UF/UF 118: Yes He Can!



Who woulda thunk it? Not I, not Hupp. Well Hupp did have an inclination and laid out the path by which victory could be possible a while ago. Well guess what? The path becomes more clear and more straight by the day. He can win. Hupp now says he will win. Who is he? The Donald of course. The hairpiece. The mouth heading to the south. Judging from this last debate Trump is down to about two or three hurdles to jump before he becomes the nominee for President of the United States for the Republican party.

Let that sink in. We’ll wait.


If you want to know who the hurdles are and what the path for Trump looks like, you gottta click.

UF/UF 118: Yes He Can!


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Bitch Please!

Is it just me or has Ben Carson become a whining idiot? He is the only candidate who still complains about not getting air time. His first words in this last debate were “Oh I’m glad you asked me a question finally. I didn’t think you knew I was here.” Yeah Ben you just summed up your candidacy perfectly.



HA! Look at all my Hydrogen! Take that you Yankee dogs!

HA! Look at all my Hydrogen! Take that you Yankee dogs!

Hall of Fame!

You can keep your Baseball HoF with their rigged voting and your NFL HoF with their drunken speeches. Tonight we cut the ribbon on the UF/UF Asshole Hall of Fame with our inaugural class of 2016 inductees. I won’t spoil it but the first man in started an earthquake in his own country test firing an H-Bomb. Yeah. We. Are. Next. Level. Submit your inductee list in the comments below.



I find your lack of UF/UF subscription disturbing.

I find your lack of UF/UF subscription disturbing.

I know a guy.

Well I know 5 guys and they’re bad. All bad. And we list out the top 5 bad guys in movies for you tonight. It’s an official list so don’t miss out. Feel free to challenge or add your list in the comments below. You know who tops the list.





You get all this plus a new segment where we run down the positive news stories of the day. You don’t want to miss that.


UF/UF 118 Yes He Can!

Click it!

Then tell us what you think, ask questions, argue with us, mock us. Do it in the comment section below or the show’s email: theunmail@yahoo.com

Podcast Season 2 Episode 53: Hupp has a New Hobby – Futbol!

Oh we have a great on for you tonight. I mean they’re all great but this one might me the greatiest. We’re talking two of Hupp’s favorite things: SCOTUS decisions about religion and Futbol! or soccer. So get some popcorn as we go head to head over the Supreme Court and the most popular sport on the planet.

We’ll talk about some other stuff too.

Click the link now, thank us later.

Podcast Season 2 Episode 53: Hupp has a New Hobby – Futbol!

Or find us here: http://unfilteredunfettered.podhoster.com/

Or go to iTunes and search Unfiltered Unfettered. Find the UF/UF icon, click, and enjoy every episode from season 1 and/or 2.

Then tell us what you think, ask questions, argue with us, mock us. Do it in the comment section below or the show’s email: theunmail@yahoo.com

On to the tease…

Talk about leaving a mark!

Talk about leaving a mark!

Where did our love go?

Obama roughed up by the Supremes. The Supreme Court that is. Hobby Lobby plays the hypocritical faith card and wins. What’s worse, the Court says Obama can’t make recess appointments if John of Orange says the House is in a session even if no one is present. That’s gotta sting.




Is that crack I smell?

Is that crack I smell?

He’s back and off crack!!!!

Well for the moment he is. The coolest mayor in North America is back from rehab and ready to run Toronto again. The question; is Toronto ready? Is the world ready? I know I’m ready.




I'm not the worst! Yeah! Take that America.

I’m not the worst! Yeah! Take that America.

Move over Jim.

The results are in and Obama is now polling as the worst President (33%) since WWII. But it’s not Jimmy Carter that has to move over. He’s only polling at around 7%. It’s big W, George Bush 43 that slides to second, polling around 28%. Third place, well that bastard is way back in the low teens.


All this plus a new bit where Tony and I lay down 5 presidential decrees we would enact in “If I was President!”

Don’t miss it.

Podcast Season 2 Episode 53: Hupp has a New Hobby – Futbol!

Then tell us what you think, ask questions, argue with us, mock us. Do it in the comment section below or the show’s email: theunmail@yahoo.com





Podcast Season 2 Episode 31: Hitting for the cycle – from Hillary to Heartbreaker

What a show we have tonight. We are all over the globe. The crack news staff at UF/UF is tracking stories on everything from Hillary’s political hit list to Justin Bieber’s suspicion of assault with a deadly egg. Is Hillary done for? Bieber is a Canadian immigrant, will this eggcitement get him deported?

