Podcast Season 2 Episode 47: Benghazi for better or worse.

A really big show for you tonight. Round two of the new game sweeping the nation, Podcast Political Pop Quiz! Get your pencils and paper ready gang, it’s a barn burner tonight. We’ll also talk about our favorite dictator and our least favorite government – our own! Congress is about to convene a special panel tot investigate Benghazi, will they finally get to the truth or with they devolve into a giant politically motivated cluster f*%k.

Click the link to find out.

Podcast Season 2 Episode 47: Benghazi for better or worse.

Or find us here: http://unfilteredunfettered.podhoster.com/

Or go to iTunes and search Unfiltered Unfettered. Find the UF/UF icon, click, and enjoy every episode from season 1 and/or 2.

Then tell us what you think, ask questions, argue with us, mock us. Do it in the comment section below or the show’s email: theunmail@yahoo.com

On to the tease…

Don't mess with Hill-dogg Karl.

Please look at me. I am important. I have many leather bound books!

He’s one of those guys now…

Karl “The Architect” Rove goes on live television and says Hillary Clinton has brain damage and her health should be a major question for the 2016 race. He stinks of attention desperation so bad I can smell him through my computer. Don’t be that jackass Karl, don’t be.



Can this man save Republicans from themselves?

Can this man save Republicans from themselves?

This will not end well…

The House has convened a special commission to investigate Benghazi even though 3 separate investigations have been conducted by the Republican side of the House. Leadership has said three things to R’s running for reelection: 1. Don’t fund raise off of this issue.  2. Don’t pile on Hillary.  3. Find the truth and don’t make this an indictment of Obama. Well zero out of three ain’t bad. Congressman Trey Gowdy may be the one guy who can keep this ship from runnin aground.


What's that? Why yes, Jesus did say love everyone, even our enemies.

What’s that? Why yes, Jesus did say love everyone, even Extra Terrestrials.

Jesus phone home…

The coolest guy on the planet just said the coolest thing ever uttered by a Pope. Francis says he’ll baptize Martians if they so desire. Putting the IN in Inclusive, the Pope is reshaping the Catholic church and Christianity in large swaths. But a question remains. Does Christ’s Vicar on Earth know something about a pending Martian presence the rest of us don’t? We report, you decide!


You don’t want to miss it.

Click the link.

Podcast Season 2 Episode 47: Benghazi for better or worse.

Then tell us what you think, ask questions, argue with us, mock us. Do it in the comment section below or the show’s email: theunmail@yahoo.com

Podcast Season 2 Episode 34: Smoke em if ya got em!

Welcome to one of the few bastions of freedom left in the world. Smokers welcome, for a while at least. Forget Wolf Blitzer, forget Hannity, forget Maddow. Take a seat, light up and enjoy a mellow podcast that brings you all you need to know about your world today.

Tune in or miss out!

Click the link if you love Murica and smoking!

Podcast Season 2 Episode 34: Smoke em if ya got em!

Or find us here: http://unfilteredunfettered.podhoster.com/

Or go to iTunes and search Unfiltered Unfettered. Find the UF/UF icon, click, and enjoy every episode from season 1 and/or 2.

Then tell us what you think, ask questions, argue with us, mock us.  Do it in the comment section below or the show’s email: theunmail@yahoo.com

On to the tease…

CVS is doing what?

CVS is doing what?

CVS for your health

The big time pharmacy/convenience store announced it will no longer sell tobacco products of any kind. I get the sentiment, but I’m worried about the precident. How long until they stop carrying the Sham Wow is what I want to know.


Will Putin's showcase crash and burn?

Will Putin’s showcase crash and burn?

The Sochi Blues

What? A country that spent all its’s money on military and space programs & both programs went bankrupt, can’t get the infrastructure necessary to make ready for the Winter Olympiad? Do tell! To be blunt (haha) Sochi has been described as everything from a summer resort to a poor man’s Harlem.


Put up or shut up gang.

Put up or shut up gang.

Chris – say it isn’t so! 

Well it may not be so. Christie accusers are coming out of the woodwork claiming to have all kinds of evidence about bridgegate. Small problem, none of them can produce any of it. The Port Authority director taking all the heat, pic far left, claims to have big Chris dead to rights but won’t hand over evidence. Stop blowing smoke people.


All this plus a great Politicians of the Podcast segment!

Don’t be the only kid on your block to miss out! Click the link!

Podcast Season 2 Episode 34: Smoke em if ya got em!

