UF/UF 285: It’s the economy stupid!

If the cure kills you in a different way, aren’t you still dead?  That, in effect, is what the President is supposing as he hints at lifting some Corona Virus restrictions to get the country and the economy moving again.

We break that premise down tonight as well as play Where is Uncle Joe? Biden that is.  He’s the presumptive nominee for the Democratic party and he can’t seem to get on TV at the moment.  With his disjointed thoughts and slurring style of speech lately maybe that’s a good thing.

Anyway, Hupp and I are germ free as far as we know, so click the link.  It wont hurt ya… for very long.

UF/UF 285: It’s the economy stupid!



This outta be good.

UF/UF 208: Trump vs the UN-united Kingdom

Love him, hate him, embarrassed by him, whatever your feeling toward our president is, we must close ranks behind him when he travels to foreign countries.  Our good friends in the UK, (remember we kicked their ass in 1776) felt the need to insult our President.  What’s worse, the mayor of London condoned it, even encouraged it.  Now he’s a swine no doubt, and we knew that but still.

Anyway, President Trump finally made his trip to the UK and the locals showed their collective asses. I won’t even dignify what they did by describing it.  Safe to say, there is a reason we kicked them in the bloody ole bum so long ago.

Give a listen, we have some thoughts on the matter.

UF/UF 208: Trump vs the UN-united Kingdom





Forget all the other crap, the Lady in yellow Trumps everyone.