’t miss it.


UF/UF 336: Your neighbor’s keeper.

UF/UF 142: Trump Transition

Yes people. It’s really happening. And no people, the Electoral College is not going to vote for Hillary. Donald J Trump is the next President of these United States of America.

Not to fear, Tony and I are here to walk you though it, all the way to your safe space. But first you gotta click.

UF/UF 142: Trump Transition

Or go to iTunes, search Unfiltered and Unfettered, and join the other thousands of satisfied subscribers. Yes thousands!

You are welcome America.

It's real people.

It’s real people.

Then tell us what you think, ask questions, argue with us, mock us. Do it in the comment section below or the show’s email: theunmail@yahoo.com

UF/UF 142: Trump Transition


Podcast Season 2 Episode 34: Smoke em if ya got em!

Welcome to one of the few bastions of freedom left in the world. Smokers welcome, for a while at least. Forget Wolf Blitzer, forget Hannity, forget Maddow. Take a seat, light up and enjoy a mellow podcast that brings you all you need to know about your world today.

Tune in or miss out!

Click the link if you love Murica and smoking!

Podcast Season 2 Episode 34: Smoke em if ya got em!

Or find us here: http://unfilteredunfettered.podhoster.com/

Or go to iTunes and search Unfiltered Unfettered. Find the UF/UF icon, click, and enjoy every episode from season 1 and/or 2.

Then tell us what you think, ask questions, argue with us, mock us.  Do it in the comment section below or the show’s email: theunmail@yahoo.com

On to the tease…

CVS is doing what?

CVS is doing what?

CVS for your health

The big time pharmacy/convenience store announced it will no longer sell tobacco products of any kind. I get the sentiment, but I’m worried about the precident. How long until they stop carrying the Sham Wow is what I want to know.


Will Putin's showcase crash and burn?

Will Putin’s showcase crash and burn?

The Sochi Blues

What? A country that spent all its’s money on military and space programs & both programs went bankrupt, can’t get the infrastructure necessary to make ready for the Winter Olympiad? Do tell! To be blunt (haha) Sochi has been described as everything from a summer resort to a poor man’s Harlem.


Put up or shut up gang.

Put up or shut up gang.

Chris – say it isn’t so! 

Well it may not be so. Christie accusers are coming out of the woodwork claiming to have all kinds of evidence about bridgegate. Small problem, none of them can produce any of it. The Port Authority director taking all the heat, pic far left, claims to have big Chris dead to rights but won’t hand over evidence. Stop blowing smoke people.


All this plus a great Politicians of the Podcast segment!

Don’t be the only kid on your block to miss out! Click the link!

Podcast Season 2 Episode 34: Smoke em if ya got em!

Then tell us what you think, ask questions, argue with us, mock us.  Do it in the comment section below or the show’s email: theunmail@yahoo.com

Podcast Season 2 Episode 33: The winter of my discontent.

Discontented show for you tonight. The white death blankets much of us in the south and we’re not handling it well. Add to that a State of the Union speech that doens’t really detail the state of the union and well, you’re left with two crabby podcasters.

No matter, the show goes on, as it must.

Tune in or miss out!

Click the link if you love Murica!

Podcast Season 2 Episode 33: The winter of my discontent. 

Or find us here: http://unfilteredunfettered.podhoster.com/

Or go to iTunes and search Unfiltered Unfettered. Find the UF/UF icon, click, and enjoy every episode from season 1 and/or 2.

Then tell us what you think, ask questions, argue with us, mock us.  Do it in the comment section below or the show’s email: theunmail@yahoo.com

On to the tease…

Big Top Jay

Big Top Jay

And a little Carney shall lead them…

The circus is in full swing at the White House. After putting out enrollment figures for Obamacare, Major Garret questions Carney about validity. Carney replies, “I never said that.” Garret reads Carney’s exact words from a press conference not days before. Methinks Jay has lost control of the Big Top.




Do you know who I am!

NY Congressman Michael Grimm (R) does a live TV interview at the conclusion of the State of the Union speech. Grimm gets upset. Grimm threatens to “break the reporter in half like a little boy” and “toss him over the railing” of the 2nd floor in the capital building. All this on live TV. Awesome. He later goes on Fox (of course) to say he lost his composure. Really? REALLY?


A Pres in his natural habitat

A Pres in his natural habitat

State of the State of the Union

It’s bad folks. I mean it’s really bad. The State of the Union speech has become a joke. First of all there is no requirement for the Pres to give a speech. It can just be submitted in writing. President Woodrow Wilson brought us the permanent speech giving. Jefferson had refused to do it during his two terms. We need to take Tom’s cue. It’s a complete farce. Listen in our podcast to find out more.

All this plus a great Five Best Speeches in History list. Don’t like our list, make your own and e-mail it or add it in the comment section of this post.