Then tell us what you think, ask questions, argue with us, mock us.  Do it in the comment section below or the show’s email: theunmail@yahoo.com

Podcast Season 2 Episode 31: Hitting for the cycle – from Hillary to Heartbreaker

What a show we have tonight. We are all over the globe. The crack news staff at UF/UF is tracking stories on everything from Hillary’s political hit list to Justin Bieber’s suspicion of assault with a deadly egg. Is Hillary done for? Bieber is a Canadian immigrant, will this eggcitement get him deported?

Tune in or miss out!

Click the link if you love America!

Podcast Season 2 Episode 31: Hitting for the cycle – from Hillary to Heartbreaker 

Or find us here: http://unfilteredunfettered.podhoster.com/

Or go to iTunes and search Unfiltered Unfettered. Find the UF/UF icon, click, and enjoy every episode from season 1.

Then tell us what you think, ask questions, argue with us, mock us.  Do it in the comment section below or the show’s email: theunmail@yahoo.com

On to the tease…

Last one out gets the check.

I’m losing by this much.

And so it begins…

NC Senator Kay Hagen (D), skips Obama event in her home state. Says it’s cause she has business in DC. Nuh Uh. She’s getting distance from Obamcare, wildly unpopular in North Carolina. Who’s the next rat to jump from Obama’s Titanic?




As the Worm turns

First he gets drunk and goes on CNN to extol virtues of Kim Jong UN. Now Rodman is having buyers remorse. Crying in front of reporters after arriving in US, Rodman apologizes over and over. Dennis, is that because you made an ass/traitor of yourself or because you and a bunch of retired NBA stiffs lost to the North Korean National team?


All lanes to Christie White House closed?

All lanes to Christie White House closed?

A bridge to no where? 

Still waiting for the other shoe to drop on Christie in the bridge-gate scandal? Don’t hold your breath. This may have been what he said it was. Regardless, polls show it’s not hurt him one bit in NJ. Nationally he’s slipped behind Hill-dogg in race for the WH. But it’s still early 2014. My gut says this doesn’t affect the presumptive Republican nominee at all.

Plus a UF/UF Presidential Big Board update and a great “It’s a Conspiracy!” bit tonight.

Don’t miss out. Click the link.

Podcast Season 2 Episode 31: Hitting for the cycle – from Hillary to Heartbreaker 

Then tell us what you think, ask questions, argue with us, mock us.  Do it in the comment section below or the show’s email: theunmail@yahoo.com

Podcast Season 2 Episode 29: New Year – Old News

We’re back! Welcome to season two of Unfiltered and Unfettered. Yeah Season Two. Let that sink in for a second. Not sure who made the career ending decision to green light our show for a second season, but God bless em!

A question for you, our faithful readers/listeners. Should we restart the clock on episode numbers or stay continuous. In other words should this be episode 1 of season two or should we just keep counting and call it episode 29? Answer in the comment section or e-mail us if you please.

OK let’s get to work.

Click the link or chose other options below and listen to this podcast, unless of course you hate real America.

Episode 1 or 29: New Year – Old News

Or find us here: http://unfilteredunfettered.podhoster.com/

Or go to iTunes and search Unfiltered Unfettered. Find the UF/UF icon, click, and enjoy every episode from season 1.

Then tell us what you think, ask questions, argue with us, mock us.  Do it in the comment section below or the show’s email: theunmail@yahoo.com

On to the tease…


Ah fresh powder.
Ah, fresh powder.

Old Faithful – on skies.

Yeah our old buddy is back and he’s badder than ever. Kim Jong Un, fresh off grinding his uncle’s bones into a fine powder, uses that powder to open North Korea’s first ever ski resort. Open to the public too. Never let it be said he’s not a man of the people.


Don't let them forget. Ever.

Don’t let them forget. Ever.

Chew that bone Darrell

Rep. Issa, R CA, is not letting go of the Benghazi cover up. Call him a right wing nut job if you want, but he’s one of the few in government that seems at all concerned about how four Americans were left to die in our own embassy. That makes Darrell our Politician of the Podcast.


Jean Luc Picard - greatest of all time? (yes)

Jean Luc Picard – greatest of all time? (yes)

2013 – Politics of the Weird

UF/UF top five list of the weirdest things in politics for 2013. The Pres tops our geek list when he confused Star Wars and Star Trek. Truly an impeachable offense.




All that and more as the ball drops on a new year.

Listen here.

