UF/UF 199: The Stupid, It Burns

Brace yourself people. Lots of stupid this week. We respond with lots of vulgarity. From the #metoo movement going full dumb-ass to the Trump-ettes or deplorables as they prefer, going full anti-constitution while defending the constitution, the stupid abounds.

As usual we break it all down for you. All you gotta do is click the link.

UF/UF 199: The Stupid, It Burns




NY Attorney General – beating women while leading the charge to defend women.

UF/UF 182: We’re gonna need a bigger boat.

It was just that kind of week my friends. So much going on in every facet of society. Flynn is testifying, Congress is giving us a tax break on our private jets, Tennessee is showing the world how not to make a hire, and our favorite Kim is splodin nukes and causin quakes.

How do we keep it all straight. Well that’s the easy part.  Just click and we clear it all up. You’re welcome America.

UF/UF 182: We’re gonna need a bigger boat.



No see, what had happe… Yeah but he… I mean Flynn said… Yes those were my tweets but…
