UF/UF 338: “We will not comply!”

So says WWE wrestler KANE! Otherwise known as Knox County Mayor Glenn Jacobs. The mayor sent a letter to President Biden declaring that Knox County Tennessee will not comply with vaccine mandate for businesses with 100 or more employees.

No reply from the President or the Undertaker as of yet. Stay tuned.

Meanwhile the people who are supposed to be looking out for the poor, or so they claim, are going to Met Gala’s in custom made expensive dresses yelling about taxing the rich. I’ll let the irony sink in for you all who get it.

All this plus Nikki Minaj’s cousin’s friend’s balls tonight on Episode 338 of UF/UF The Podcast.

But you gotta click.

UF/UF 338: “We will not comply!”

Knox County Mayor Glenn Jacobs. Yep both pics.

UF/UF 211: KANE!

Hey guess what?  A professional wrassler ran for Mayor of Knox County  in Tennessee, the home of UF/UF The Podcast, and won easily.  Hey guess what, he still wrassels and goes by the name KANE! And guess what else, he can kick your mayor’s ass.

We have more election results and a few insights on the latest round of Mediori Overreacticum.  For you unwashed that’s Latin for Media Overreaction.  Either way you say it the renting of garments in the media has reached new levels of asshattery.

Click and be fulfilled.

UF/UF 211: KANE!



Yes our mayor can kick the living shit out of your mayor.