Episode 1 or 29: New Year – Old News

Then tell us what you think, ask questions, argue with us, mock us.  Do it in the comment section below or the show’s email: theunmail@yahoo.com

click the link





do it






well go on and do it already




Let the games begin – Rand Paul fires the first shot for 2016.

It's on folks.

It’s on folks.

Well we were wrong. Tony and I had discussed on our podcast that the race for the White House would heat up in the late summer of 2014. That has been the norm. A straw poll event in Iowa in late August 2 years prior to the actual election is what normally kicks off the presidential race.

So for example, the election for the next President is in November of 2016. The straw poll/state fair type event in August of 2014 would usually start the festivities, meaning sniping, snarking, baiting, and berating by all the candidates running for their party’s nomination. So that’s a good 2 years and 3 months of campaigning in some form. However it appears the Rand Paul campaign has decided to get a jump start. Read what one of his operatives in New Hampshire, Andrew Demers, had to say about Congressmen Perter King (R) NY. The quote appeared in the New Hampshire Union Leader in an opinion column written by Demers himself.

“In New Hampshire, where two of the top three 2012 Republican presidential primary candidates were non-interventionists (and carried 40 percent of the vote total of the five major candidates), Rep. King will not have much luck with a message that even he admits most Republicans oppose.” Andrew Demers New Hampshire Union Leader 26 December 2013

King has been publicly contemplating a run at the White House in 2016 as well. I guess Paul is looking to stomp all the early challengers as quick as possible. Demers also used phrases like “King’s faction on the Republican party” and called King an interventionist because of King’s stance on Syria. Read the entire piece here: http://www.unionleader.com/article/20131227/OPINION02/131229497

This is a great sign for political geeks and junkies. I count myself among them. The first three buttons on my TV remote favorites list are C-Span, C-Span2 and C-Span3. And with good reason. As President Obama is term limited we should get twice the fun since both parties will be having meaningful primary elections.

Tell me you're not excited about this!

Tell me you’re not excited about this!

I mean it’s not unprecedented by any stretch. This won’t cause a lot of ripples for most people. But a shot like this, coming this early in the proceedings, indicates it’s gonna be a good brawl for the next two years. And this is just the Republicans. The Democrats haven’t even started trying to bring Hill-Dogg down yet.

I get that this may be a complete non-story for most of you. But I’m baking cookies and putting out a glass of milk, cause for me this is Christmas Eve all over again.

A very long Christmas Eve.

Happy campaign season!

Podcast Episode 25: Iran, Iran so far away…

Coming down the homestretch of 2013 and it looks like the year will end with a bang. Let’s hope it’s not the big bang. Tonight we talk Iran nukes, Lindsey Vonn’s comeback, and T-nak the Magnificent makes a triumphant return!

Click the link or chose other options below and listen to this podcast, unless of course you hate Pilgrims.

Episode 25: Iran, Iran so far away

Find us here: http://unfilteredunfettered.podhoster.com/

Or go to iTunes and search Unfiltered Unfettered. Find the UF/UF icon, click, and enjoy every episode from season 1.

Then tell us what you think, ask questions, argue with us, mock us.  Do it in the comment section below or the show’s email: theunmail@yahoo.com

On to the tease…

Don't poke the bear.

Don’t poke the bear.

So Far Away

Sec of State Kerry brokers a deal with Iran that could be a crucial first step in disarming their nuke program, averting a possible military confrontation. Right Wing pundits go ballistic, say we’re all screwed even though a coalition of world leaders agreed with treaty proposal. Would conservatives really rather go to war with Iran just to spite Obama? We report, you decide!


Tiger who?

Tiger who?

Who’s That Girl

US Skier extraordinare Lindsey Vonn, a week off a devastating knee injury suffered on a practice run, says she is skiing the world cup event in three weeks. Is Tiger Woods rubbing off on her. No.. wait… that’s not what…




Martin Bashir - Carnival Barker

Martin Bashir – Carnival Barker

Over My Head

MSNBC host Martin Bashir denounces conservatives for misogyny and the war on women almost daily on his hour long show. Then he says, again on his hour long show broadcast on a major news network, someone should defecate in Sarah Palin’s mouth. What’s more offensive, his hypocrisy, the comment, or his non-apology apology offered a few days later? We report you decide!


T-nak, Know Your Obama, and more on a jammed packed show. Click the link and enjoy.