Tune in or miss out!

Click the link if you love America!

Podcast Season 2 Episode 31: Hitting for the cycle – from Hillary to Heartbreaker 

Or find us here: http://unfilteredunfettered.podhoster.com/

Or go to iTunes and search Unfiltered Unfettered. Find the UF/UF icon, click, and enjoy every episode from season 1.

Then tell us what you think, ask questions, argue with us, mock us.  Do it in the comment section below or the show’s email: theunmail@yahoo.com

On to the tease…

Last one out gets the check.

I’m losing by this much.

And so it begins…

NC Senator Kay Hagen (D), skips Obama event in her home state. Says it’s cause she has business in DC. Nuh Uh. She’s getting distance from Obamcare, wildly unpopular in North Carolina. Who’s the next rat to jump from Obama’s Titanic?




As the Worm turns

First he gets drunk and goes on CNN to extol virtues of Kim Jong UN. Now Rodman is having buyers remorse. Crying in front of reporters after arriving in US, Rodman apologizes over and over. Dennis, is that because you made an ass/traitor of yourself or because you and a bunch of retired NBA stiffs lost to the North Korean National team?


All lanes to Christie White House closed?

All lanes to Christie White House closed?

A bridge to no where? 

Still waiting for the other shoe to drop on Christie in the bridge-gate scandal? Don’t hold your breath. This may have been what he said it was. Regardless, polls show it’s not hurt him one bit in NJ. Nationally he’s slipped behind Hill-dogg in race for the WH. But it’s still early 2014. My gut says this doesn’t affect the presumptive Republican nominee at all.

Plus a UF/UF Presidential Big Board update and a great “It’s a Conspiracy!” bit tonight.

Don’t miss out. Click the link.

Podcast Season 2 Episode 31: Hitting for the cycle – from Hillary to Heartbreaker 

Then tell us what you think, ask questions, argue with us, mock us.  Do it in the comment section below or the show’s email: theunmail@yahoo.com

Podcast Season 2 Episode 30: A bridge too far.

Well the fans have spoken. In an overwhelming majority the fans say keep the episode number sequential. So I give you Unfiltered and Unfettered Season 2 Episode 30

Click the link or chose other options below and listen to this podcast, unless of course you love Communism.

Podcast Season 2 Episode 30: A bridge too far.

Or find us here: http://unfilteredunfettered.podhoster.com/

Or go to iTunes and search Unfiltered Unfettered. Find the UF/UF icon, click, and enjoy every episode from season 1.

Then tell us what you think, ask questions, argue with us, mock us.  Do it in the comment section below or the show’s email: theunmail@yahoo.com

On to the tease…

Yo! I got your bridge closing right here, ya half a dope ya!

Yo! I got your bridge closing right here, ya half a dope ya!

Half Cocked

The Bridge-Gate scandal is just getting rolling in NJ. Ahh Jersey Politics, I get all misty just thinking about it. Christie claims he has no knowledge and was not involved. Is that possible? If not, why would he lie? We report, you decide!




"Happy Birthday Mr Dictator..."

“Happy Birthday Mr Dictator…”

Fully Cocked

Dennis Rodman (The Worm) has become detached from whatever was left of his brain. In North Korea with several retired NBA players, Rodman goes off on CNN reporter Chris Cuomo, denounces American captive Kenneth Bae, then sings happy birthday to Kim Jong Un. The Worm is drowning.

"These things happen" - KY State Rep Leslie Coombs

“These things happen” – KY State Rep Leslie Coombs

Locked and Loaded

A Kentucky State Representative lights up the state house in Lexington with her semi-auto pistol. I would say “you damn tea party redneck” but Rep. Leslie Coombs is a Democrat. She has a conceal carry permit and has been armed on the state house floor for some time now. The gun went off as she was unloading it. No injuries reported.

All that plus a new bit “Is That Racist” makes it’s UF/UF debut and an old bit, “What’s Your Pick” makes a triumphant return.
Don’t miss out!

