UF/UF 307: Sedition by any other name…

Editor’s Note: At the time of the podcast the Supreme Court had not yet ruled and we reported they would do so on Monday the 14th of December. They made liars out of us by ruling Friday night, the night we recorded this week’s episode, that the case is without merit and would not be heard at all.

Thus ends the attempts to subvert a legal election and remain in power. Or does it?

UF/UF 307: Sedition by any other name…

Well we warned you. We have been saying for a while now Trump will not go quietly into the night. I am surprised by the lack of violence so far, although it’s starting to ramp up a bit now.

we’ll break down the case brought by Texas against the 4 battleground states along with the number of Governors and members of Congress who have signed on to this seditious document. Again this occurred as we were taping. Since that moment several members of congress have back tracked or have tired to make excuses for why they singed on to subvert another state’s election.


This is where the fun begins.

But you gotta click.


So much for frivolous lawsuits.


UF/UF 282: My Corona…

If you’re old enough to get that musical reference in the podcast title, then ironically you’re old enough to die from it.

Sad twist of fate that.

Anywho, we talked all things virus and all things political intrigue. It looks like Bernie and his Bros will need to come to grips with another other sad twist of fate; being the front runner doesn’t mean they want you as their nominee.

Also tonight, mock headlines that make more sense that what you’re currently seeing on real news outlets.

But you gotta click.

UF/UF 282: My Corona…



In other words, WASH YOUR GODDAMN HANDS!!!!


UF/UF 260: Say it ain’t so Joe!?!

Well it has come to this. We warned him. We told him.  We begged him not to run.  Should have listened to us Joe.  We had your back then. But now…

We can’t stop what’s’ coming for you Joe. The enemy is ironically, from with-in. Kamala, Spartacus, Faux-cohontas, The Mayor, they’ll be lining up to get you now. We can stop it for you.

Joe Biden told a very admirable story about honoring a sailor during his time as Vice President. Sadly, minus some minor facts, the whole episode was made up, a mere creation of Joe’s mind.

Still time to salvage your legacy Joe. Take our advice. Go home to Delaware and enjoy your popularity.

The rest of you…

Click the link.

UF/UF 260: Say it ain’t so Joe!?!




160 episodes ago during better days. Joe’s a long time UF/UF fan. At least he used to be.



UF/UF 258: Time to go Uncle Joe!

Well it was inevitable.  It was to me anyway. And I won’t back away from the fact I offered this advice to former Vice President and friend of the show, one Mr Joe Biden a long, long time ago.

Time to go Joe.

In fact it was never time to come.  You should have listened to your most accurate and most honest advisor, me, and stayed the hell out of this one.  Let Faux-cohontas or “The Mayor”, or Spartacus take the beatdown that’s coming your way.

You’ve had too great a career, Mr. Vice President, to chuck it in the sewer with that swine in the White House or the clowns running in your own party.

Your family loves you, your state loves you. Go back to Delaware and enjoy your lifelong victory parade.

And no Joe, you were not in Miami last night, that was Grand Rapids, Iowa.

It’s time Joe.

Click and listen.

UF/UF 258: Time to go Uncle Joe!




Biden 2

When it’s time you’ll know. It’s time Joe.

UF/UF 256: Feelin the Bern?

The Dems are faltering. There is no doubt about that. It’s not unusual in either party when the field is this large. But are they coming in for a crash landing? Will Bernie Sanders be the end of them? Will the constant in-fighting make them look more foolish then they already do? Will they destroy the party as they begin to charge each other with that age old Liberal weapon; labeling someone who disagrees with you a racist?

All that tonight and more, as and age old segment is resurrected.  That’s right sports fans, Who Said That is back!!

Don’t miss it. Click the link.

UF/UF 256: Feelin the Bern?



Yeah what else is there to say?

UF/UF 253: Joey Jaws Shows His Chestnuts

As the internet and social media continue to shrink the world and blend cultures, one thing remains distinctly American.


Chestnut does it again. 71 hotdogs and buns. A record 12 titles. God Bless America!

We did other stuff too, but when America is this awesome what else is there to talk about.


UF/UF 253: Joey Jaws Shows His Chestnuts



Joey Jaws Chestnut is the vessel of our freedom!

UF/UF 249: Send in the clowns!

Gas up the clown car boys, it’s debatin season!

For all of you who thought the Republican primary of 2016 was a giant shit show, and I was one of those people; hang on to your hats. You ain’t seen nothing yet.

The Democratic primary has become so large the debates have to be staggered over two nights. The field is so crowded right now the Dems have scheduled debates every month until the primary election just so they can get all the candidates proper air time.

We sort out the field for you tonight. Don’t miss it.

UF/UF 249: Send in the clowns!



primary 202

Clinton, McAuliffe, and Bloomberg are the only non-official candidates in this field, but are expected to join soon.


UF/UF 244: Say it ain’t so Joe!

Well, he’s in now. Great friend of the show and former VP Joe Biden made it official. And we still really can’t figure out why. No point in worrying about that now. He has officially entered the fray. The Bernie Sanders campaign did not reply when asked for comment.