Don’t be the only kid on your block to miss out! Click the link!

Podcast Season 2 Episode 33: The winter of my discontent. 

Then tell us what you think, ask questions, argue with us, mock us.  Do it in the comment section below or the show’s email: theunmail@yahoo.com

Podcast Season 2 Episode 31: Hitting for the cycle – from Hillary to Heartbreaker

What a show we have tonight. We are all over the globe. The crack news staff at UF/UF is tracking stories on everything from Hillary’s political hit list to Justin Bieber’s suspicion of assault with a deadly egg. Is Hillary done for? Bieber is a Canadian immigrant, will this eggcitement get him deported?

Tune in or miss out!

Click the link if you love America!

Podcast Season 2 Episode 31: Hitting for the cycle – from Hillary to Heartbreaker 

Or find us here: http://unfilteredunfettered.podhoster.com/

Or go to iTunes and search Unfiltered Unfettered. Find the UF/UF icon, click, and enjoy every episode from season 1.

Then tell us what you think, ask questions, argue with us, mock us.  Do it in the comment section below or the show’s email: theunmail@yahoo.com

On to the tease…

Last one out gets the check.

I’m losing by this much.

And so it begins…

NC Senator Kay Hagen (D), skips Obama event in her home state. Says it’s cause she has business in DC. Nuh Uh. She’s getting distance from Obamcare, wildly unpopular in North Carolina. Who’s the next rat to jump from Obama’s Titanic?




As the Worm turns

First he gets drunk and goes on CNN to extol virtues of Kim Jong UN. Now Rodman is having buyers remorse. Crying in front of reporters after arriving in US, Rodman apologizes over and over. Dennis, is that because you made an ass/traitor of yourself or because you and a bunch of retired NBA stiffs lost to the North Korean National team?


All lanes to Christie White House closed?

All lanes to Christie White House closed?

A bridge to no where? 

Still waiting for the other shoe to drop on Christie in the bridge-gate scandal? Don’t hold your breath. This may have been what he said it was. Regardless, polls show it’s not hurt him one bit in NJ. Nationally he’s slipped behind Hill-dogg in race for the WH. But it’s still early 2014. My gut says this doesn’t affect the presumptive Republican nominee at all.

Plus a UF/UF Presidential Big Board update and a great “It’s a Conspiracy!” bit tonight.

Don’t miss out. Click the link.

Podcast Season 2 Episode 31: Hitting for the cycle – from Hillary to Heartbreaker 

Then tell us what you think, ask questions, argue with us, mock us.  Do it in the comment section below or the show’s email: theunmail@yahoo.com

Podcast Season 2 Episode 30: A bridge too far.

Well the fans have spoken. In an overwhelming majority the fans say keep the episode number sequential. So I give you Unfiltered and Unfettered Season 2 Episode 30

Click the link or chose other options below and listen to this podcast, unless of course you love Communism.

Podcast Season 2 Episode 30: A bridge too far.

Or find us here: http://unfilteredunfettered.podhoster.com/

Or go to iTunes and search Unfiltered Unfettered. Find the UF/UF icon, click, and enjoy every episode from season 1.

Then tell us what you think, ask questions, argue with us, mock us.  Do it in the comment section below or the show’s email: theunmail@yahoo.com

On to the tease…

Yo! I got your bridge closing right here, ya half a dope ya!

Yo! I got your bridge closing right here, ya half a dope ya!

Half Cocked

The Bridge-Gate scandal is just getting rolling in NJ. Ahh Jersey Politics, I get all misty just thinking about it. Christie claims he has no knowledge and was not involved. Is that possible? If not, why would he lie? We report, you decide!




"Happy Birthday Mr Dictator..."

“Happy Birthday Mr Dictator…”

Fully Cocked

Dennis Rodman (The Worm) has become detached from whatever was left of his brain. In North Korea with several retired NBA players, Rodman goes off on CNN reporter Chris Cuomo, denounces American captive Kenneth Bae, then sings happy birthday to Kim Jong Un. The Worm is drowning.

"These things happen" - KY State Rep Leslie Coombs

“These things happen” – KY State Rep Leslie Coombs

Locked and Loaded

A Kentucky State Representative lights up the state house in Lexington with her semi-auto pistol. I would say “you damn tea party redneck” but Rep. Leslie Coombs is a Democrat. She has a conceal carry permit and has been armed on the state house floor for some time now. The gun went off as she was unloading it. No injuries reported.

All that plus a new bit “Is That Racist” makes it’s UF/UF debut and an old bit, “What’s Your Pick” makes a triumphant return.
Don’t miss out!

Then tell us what you think, ask questions, argue with us, mock us.  Do it in the comment section below or the show’s email: theunmail@yahoo.com