Then tell us what you think, ask questions, argue with us, mock us.  Do it in the comment section below or the show’s email: theunmail@yahoo.com

Podcast Season 2 Episode 29: New Year – Old News

We’re back! Welcome to season two of Unfiltered and Unfettered. Yeah Season Two. Let that sink in for a second. Not sure who made the career ending decision to green light our show for a second season, but God bless em!

A question for you, our faithful readers/listeners. Should we restart the clock on episode numbers or stay continuous. In other words should this be episode 1 of season two or should we just keep counting and call it episode 29? Answer in the comment section or e-mail us if you please.

OK let’s get to work.

Click the link or chose other options below and listen to this podcast, unless of course you hate real America.

Episode 1 or 29: New Year – Old News

Or find us here: http://unfilteredunfettered.podhoster.com/

Or go to iTunes and search Unfiltered Unfettered. Find the UF/UF icon, click, and enjoy every episode from season 1.

Then tell us what you think, ask questions, argue with us, mock us.  Do it in the comment section below or the show’s email: theunmail@yahoo.com

On to the tease…


Ah fresh powder.
Ah, fresh powder.

Old Faithful – on skies.

Yeah our old buddy is back and he’s badder than ever. Kim Jong Un, fresh off grinding his uncle’s bones into a fine powder, uses that powder to open North Korea’s first ever ski resort. Open to the public too. Never let it be said he’s not a man of the people.


Don't let them forget. Ever.

Don’t let them forget. Ever.

Chew that bone Darrell

Rep. Issa, R CA, is not letting go of the Benghazi cover up. Call him a right wing nut job if you want, but he’s one of the few in government that seems at all concerned about how four Americans were left to die in our own embassy. That makes Darrell our Politician of the Podcast.


Jean Luc Picard - greatest of all time? (yes)

Jean Luc Picard – greatest of all time? (yes)

2013 – Politics of the Weird

UF/UF top five list of the weirdest things in politics for 2013. The Pres tops our geek list when he confused Star Wars and Star Trek. Truly an impeachable offense.




All that and more as the ball drops on a new year.

Listen here.

Episode 1 or 29: New Year – Old News

Then tell us what you think, ask questions, argue with us, mock us.  Do it in the comment section below or the show’s email: theunmail@yahoo.com

click the link





do it






well go on and do it already




Podcast Episode 27: Habemus a Budgeteum!

Release the white smoke! Habemus Budgeteum! We have a budget! Plus we have a podcast; episode 27 to be exact. You want to hear what we have to say, then follow instructions.

Click the link or chose other options below and listen to this podcast, unless of course you hate money.

Episode 27: Habemus a budgeteum!

Or find us here: http://unfilteredunfettered.podhoster.com/

Or go to iTunes and search Unfiltered Unfettered. Find the UF/UF icon, click, and enjoy every episode from season 1.

Then tell us what you think, ask questions, argue with us, mock us.  Do it in the comment section below or the show’s email: theunmail@yahoo.com

On to the tease…

Kiss the Ring!

Kiss the Ring!

Homo ex annum

Yeah the literal translation doesn’t work so well. No matter. My namesake, Pope Francis 1st, is Time’s Man of the Year for 2013. From the ridiculous rouges gallery of finalists including Syria’s Assad and Edward Snowden, who did you think it would be. This guy sneaks out in the middle of the night, shakes his security detail, all to feed the poor in the streets. Are you kidding me!





Lookin good Helen!

Clearly these three are a threat to freedom.

Praesidis sui photos

Latin makes anything look good, well except man of the year. But it does wonders for phrases like Presidential Selfies. Fox news goes batcrap crazy over a selfie pic by Danish PM Helle Thorning-Schmidt, British PM Cameron and our President, taken during Mandella’s memorial. No matter that Madiba’s legacy was trying to bring people and cultures together. Fox spends day and a half of coverage bemoaning the President’s actions. Dopes.



This handshake deemed Ryan unclean.

This handshake deemed Ryan unclean.

Habemus a budgeteum!

We have a budget! Paul Ryan and Patty Murray finally get a budget hammered out. 1st one in the history of this administration. Problem – Ryan is an R, Murray is a D. The conservative criticism led by Hannity and Limbaugh was fast a furious. The bill passed the house in overwhelming numbers. Ryan missed it all though. He had to hustle back to Wisconsin to prepare for the primary challenge he’ll face from the Tea Party wing of the his own party.