Also don’t miss another installment of our new segment K my A. It’s a doozy.

UF/UF 244: Say it ain’t so Joe!



Biden 2

Hello Cleveland!

UF/UF 242: Bern baby Bern!

Bernie Sanders is making a move, but Handsy Joe is coming up on the outside. Will Bern release his taxes? Will Joe keep his mitts to himself?  Will Faux-cahontas scalp them both?

Serious questions that require serious analysis.

Oh yeah, Brunei is still stoning homosexuals to death. We mean literally identifying anyone who is not heterosexual and hitting them with rocks until they are dead. But the US is the homophobic nation.

Click the link and learn what your neighbors wish they knew!

UF/UF 242: Bern baby Bern!




He berned them  🙂  Get it?!!

Stroll through the morning news and a Vice-President for life

I like to rotate the morning news channels. No sense watching just one. So, occasionally I have to pull myself off of “Morning Express with Robin Meade” which I consider to be like watching the news read by high school girls. Fluff stories read by eye-candy. Not a bad concept when you want a break from the dog-eat-dog political channels.

So, on CNN’s “New Day”  last week, Chris Cuomo and Ted Cruz have a heated exchange on Obamacare. In case you’ve not watched it, Chris Cuomo has kind of a smarmy personality to begin with. But, Chris, there’s no reason to be so obvious about your stripes.  If you’re so worried about people losing their health insurance, maybe you should upbraid someone from the Obama administration. They’ve invested their entire administration into a failed train wreck, and you’re asking Ted Cruz why he doesn’t fix it? So Cuomo says to Cruz: “You’re being a little dangerous with how much political spin you put on something that’s so central to the well being of so many families?” You’re lecturing Ted Cruz about political spin when the White House just met with a group of liberal reporters to start an all-out recovery campaign on Obamacare?

Chris have you been watching the news about Obamacare? Oh that’s right, you are the news. Nevermind.


Mika, you’re no Diane Sawyer

Yesterday on “The Morning Joe” on MSNBC, they had a short video of Joe Biden buying some food in some subway stand. The bill was $56, he only had fifty, and had to borrow a few bucks from someone with him. Typical Biden-type stuff. However, the co-host of The Morning Joe, Mika Brezinzski, squealed in delight “Don’t you just love him? He should be the Vice-President for life!!”

No, Mika I don’t think so. I think it was dumb for you to even say it. Really, occasionally I’ve thought you were like a real journalist.  I’ll never learn. As far as Joe goes, botox, teeth-whitener and the tanning booth have taken him about as far as he can go. We still have him on the Big Board, but let’s be serious.  Your statement though does show the blind partisanship of yourself and the network to the party.

Hey Mika, just for a nostalgic stroll, let’s take a look at a few of Biden’s more notable gaffes. Just because it’s funny.

“I promise you, the president has a big stick. I promise you.” –Joe Biden, citing Theodore Roosevelt’s famous quote, “Speak softly and carry a big stick; you will go far.” (April 26, 2012)

“This is a big fucking deal!” –Joe Biden, caught on an open mic congratulating President Barack Obama during the health care signing ceremony, Washington, D.C., March 23, 2010

“You know, I’m embarrassed. Do you know the Web site number? I should have it in front of me and I don’t. I’m actually embarrassed.” –Joe Biden, speaking to an aide standing out of view during an interview on CBS’ “Early Show,” in the midst of encouraging viewers to visit a government-run Web site that tracks stimulus spending, Feb. 25, 2009

“Jill and I had the great honor of standing on that stage, looking across at one of the great justices, Justice Stewart.” –Joe Biden, mistakenly referring to Justice John Paul Stevens, who swore him in as vice president, Washington, D.C., Jan. 20, 2009

One of my favorites:

“Look, John’s last-minute economic plan does nothing to tackle the number-one job facing the middle class, and it happens to be, as Barack says, a three-letter word: jobs. J-O-B-S, jobs.” –Joe Biden, Athens, Ohio, Oct. 15, 2008

“Stand up, Chuck, let ’em see ya.” –-Joe Biden, to Missouri state Sen. Chuck Graham, who is in a wheelchair, Columbia, Missouri, Sept. 12, 2008

“You cannot go to a 7-11 or a Dunkin’ Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent…. I’m not joking.” –Joe Biden, in a private remark to an Indian-American man caught on C-SPAN, June, 2006

“A man I’m proud to call my friend. A man who will be the next President of the United States — Barack America!” –Joe Biden, at his first campaign rally with Barack Obama after being announced as his running mate, Springfield, Ill., Aug. 23, 2008

Biden Gaffes reference

Vice-President for life?  Nah, don’t think so. Although, in honesty, he’s probably at least as funny as Will Ferrell. Go back and look at the list and read those quotes in your mental “Will Ferrell” voice. That’s comedy right there!

Well, back to Robin. Lovely ear-rings this morning! I love those baby pandas and water-skiing squirrels!!
