UF/UF 302: Option C Please

Editor’s Note: At the time of the taping of this podcast the President had not been taken to the hospital. We at UF/UF The Podcast wish President Trump and more so First Lady Melania a speedy recovery.

Wow that was something alight. Something terrible and embarrassing.

It brought to mind the declaration from King Longshanks in Braveheart when he pondered who to send to negotiate with William Wallace. When the thought of his son came to mind he said this: The mere sight of him would only encourage an enemy to take over the whole country. 

My friends that sums up the 1st presidential debate in a nutshell. A petulant man-baby who is President and a doddering old man who wants to be President.

How have we not been invaded yet?

Click the link.

UF/UF 302: Option C Please


Holy Guacamole we’re doomed!


UF/UF 216: Hardcore Melania

Our First Lady, after what some calla bit of an absence from the public eye has come out blasting. She torpedoed the NYT Op Ed author, who still remains anonymous.  And now she’s headed to Africa on a humanitarian trip.

Could the First Lady bring some sanity and order back to Trump’s White House. We hope so. And for what it’s worth, our money is always on smart and sexy. Melania has that covered and then some.

Click and be edified.

UF/UF 216: Hardcore Melania





Not the President we deserve, but the President we need. Melania 2020!

UF/UF 208: Trump vs the UN-united Kingdom

Love him, hate him, embarrassed by him, whatever your feeling toward our president is, we must close ranks behind him when he travels to foreign countries.  Our good friends in the UK, (remember we kicked their ass in 1776) felt the need to insult our President.  What’s worse, the mayor of London condoned it, even encouraged it.  Now he’s a swine no doubt, and we knew that but still.

Anyway, President Trump finally made his trip to the UK and the locals showed their collective asses. I won’t even dignify what they did by describing it.  Safe to say, there is a reason we kicked them in the bloody ole bum so long ago.

Give a listen, we have some thoughts on the matter.

UF/UF 208: Trump vs the UN-united Kingdom





Forget all the other crap, the Lady in yellow Trumps everyone.

UF/UF 205: Does anyone really care anymore?

Spoiler, the answer is no. Neither side wants to fix the issue. Liberals want to vilify Trump, conservatives want to justify Trump.  Zero people are actually thinking of the well being of the kids on the boarder, caught in the middle of the inter-species orgy known as American politics.

We’ll break it all down with some rough talk and witty metaphors. Also tonight, a Grandmother strangles a rabid racoon to death with her bare hands because it was easier than calling for help. I think I’m in love.

Click it!

UF/UF 205: Does anyone really care anymore?





Civility in the midst of vile insanity.  RIP Charles.