All this and a bunch more on tonight’s episode of UNfiltered & UNfettered – The world explained, by us.

Episode 27: Habemus a budgeteum!

Then tell us what you think, ask questions, argue with us, mock us.  Do it in the comment section below or the show’s email: theunmail@yahoo.com

Podcast Episode 23: Handy Manny Builds a Death Star

Another big show tonight!

It was a busy week and we’ll try to cover all the news that’s fit to print.

Click the link or chose other options below and listen to this podcast, unless of course you hate truthiness.

Episode 23: Handy Manny Builds a Death Star

Find us here: http://unfilteredunfettered.podhoster.com/

Or go to iTunes and search Unfiltered Unfettered. Find the UF/UF icon, click, and enjoy every episode from season 1.

Then tell us what you think, ask questions, argue with us, mock us.  Do it in the comment section below or the show’s email: theunmail@yahoo.com

"Luke, I am your HMO"

“Luke, I am your HMO”

That’s no moon! Turn the ship around!

In our new segment, Are You Kidding Me! we bring you some of the craziest facts surrounding the new healthcare law. Here’s a taste: More people signed a White House petition to build a Death Star than have signed up for Obamacare. Say it with me ARE YOU KIDDING ME!




Get used to this position madam Secretary

Get used to this position madam Secretary

Sebelius Unplugged!

No, MTV is not reviving it’s hit segment. The HHS secretary Kathleen Sebelius, worthy of her own ARE YOU KIDDING ME! is so detached from the disaster that is healthcare.gov she thinks stories about people not being able to log on are just “one time anomalies.”


Is that Handy Manny or Bob the Builder? We report, you decide!

Is that Handy Manny or Bob the Builder? We report, you decide!

Handy Manny to the Rescue!

Nancy Pelosi says don’t worry about it. The President is putting a belt and suspenders on the whole deal. It’ll be right as rain in no time. Nothing to see here. Move along, move along.







Plus listener suggested topics. K. Thomas first up with a suggestion about reality vs perception on wealth distribution. Here’s the video we discussed: Wealth Inequality in America      Send us ideas, they may make it to live air!

All this and more on episode 22 of UF/UF. Don’t miss it!

Podcast Episode 23: Handy Manny builds a Death Star

Then tell us what you think, ask questions, argue with us, mock us.  Do it in the comment section below or the show’s email: theunmail@yahoo.com

Podcast Episode 20: The Anniversary.

Big show for you tonight.  We take a look back at the previous podcasts, review some of our favorite punching bags, and punch a few new ones.  

Click the link or chose other options below and listen to this podcast, unless of course you hate happiness.

Podcast Episode 20: The Anniversary. 


They use to call me Crazy Joe, now they call me... ah...ah... Hey who wants ice cream?

They use to call me Crazy Joe, now they call me… ah…ah… Hey who wants ice cream?

 We miss our Crazy Uncle Joe

Ever since we here at UF/UF made Joe a star the administration put him in a closet with a pitcher of Manhattans and a copy of Guns & Ammo. Here’s to the day Joe breaks out and runs for President.  




Who's in charge in North Korea?  We report - you decide!

Who’s in charge in North Korea? We report – you decide!

Kim Jong WTF…

The Great Successor has been MIA since we brought him out into the light on our UF/UF podcasts. Will the youthful dictator come out to play again or has he been secretly replaced with The Worm?




Who's in charge in the Republican Party.  We report - you decide!

Who’s in charge in the Republican Party. We report – you decide!

A star crashes in Texas 

As fast as he vaulted to the stratosphere, Ted Cruz has fallen as fast if not faster. Three weeks removed from the great Filibuster of ’13, Cruz was relegated to marching with Palin under a Confederate Flag and doing a presser while his party leader was making a speech on the floor of the senate.  



All this and more on the great 20th Episode of UF/UF. Don’t miss it!

Podcast Episode 20: The Anniversary. 

Then tell us what you think, ask questions, argue with us, mock us.  Do it in the comment section below or the show’s email: theunmail@yahoo.com

Just because you’re paranoid doesn’t mean they aren’t out to get you.

ATTENTION ALL VERIZON PHONE USERS:  The National Security Agency(NSA) has been cataloging your phone calls.  ALL. OF. THEM.