Episode 25: Iran, Iran so far away

Then tell us what you think, ask questions, argue with us, mock us.  Do it in the comment section below or the show’s email: theunmail@yahoo.com

Podcast Episode 24: We can’t make this stuff up.

From the Obamacare files, to a crack addict mayor, to alcoholics being paid in beer, it’s been a wacky week. But trust us we can’t make this stuff up.

Click the link or chose other options below and listen to this podcast, unless of course you hate `Murica.

Episode 24: We can’t make this stuff up.

Find us here: http://unfilteredunfettered.podhoster.com/

Or go to iTunes and search Unfiltered Unfettered. Find the UF/UF icon, click, and enjoy every episode from season 1.

Then tell us what you think, ask questions, argue with us, mock us.  Do it in the comment section below or the show’s email: theunmail@yahoo.com

On to the tease…

Does it really need a caption

Does it really need a caption

Coup de Crazy

Toronto’s crack doing, drink takin mayor is at it again. Claiming a coup d’etat is at hand when city council tries to limit his authority. The scene breaks down into a shouting match and Mayor McCocaine bowls over a councilwoman while he’s trying to help his brother in the middle of the scrum. We can’t make this stuff up.


They use to call me Crazy Joe, now they call me... ah...ah... Hey who  wants ice cream? Hello Cleveland!!

They use to call me Crazy Joe, now they call me… ah…ah… Hey who wants ice cream? Hello Cleveland!!

Happy Birthday Crazy Joe

Friend of the show and our favorite Vice President, Joe Biden turns 71 this week. What did Obama give him you ask; plummeting poll numbers and absolutely no chance at winning the Democratic Nomination much less the Presidency. Thanks a lot Obama.




Really, tell us something we don't know.

Really, tell us something we don’t know.

Failure is not an option….it’s an inevitability 

Head tech guy brought in to fix Obamacare web site says the site is still 40% from completion by his estimate. Just let that sink in folks. We can’t make this stuff up.




All this and more on a jammed packed show. Click the link and enjoy.

Episode 24: We can’t make this stuff up.

Then tell us what you think, ask questions, argue with us, mock us.  Do it in the comment section below or the show’s email: theunmail@yahoo.com

Podcast Episode 23: Handy Manny Builds a Death Star

Another big show tonight!

It was a busy week and we’ll try to cover all the news that’s fit to print.

Click the link or chose other options below and listen to this podcast, unless of course you hate truthiness.

Episode 23: Handy Manny Builds a Death Star

Find us here: http://unfilteredunfettered.podhoster.com/

Or go to iTunes and search Unfiltered Unfettered. Find the UF/UF icon, click, and enjoy every episode from season 1.

Then tell us what you think, ask questions, argue with us, mock us.  Do it in the comment section below or the show’s email: theunmail@yahoo.com

"Luke, I am your HMO"

“Luke, I am your HMO”

That’s no moon! Turn the ship around!

In our new segment, Are You Kidding Me! we bring you some of the craziest facts surrounding the new healthcare law. Here’s a taste: More people signed a White House petition to build a Death Star than have signed up for Obamacare. Say it with me ARE YOU KIDDING ME!




Get used to this position madam Secretary

Get used to this position madam Secretary

Sebelius Unplugged!

No, MTV is not reviving it’s hit segment. The HHS secretary Kathleen Sebelius, worthy of her own ARE YOU KIDDING ME! is so detached from the disaster that is healthcare.gov she thinks stories about people not being able to log on are just “one time anomalies.”


Is that Handy Manny or Bob the Builder? We report, you decide!

Is that Handy Manny or Bob the Builder? We report, you decide!

Handy Manny to the Rescue!

Nancy Pelosi says don’t worry about it. The President is putting a belt and suspenders on the whole deal. It’ll be right as rain in no time. Nothing to see here. Move along, move along.







Plus listener suggested topics. K. Thomas first up with a suggestion about reality vs perception on wealth distribution. Here’s the video we discussed: Wealth Inequality in America      Send us ideas, they may make it to live air!

All this and more on episode 22 of UF/UF. Don’t miss it!

Podcast Episode 23: Handy Manny builds a Death Star

Then tell us what you think, ask questions, argue with us, mock us.  Do it in the comment section below or the show’s email: theunmail@yahoo.com

No Jay, It’s still about Benghazi


I shall stop lying when you stop asking me questions.

On September 11, 2012, the Libyan embassy was attacked and four Americans murdered, including Ambassador Christopher Stephens.

