UF/UF 340: The Enemy Within.

So not for nothing, but we predicted this way back. I mean like prior to Biden taking office. His problems would not come from conservatives but from within his own party. And now almost 10 months into his first year, here we are.

The Squad as they call themselves, the radical left wing part of the democratic party, has taken Biden and Pelosi head on and won. Stopping a 3.5 trillion dollar bill aimed at infrastructure that had plenty of republican votes to pass.

We deep dive in what this means for both parties and the mid-term elections creep closer.

Also tonight, robot-dogs – man’s best friend or humanities’ extinction?

Click the link and be warned.

UF/UF 340: The Enemy Within.

They named him Spot. Oh the humanity!

UF/UF 327: The crazy, it’s spreading!

What a week! Hard to know where to start. Even harder to know where to stop. We could go on for days about this past week.

Let’s see. Phil Mickelson won the PGA Championship at 50yrs of age.

MTG busted out her Mexican accent for the hometown crowd. Not kidding.

Republicans blocked the Jan 6th commission, having no desire to learn anything more about the attack on the democracy over which they preside.

And a Nashville hat store started selling yellow Stars of David that read Not Vaccinated on them.

The store owners justification? She wanted to make sure the same thing that happened to the Jews in Nazi Germany didn’t happen here.

I imagine that makes sense in some alternate reality, but I doubt it. Unfortunately for her she got a crash course in market capitalism.

Will it likely be the end of her business?

Click here to find out!

UF/UF 327: The crazy, it’s spreading!

Don’t man, just don’t.

UF/UF 326: Another No No Cuomos

Well, they’re at it again.

Not that this should come as a surprise, but terrifically smug and sanctimonious Chris Cuomo of CNN has been conspiring with his brother, the Governor of NY, over the governor’s sexual harassment issues.

The arrogance by both men is unbelievable but not surprising.

We’ll break it all down and dish out the appropriate amount of disdain and vulgarity this situation demands. Plus Tony attacks the science from Planned Parenthood of using a cut up rubber glove as a condom for the small penised among us.

Click it. You know you want to.

UF/UF 326: Another No No Cuomos

Shame and Guilt in human form.

UF/UF 325: MTG vs AOC who ya got?

Now we’re gettin somewhere.

If you’ve followed us at all you know we are always here for the rough stuff. And finally the two young guns in congress are getting after it.

It’s North vs South, Georgia vs New York, MTG vs AOC. Good looking members of congress with names so long they both go by their edgy monograms.

This could be a solid bout. AOC is more diminutive but feisty hailing from the mean streets of the Bronx and part of Queens. MTG is a sexy gym rat, chiseled and toned on her own training business ironically enough also in the 14th district. In this case that means Dade, Polk, and Catoosa counties in the northwest corner of Georgia.

Tough to pick a philly in this race. In the octagon I’m going MTG; a trained fighter with a good history of living in the gym. In the streets I’m going with AOC, the former bartender from the Bronx.

We’ll see how this plays out, but you know what we’re hoping for. Fingers’ crossed.

UF/UF 325: MTG vs AOC who ya got?

UF/UF 322: When Johnny Comes Marchin Home

It’s over. After 20 years, finally and officially over.

The war in Afghanistan is done. In what no one will recognize as a truly bi-partisan effort, President Biden officially ended the war and set the date for the troops to come home. Paying off on a promise President Trump made during his campaign in 2016 and set in motion in 2020.

As 24 and 22 year veterans ourselves, of course Hupp and I are biased and all in favor.

Presidents Bush and Obama both made threats/promises to get the troops back but it was Presidents Trump and then Biden who managed to actually get it done.

This is clearly not getting nearly the play it deserves. Go figure. Neither side can manage to turn it into a political missile to fire at the other so of course no lip service from the “media”.

Not a problem. As per usual, Tony and I will carry the water for those so called professionals who have long since forgotten what professionalism means.

UF/UF 322: When Johnny Comes Marchin Home

Coming home. Finally.