UF/UF 331: All the President’s Men.

Rudy is in a jam. With Trump no longer covering for him, Rudy Giuliani is at the will and whim of the court system. And much like his track record in helping the former president challenge the 2020 election, Rudy is losing big time.

America’s mayor, the king of New York after the September 11th attacks in 2001, has been told by the state courts of NY he is no longer welcome to practice law there.

He has bigger problems too. Rudy is staring down the barrel of a multi-billion dollar lawsuit from the voting machine company he has maligned by saying they threw the election to Biden in Nov of 2020. He won’t be alone there as Lin Wood and Sidney what’s her name will also be facing that lawsuit.

Wonder who Rudy’s lawyer will be?


UF/UF 331: All the President’s Men.

This can’t be good.

UF/UF 330: The Un Diet

A new fad is on the horizon. You’ve not heard of it? Surely not.

You better get on board. Every dictator will be styling it this season. It’s the Un diet. As in North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un. The would be moronic despot looked markedly thinner in his first public appearance in some time.

Now word comes, from Un himself, that North Korea is facing a “tense food crisis.” Word on the street is it’s likely that around 3 million North Koreans have died from starvation over the last several years. If true that number may balloon now that the most dishonest man on the planet is admitting to a food shortage in his own country.

Is the Un story believable? Yeah kind of. You know if the food is short, Un is getting the lion’s share of it and he’s still dropping weight like an aging swimsuit model stung out on Cali’s finest blow.

Peep for yourself.

How it started – How it’s going.

Now click.

UF/UF 330: The Un Diet

UF/UF 312: Conspiracies to the left of me, Conspiracies to the right of me…

Man who the blue hell knows what to believe anymore. We know Joe Biden will be sworn in on Jan 20th, which is in 3 days. Or do we?

The last few posts on Parlor I read, before that site was removed by its owners, seem to claim very confidently that it will be Trump getting sworn in again. Do they know something we don’t? Hard to say really.

The last post on I read on Twitter claims the My Pillow guy met with Trump this past Friday, advising the President to declare martial law. It seems “big tech” has been suppressing the fact that the Chinese, not the Italians, or the Venezuelans as he originally claimed, altered the election and Trump won by millions. According to Mike Lindell, the My Pillow guy, he knows all of this because it’s all over the internet. Uh… Mike, you mean the internet “Big Tech” is supposedly suppressing?

So will Trump declare martial law or not? Was it the Chinese or the Italians, or the Venezuelans or the god damn Martians? Will the vaccine make you a zombie? Is Bill Gates putting Nano-technology tracking devices into your blood through the vaccine? Who knows. Your guess is as good as ours.

We’ll discuss.

UF/UF 312: Conspiracies to the left of me, Conspiracies to the right of me…


The one on the right will make you want to wear a mask! Don’t do it!!!!

UF/UF 306: You Can’t Handle the Truth!

As team Trump, quarterbacked by Rudy, gets their collective asses kicked in every court room they’ve entered to the toon of a 1-46 record so far, the country waits and wonders:

Was the election rigged? (no, no it wasn’t).

Can Trump get this thing overturned? (no, no he can’t)

Was there voter fraud and voting irregularities? (no no ther… oh just hold on one second Jack. Yeah they’re was.)

Will it overturn the elction? (No, no it won’t)

But to needs to be fixed for sure. Click and listen, Hupp will make it all better. Also robots being recognized as people is a thing now. That should be fine.


UF/UF 306: You Can’t Handle the Truth!


That’s not how this works! That’s not how any of this works.


UF/UF 296: Neither rain, nor snow, nor gloom of night…

The US Post Office is under attack. But is it really?

Hupp and I explain the hullaballoo surrounding the institution started by Ben Franklin and now being run by some dumbass that doesn’t know that stamps cost money.

Also stay tuned in for our breakdown of the Democratic National Convention. Joe is the man for the job. But is he really?

All that and more tonight on:

UF/UF The Podcast Episode 296: Neither rain, nor snow, nor gloom night...


Boo this man! Boooo him!

UF/UF 268: Fickle Bitches

Democratic leadership has made it perfectly clear; they have no leadership. So the smart play, in their minds, is to find a new candidate. You know cause it ain’t like they don’t have 40 to pick from already.

That should work out for them.

Click the link to find out why it won’t and more importantly find out the top 5 candies you should be stealing from your kids trick-or-treat bag this year.

UF/UF 268: Fickle Bitches



20 MF’rs to choose from and not a solid candidate in the  bunch!