On September 16, Susan Rice appeared on CBS’s Face the Nation and stated that “we do not have information at present that leads us to conclude that this [attack] was premeditated or preplanned.” She said it was a spontaneous attack resulting from some YouTube video.

On January 23 2013, Hillary Clinton in a Senate hearing about Benghazi, denied seeing any memo that the embassy was at risk. In a response to Senator Ron Johnson, inquiring about the misleading information, Clinton said:

“The fact is we had four dead Americans, was it because of a protest or was it some guys that went out for a walk some night and decided they would kill some Americans, what difference, at this point, does it make?  It is our job to figure out what happened so that we can prevent it from ever happening again.”

Which is what they were trying to find out by asking you questions, which, apparently, you then lied about.

Reporter Catherine Herridge obtained a memo dated 16 August 2012, from the Libyan Embassy, stating that Al Qaeda was there in the area, that they were worried about an attack, and that they couldn’t withstand an attack. It also stated that the Libyan Brigade tasked with defending the embassy was infiltrated. Herridge has said there the memo was addressed to the head of the state department (Hillary Clinton at the time).

In a press conference that was held on Friday, James Rosen was asking about a memo that circulated on September 10, 2012 that steps were being taken to assure protection of U.S. personnel and assets. Rosen asked if other emails or memos regarding this would be released. Carney responded by stating that they were engaged in the exchange simply as fodder for Fox News.

Jay Carney: “And I would simply say, when it comes to — and I know that we’re creating an exchange here for Fox and I’m mindful of that, but allow me to suggest that questions about the posturing of defense forces are usually better addressed at the Pentagon.”

James Rosen: “My question to you, Jay, is, first of all, what we’re engaged in here is not for Fox. It’s for the record. And the fact that the posturing was such that it made remedy or rescue in that situation impossible is not a conclusion solely of the House Armed Services Committee or Republicans; it’s a self-evident fact. source.”

Well, Jay, the White House’s war with Fox News not with-standing, millions of Americans still watch the channel. Thirteen months after the incident and we’re still peeling back the issue trying to work through this administration’s lies and found out why an American Embassy was attacked and personnel killed.  At best, it’s just plain incompetence.  But, it’s always the cover-up that gets you.

You shouldn’t dodge the issue by blaming the people asking the questions.

Carney ended the press conference by saying:  “James, I think we’re done here.”

Which after their initial lie, has been the administration’s response to anything about Benghazi

The most transparent administration in history.


No more questions from you, Rosen.



Podcast Episode 16: Mubarak, Manning, and Mammaries

A really big show for you tonight.

Click the link or chose other options below and listen to this podcast, unless of course you hate Liberty.

Podcast Episode 16: Mubarak, Manning, and thanks for the Mammaries 

Go to iTunes and search for unfiltered and unfettered and you will see our new UF logo. Click, enjoy, write review.

If you don’t use iTunes, you can find us on Podhoster: http://unfilteredunfettered.podhoster.com/

Then tell us what you think, ask questions, argue with us, mock us.  Do it in the comment section below or the show’s email: theunmail@yahoo.com

On to the tease.

I'm in a glass case of emotion.

I’m in a glass case of emotion.

Hosni in the Hizz-ouse?

As the situation swirls the bowl in Egypt, the military releases Hosni Mubarak.  Largely symbolic, but still a big fat symbolic smack to the face of the U.S.  The leader we backed, Mohamed Morsi, is still in the pokey.



Someone caption this please.

Someone caption this please.

Manning no longer a Mann?

In a stunning (not really) turn of events, Bradley Manning, the Army Private who released top secret documents to Wiki-Leaks, gets 35 years in Ft. Leavenworth. In a follow up shocker he wants hormone replacement therapy so he can live as a women, named Chelsea.  (did not make that up)



As reports jiggle, er bounce, no I mean fly, yeah thats it fly. As reports fly terrorists will begin using women with exploding breast implants to attack airports, U.S. TSA agents nation wide rejoice and make sacrifices of thanks to their god over the new pat down procedures.  Have to add the link here so you know I’m not just dreaming this up.  Terror breast squads


Plus T-Nak the Magnificent is back! Don’t miss his amazing mental powers after he creepily rubs sealed envelopes on his forehead.

That and so much more on Episode 16: Mubarak, Manning, and thanks for the Mammaries 

Then tell us what you think, ask questions, argue with us, mock us.  Do it in the comment section below or the show’s email: theunmail@yahoo.com