The best guess so far has the collection of all Verizon phone activity in the United States starting the day after the police captured the surviving Boston Marathon bombing suspect.

Again, Not. Making. This. Up.

Bush tested, Obama Approved!

This is not a joke and I am not making this up.

Read here: NSA Collecting millions of Americans phone records daily.

To say it’s been a tough month for the President would be an understatement.  It would also be completely illogical.  It’s not like he’s having bad luck or catching bad breaks.  He is being tripped up by snares of his own making.  Obama is also reshaping National Security policy and his legacy in the mean time.  My guess is by December he’ll be wishing someone reignites the birth certificate scandal.

Of course the defense being offered up by a lot of progressives and liberals for all this – Bush did it too.

No he didn’t.  Not like this.  Not to this magnitude. Obama passed Nixon and Bush three scandals ago.

Let me count the ways.

The spying scandals are mounting.  First it was the illegal collection of AP reporter’s phone and email data.  The legality of this is still in question.

Then the FBI and DoJ began the same invasive surveillance on FOX news reporter James Rosen because he, get this, reported on a story.  They eventually tagged Rosen as a co-conspiritor in the leak of sensitive national defense information and named him a flight risk.  That means Rosen cannot leave the country.  What was the big story he broke that got him in hot water?  Well, it seems Rosen got confirmation from 2 sources in the State Department that Kim Jong Un would respond with more nuclear testing if the UN Security Council passed another meaningless resolution.   Now some people have called out Rosen because he said in his story that the State Department official or contractor, learned this info from “sources inside North Korea.”  The theory being Rosen may have jeopardized some sources, even putting their lives in danger.

Guess what soft, liberal media, if you’re a spy inside North Korea, your life is in danger every minute you take a breath.   Rosen’s obscure use of the word “sources” isn’t going to ID anyone or amp up the threat any more than it already is.  North Korea only advertises what they want us to see.  Any story about other events in NK would obviously come from sources within the country.  This seems like a veiled scare tactic attempt by the Obama Administration to intimidate and now try and prosecute a reporter who just happens to work at a network that skewers Obama on a minute by minute basis.

All this in the name of National Security.  If they can make us believe that Rosen violated NSA policy and endangered people then they can get our passively implied permission to do things like, oh I don’t know, collect all cell phone data in the US without a warrant, hell without probable cause.  Just because they want it.   All in the name of National Security.

But I digress.  Moving on.  After the Rosen story broke, a story pops up that the IRS has been targeting Tea Party groups who apply for tax exempt status.  By targeting I mean, asking what their religious affiliation is, asking for donor and member lists, asking for the political affiliations of the leaders of said organizations, delaying applications for three years and counting, etc…   The list of questions is pages and pages long and are questions police can’t even ask criminals without a lawyer present.   It was impossible to get tax exempt status in this country from 2009 to 2012 if the name of your organization had words like freedom, take back america, prosperity, and the like.

Again liberals dismissed this as a rogue office in Cincinnati doing this on their own. Basically giving us the “These are not the drones you’re looking for.  Move along, move along” routine.  Turns out it’s not just the Cincy office.  Turns out several offices have been doing this since long before the last election.  You know the one.  The election where the President got reelected in a landslide with a 23 million people still out of work.  Also turns out that the director of the IRS, a Bush appointee, made 157 trips to the White House oddly enough during the exact time of this targeting tea party business.

How far do you have to go back to find a director of the IRS visiting the WH that many times?  All the way to the start of the organization, then add all of them together and they still get no where near 150 visits.  The last dude in charge of the IRS, who by the way was there during the mushroom cloud of the financial meltdown, visited the WH a grand total of 1 time, once, one, uno.  And it was a perfunctory visit for a photo op.

And still were told there is nothing to see here.  Move along, move the hell along.

A few weeks ago we saw the woman in charge of the branch of the IRS doing these invasive stall tactics, Lois Lerner, exercise her 5th amendment rights and refuse to answer any questions during a congressional hearing.  I said then she was smart because her own administration was coming to lock her up.  No need to hand it to them by incriminating herself.

Boy was I wrong.  Turns out old Lois has a past, and her past conflicts with the administrations’ story that it was some rogue field agents who decided on their own to bring down the tea party.

Whoops.  That lie just blew up.

