UF/UF 194: All the President’s Men

Well, he can’t keep a lawyer on staff and a few more cabinet members have bit the dust. The big question is who is next? My money is on the Chief of Staff and then John Bolton after that (We celebrate the guy’s entire catalog). But hey, you never know. That’s why they play the games.

Click the link for the rundown on the cabinet, who’s left, who’s gone, and who is safe for now.

UF/UF 194: All the President’s Men





Take a good look. They might not be there long.


UF/UF 192: Please Stand By

Man let me tell you, disrespect your nerds at your own peril. We have been in the grip of some serious technical difficulties that may have been avoided had we shown our staff nerds some love. Well we’ve repented of our sins and are up and running again. Up and running with a new segment no less.

We’ll also retrace some of the issues we’ve missed in our two week technical hiatus. So sit back, click the link, and bask in the warmness of our newly repaired radio waves.


UF/UF 192: Please Stand By





Technical difficulties

Yeah this about sums it up.

UF/UF 169: Trump’s Last Hope?


Help us Hope, you’re our only… well you get the idea.

Meet the new Communication Director in the Trump Administration. Hope Hicks is the next loyalist on the block.

Does she have what it takes to stick around? Will she get too much press and be bounced by dinner?

For those answers, a new segment called That’s Just Dumb, and a great Top 5 list, all you gotta do is click.

Oh by the way, Steve Bannon got fired just as we were taping. Apparently he no longer has hope.


UF/UF 169: Trump’s Last Hope?

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You’re Welcome America!