UF/UF 269: Words Mean Things

If you’ve ever consciously uncoupled or have been self-partnered, well my friend you just might be an idiot. If you’ve referred to yourself or others with a pronoun besides  he/she or her/him, well you are an idiot.

We are in an epidemic people; an epidemic of asshattery on a literary scale.  Would you like to know more? Click the link and we’ll break it all down for you. But you ain’t gonna like it. The Hollywood ranks renaming shit I mean.

You’ll love the podcast, as always.

Click it.

UF/UF 269: Words Mean Things




This hottie is self-partnering.  Yes, I’d pay money to see that.

UF/UF 235: Fly on the Wall

The President has opened Pandora’s Box, grabbed the third rail, tempted the gods, etc, etc, etc…

What he has really done is f**k up. The precedent he is about to set may get his wall built and keep his campaign promise but it will do little to fix the actual issue and sets the table for the next Democrat President to do likewise on issues they deem important. Plus it’s gonna cost billions in taxes.  Mexico ain’t paying for it my friends.

I don’t care what party you’re in, that’s just plain stupid and very reckless. We’ll see how it plays out.

Click the link and we’ll discuss.

UF/UF 235: Fly on the Wall





Take my money. You’re going to anyway.

UF/UF 230: At the Wailing Wall

You thought you heard too much about the Russians?  ha! Brace yourselves my friends. You ain’t heard nothing yet. Coverage of the Wall will make coverage of the Russians seem like a 30 second sound bite.

The wailing and gnashing of teeth over the Wall will go on for as long as the shut down for obvious reasons. The question then; is the end in sight? The answer; not even close.

Buckle up gang. And click the link.

UF/UF 230: At the Wailing Wall





I’m no wall expert but…

UF/UF 228: 2018 – The year that was.

It was a long year. It was a strange year. It was the year that was.

It was a year that saw a spike in earnings and a decrease in inflation. In 2018 more jobs were available than people who needed jobs. Both of those things haven’t happened in almost 30 years. The stock market hit 26,800 in trading, a first in history. Retirement accounts boomed, thanks in part to the record stock market.

So the question is… What the hell are y’all so mad about!?!?! There have been more marches and causes in 2018 then at any point in our history and that includes the American Revolution and the 1960s.

Well click the link and Hupp and I will  tell you why all of you are wrong and why you should be ecstatic.

Happy New Year!

UF/UF 228: 2018 – The year that was.



new year

Come at me 2019!


UF/UF 207: When a #shero comes along…

Yeah you read that right. Shero, as in women heroes. Folks we need em, the sheros.  A crisis has emerged.  A civil war has broken out and it’s not Trumpians vs Liberals.  It’s not Avengers vs Justice League. It’s the… It’s… I can’t believe I’m typing this.

It’s the Lesbians (#sheros) vs the Transgenders (no hashtag, indicating their lameness) over the right to womanhood.  As in who are real women and who aren’t.  The first shot was fired by the #sheros at the pride parade in London, England. They wanted the Trans folks out of the parade and more importantly out of the movement for equality. This isn’t getting much play as you might imagine.

All joking aside this may have serious implications in the issue over the rights of Transgenders in this country.  Stay tuned.  More on this in the future.  Until then revel in the glory that is the greatest hashtag since #feelthebern

As for me and my house we are team #shero.

We talked about other stuff too. So click and listen.

UF/UF 207: When a #shero comes along…





The #shero we need!


UF/UF 172: Irma need you to settle down.

Strap in my friends. It’s about to get crazy. Out of control deadly fires in Los Angeles and parts of Montana, hurricanes Irma, Jose, and Katia are pounding the Atlantic sea board, and an 8.2 magnitude earth quake just hit Mexico.

Oh yeah, and Trump agreed to the Democrat’s deal about the debt ceiling, essentially pushing Republicans under the bus for the next election cycle. Trump actually hugged Chuck Schumer (D) NY and Nancy Pelosi (D) CA.

Are we in the end times? Are dogs lying down with cats? We’re the Mayans right?

Nope. Storms move in cycles, Mayans can’t count past 2012, and Trump is and always will be a liberal Democrat. We’ve been saying that since he started his run.

Just click. We’ll splain it all for you or Hupp will come fold your laundry.

UF/UF 172: Irma need you to settle down.

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You’re Welcome America!


Maybe if they were a real news station they could provide proper rain slickers to their employees. THIS IS CNN!