In 1996 Lerner accused Al Salvi, a Republican State Representative from Illinois who was challenging then Democratic Congressman Dick Durbin for the open Senate seat in Illinois, with election fraud.  Lerner was head of the enforcement division of the Federal Elections Commission at the time.  Her accusation stemmed from an accounting error Salvi made on a personal loan to his campaign.  He broke no law, committed no violation. When he tried to explain this to Lerner she said “We’ll drop the case if you promise to never run for elected office again.”  Yeah, in case you are wondering, that’s illegal.  Salvi asked her to put that in writing and smartly Lerner did not.  So Salvi decided to proceed with the court case, and he won.  But he was so tied up in this legal issue, the FEC had his money tied up, he was unable to campaign effectively and Durbin won the Senate seat.

Flash forward to 2010.  Now Senator Dick Durbin (D) Illinois, sends a letter to Lerner asking her to target conservative groups who apply for tax exempt status prior to the run up for the mid-term elections.  Yeah, that’s not legal and certainly not ethical.

And still we are told to move along, nothing to see here.

Then we’re told anyone who thinks there is a conspiracy is just a conspiracy nutjob.  This isn’t coming from some liberal dope on MSNBC, but from the President and his spokesman.

Then the pice-de-resistance. During the congressional hearing into the IRS scandal, the tea party groups came foreword to testify.  The line of questioning from the democratic congressmen was not to be believed.  At one point Rep Jim McDermott says this is all their fault for applying for tax exempt status in the first place.

Watch this, you have to see to believe.


Read: Salvi vs Lerner & Durbin

More on Lerner  

Watch: Salvi himself explains what happened in 1996 

And still we’re told to move along, nothing to freaking see here.

effattlogoNow we find out that the President obtained a special writ that allows the NSA to collect all phone data, from everyone.  Currently only Verizon customers have been targeted.  And let me reiterate, all Verizon customers have had their phone data and phone conversation data collected, no matter if you’re a terror risk or not.  All customers from April 25th on.  So yeah, that means currently if you use Verizon and you make a call, the time, date, to who, duration, who disconnected first, all that is being collected by the NSA.

iPhones can’t be far behind.

While all this goes on, no one has been held accountable for the deaths of an American Ambassador and his security team in Benghazi and the Administration’s cover up of the mistakes and willful disregard that led to their deaths.

In the name of National Security I will now await the collection of my iPhone data by the NSA.

Hey NSA dudes, if you get into my LinkedIn app, can you tell me what my password is?

Nothing to see here folks, move along, move along.

Podcast Episode 7: Coming to America….with conceal carry permits

As always a lot to talk about tonight.  And, as always, here are the ways you can listen.

Podcast Episode 7: Coming to America….with conceal carry permits 

Go to iTunes and search for unfiltered and unfettered and you will see our new UF logo. Click, enjoy, write review.

If you don’t use iTunes, you can find us on Podhoster: http://unfilteredunfettered.podhoster.com/

Tell us what you think, ask questions, argue with us.  Do it in the comment section below or the show’s email: theunmail@yahoo.com

On to the tease.  Enjoy!

Eyes on your own paper bro!

Eyes on your own paper bro!

Same Song, Different Dance?

Rubio’s immigration reform bill looks a lot like the President’s bill ridiculed by the Repups.  Does Rubio have some new ideas or, unlike the Pres, did he find a way to make it work for everyone? We report, you decide!






Don't say I didn't warn ya

Don’t say I didn’t warn ya

Kim Jong UnAnnounced

Un takes offense to South Korea protesting his grandfather’s and father’s birthday celebrations in the North.  Lil Kim announces he will attack the South unannounced.  No.  Not making this up.






Play the home version!

Play the home version!

Who Said That!

Linardo is dominating Hupp in the Who Said That segment.  Can you beat his 3 for 5 average?  Here’s a softball to get you started.  Send us an e-mail at theunmail@yahoo.com with your answer.  Winners will be announced on the air!



All this plus:

Gun control reforms firing blanks.

The Nutella vs Jiff Hazelnut spread debate is finally put to bed

A moment of silence for Boston…followed by a thrashing of the media for getting not one thing right in the reporting of this tragic event.

Click. You won’t regret it.  Trust me man, I’m a scientist.

Episode 7: Coming to America….With conceal carry permits