UF/UF 253: Joey Jaws Shows His Chestnuts

As the internet and social media continue to shrink the world and blend cultures, one thing remains distinctly American.


Chestnut does it again. 71 hotdogs and buns. A record 12 titles. God Bless America!

We did other stuff too, but when America is this awesome what else is there to talk about.


UF/UF 253: Joey Jaws Shows His Chestnuts



Joey Jaws Chestnut is the vessel of our freedom!

UF/UF 191: Everybody loves a parade!

Great Kim Jong Il’s ghost! A parade? With tanks and missiles and goose stepping troops?!? Hell yeah, sign us up. On second thought… Click the link and hear what two 20 year vets have to say about a military parade in DC on July 4th. Spoiler – it’s bullshit. But the conversation is fun so click anyway.

Come for the parade stay for the theater. UF/UF playhouse rides again! Tune in as Tony and Fran put voice to the lovers e-mails between two amorous FBI agents. You can’t live without hearing this. Trust me.


UF/UF 191: Everybody loves a parade!



Well maybe this parade…