UF/UF 334: NFL – No Freedom League?

The NFL has instituted some serious covid protocols and penalties for the unvaxxed players among them. In turn the most pampered, spoiled, ass kissed athletes on the planet are crying about “mah freedooommssss!”

So is the NFL overreaching as the normally do? Are the players giant cry babies? Can it be both? Maybe, but you’ll have to listen.

We also break down the race for the dumbest Democrat currently serving in government federal and state levels. The winner may surprise you…

But you gotta click.

UF/UF 334: NFL – No Freedom League

To Vax or not to Vax? That is the question. Or is it?

UF/UF 274: It was the best of times…

Depending on your perspective 2019 may have been great.  It may also have been shitty. Well we here at UF/UF The Podcast have the uncanny ability to straddle that line.

So tonight we break it all down for you; the best, the worst, the most sad, and the things most ludicrous that they might just make you happy.

Click the link, you’ll love it.  Or you may hate it. Up to you.

UF/UF 274: It was the best of times…





Totally up to you.


UF/UF 217: Confirmation Consternation

EDITOR’S UPDATE: At the time of the taping of UF/UF 217 the Browns and Jets were about to take the field. We discussed this at length in 91 Seconds of Sports and the 5 Questions segments. After falling behind early to the Jets, rookie Baker Mayfield entered the game for the Browns and engineered their first victory in 2 years. 

You read that right. BROWNS WIN! BROWNS WIN!

Carry on.

Liberals see doomsday on the horizon. Conservatives sense victory and possible chance to overturn Roe v Wade finally.  It’s she said/he said time in the Senate conformation hearings for Trump’s Supreme Court Nominee.

Does he get confirmed? Does she derail the Republicans march toward a conservative court for the next 40 years? Does it matter what really happened 36 years ago at a high-school party where all parties were, by their own admission, drunk as to cloud their memories?

We report you decide!

UF/UF 217: Confirmation Consternation





Is there still a seat for Kavanaugh?


UF/UF 212: Uncle Don Wants You – for the Space Force!

Yeah that’s right, the Space Force is a thing now. But don’t try to butt in line to sign up. Hupp has first dibs. Also don’t look now but the flag protests in the NFL have been reignited… by President Trump.

But really, join the Space Force.  As one observant Trump supporter opined, “It’ll be a big waste of money but it will be so cool.”

Would you like to know more?

UF/UF 212: Uncle Don Wants You – for the Space Force!



You know this happened.





UF/UF 211: KANE!

Hey guess what?  A professional wrassler ran for Mayor of Knox County  in Tennessee, the home of UF/UF The Podcast, and won easily.  Hey guess what, he still wrassels and goes by the name KANE! And guess what else, he can kick your mayor’s ass.

We have more election results and a few insights on the latest round of Mediori Overreacticum.  For you unwashed that’s Latin for Media Overreaction.  Either way you say it the renting of garments in the media has reached new levels of asshattery.

Click and be fulfilled.

UF/UF 211: KANE!



Yes our mayor can kick the living shit out of your mayor.


UF/UF 203: Fly Eagles Fly

Oh he done did it now. He done messed with my boys, my Iggles.  And if you haven’t heard, they are the Super Bowl Champion Iggles. The President drug the reigning world champion Eagles into the NFL kneeling controversy and then it all broke loose. FOX news went all in to help the Prez and only made it worse.

Click the link and hear us break it all down.

UF/UF 203: Fly Eagles Fly




UF/UF 174: Protestations

Kneeling, standing, sitting, prone, no matter your preference there is a protest position for even the laziest of patriots. What there seems to be a lack of is a clear message. Are the bigger groups of players protesting the injustices in America or are they protesting the President cause he called them sons a bitches?

Who knows?

We do, that’s who!

Click and we’ll clear it all up for you, or Hupp will be your house boy for the rest of the year.

UF/UF 174: Protestations

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Peep the new studio equipment. We’re moving on up (but only as far as the oppressive government will let us).

You’re welcome America!


Very high tech. Hupp only lets me look. I’m under strict no touch orders.