UF/UF 341: To boldly go…

He’s back! James Tiberius Kirk, Captain, USS Enterprise, United Federation of Planets is back in space.

Well actually it was William Shatner went into space, at 90 years old no less. A short flight aboard a Jeff Bezos sponsored Blue Origin flight took Shatner and 3 other passengers into space.

A publicity stunt? Of course. But these flights, devoid of “professional” astronauts, are becoming more and more common place. Shatner’s flight will provide some info on what happens to the aged in space. Again he’s 90. Add that to the effort by Elon Musk to create vehicles that can get to and colonize mars, and old Captain Kirk could very well be contributing to a world that eventually looks like the show he was on in the 60s.

While here on earth fans from the University of Tennessee trash their own stadium because they were unhappy at the placing of a football by the official. God bless America.

All that and more on tonight’s’ episode of UF/UF The Podcast.

But you gotta click.

UF/UF 41: To boldly go…

I need more power!