UF/UF 213: What’d We Miss?

A little impromptu hiatus for the team of UF/UF The Podcast. We’re back now and trying to catch up.

Annnnnd it looks like we picked the wrong week to stop sniffing glue. What in the hell have you people been doing while we were away!?!

The impeachment is still going? The virus is still going. You dumbasses said it’d be gone by November 6th. Or was it Jan 20th? No matter. And what the hell is with wearing 2 masks? Is that a thing?

Anyway click the link and listen as Tony and I get our sea legs and try to unravel the goings on.

UF/UF 213: What’d We Miss?


AOC survives Trump’s coup attempt. A Festivus miracle!

UF/UF 312: Conspiracies to the left of me, Conspiracies to the right of me…

Man who the blue hell knows what to believe anymore. We know Joe Biden will be sworn in on Jan 20th, which is in 3 days. Or do we?

The last few posts on Parlor I read, before that site was removed by its owners, seem to claim very confidently that it will be Trump getting sworn in again. Do they know something we don’t? Hard to say really.

The last post on I read on Twitter claims the My Pillow guy met with Trump this past Friday, advising the President to declare martial law. It seems “big tech” has been suppressing the fact that the Chinese, not the Italians, or the Venezuelans as he originally claimed, altered the election and Trump won by millions. According to Mike Lindell, the My Pillow guy, he knows all of this because it’s all over the internet. Uh… Mike, you mean the internet “Big Tech” is supposedly suppressing?

So will Trump declare martial law or not? Was it the Chinese or the Italians, or the Venezuelans or the god damn Martians? Will the vaccine make you a zombie? Is Bill Gates putting Nano-technology tracking devices into your blood through the vaccine? Who knows. Your guess is as good as ours.

We’ll discuss.

UF/UF 312: Conspiracies to the left of me, Conspiracies to the right of me…


The one on the right will make you want to wear a mask! Don’t do it!!!!

UF/UF 277: Impeach-a-palooza

Editors note: This version of UF/UF The Podcast was taped just a few hours prior to the news that NBA legend Kobe Bryant was killed in a helicopter crash in Calabasas California. 

Well what can we say, the clown show continues in DC on an epic level.  It’s safe to say it’s embarrassing to us all. No one is clean in this silliness.  Lets just all hope and pray it ends as quickly as possible. This proceeding serves no good purpose.

UF/UF 277: Impeach-a-palooza




Send in the clowns… Oh they’re already here.


UF/UF 276: Hupp vs The Mouse

They are a lot of elements to the show today. We get into the Iran issue of course, and the impeachment, and the election.  We even renew a golden oldie in a Culture Club rant.

But nothing will compare to Hupp’s take down of The House of the Mouse. Don’t miss our Top 5 list as we run down the most overrated things in our world. And yeah, Hupp went there.

For the record I happen to love my Disney + subscription.  (Just in case Mickey is a listener.)

UF/UF 276: Hupp vs The Mouse




He ain’t Hupp’s father.


UF/UF 274: It was the best of times…

Depending on your perspective 2019 may have been great.  It may also have been shitty. Well we here at UF/UF The Podcast have the uncanny ability to straddle that line.

So tonight we break it all down for you; the best, the worst, the most sad, and the things most ludicrous that they might just make you happy.

Click the link, you’ll love it.  Or you may hate it. Up to you.

UF/UF 274: It was the best of times…





Totally up to you.


UF/UF 273: A Tale of Two Joes.

One Joe out, one Joe out in front. One Joe came to his senses, one Joe losing his.

Don’t miss this dichotic episode of UF/UF the Podcast.  We lament why Joe Biden didn’t heed our warning and we strain hard to remember who Joe Sestak is and why he’s in the news.  (Spoiler! He ran for president.) ((Double Spoiler!! No he didn’t.))

Click for god’s sake. Your life may depend on it. (No it won’t)

UF/UF 273: A Tale of Two Joes.


The curtain may be ready to drop on Joe B.

UF/UF271: The Great Divide

One of my favorite sporting events is the professional feces toss in the gorilla cage at the zoo. The absolute euphoria on the faces of those gorillas as their excrement slams against the glass after they’ve hurled it at an unsuspecting zoo patron is, as they say, priceless.

Sometime imitation is not the purest form of flattery. And quite frankly it diminishes the original in a lot of ways. Well thanks to the Democrats and Republicans my fav sport has been ruined. RUINED!

Click the link to hear Tony and I break down the shit tossing that was the impeachment hearings and Democratic Presidential debate this week.

You won’t be disappointed.

Well… you probably will be, but I get paid by the word so… here we are.

UF/UF271: The Great Divide




Get you a girl that looks at you the way No Nuts Nunes watches his witness kill his case.


UF/UF 269: Words Mean Things

If you’ve ever consciously uncoupled or have been self-partnered, well my friend you just might be an idiot. If you’ve referred to yourself or others with a pronoun besides  he/she or her/him, well you are an idiot.

We are in an epidemic people; an epidemic of asshattery on a literary scale.  Would you like to know more? Click the link and we’ll break it all down for you. But you ain’t gonna like it. The Hollywood ranks renaming shit I mean.

You’ll love the podcast, as always.

Click it.

UF/UF 269: Words Mean Things




This hottie is self-partnering.  Yes, I’d pay money to see that.

UF/UF 266: Hair DOs and High crimes

Can any one demonstrate their discoonnnectedness from us regular folks then by not knowing the price of things?  Please stop you silly conservatives.  That’s what women pay to get their haircut, especially in the DC area.

Meanwhile the impeachment train picks up speed with FOX News of all places reporting 51% of Americans want to see Trump impeached.  Sadly the train’s conductor might very well be it’s victim, as Trump continues to gift wrap evidence for the Democrats, and now some Republicans.  Please stop being dumb Mr. President.

UF/UF 266: Hair DOs and High crimes




UF/UF 265: “Hold my beer!”

As the Democrats wring their hands over the potential for impeachment hearings Trump offers some new red meat; effectively daring them to do it.

Make no mistake, there are almost no scenarios that have a happy ending for the Democrats here. Nancy knows it and she’s still hedging her bets becasue of it.

Click to hear our breakdown and our new bit UF/UF Crazy Bitch.

You’re welcome America.

UF/UF 265: “Hold my beer!”



The Trump Impeach-o-Meter is getting worse for him.