UF/UF 249: Send in the clowns!

Gas up the clown car boys, it’s debatin season!

For all of you who thought the Republican primary of 2016 was a giant shit show, and I was one of those people; hang on to your hats. You ain’t seen nothing yet.

The Democratic primary has become so large the debates have to be staggered over two nights. The field is so crowded right now the Dems have scheduled debates every month until the primary election just so they can get all the candidates proper air time.

We sort out the field for you tonight. Don’t miss it.

UF/UF 249: Send in the clowns!



primary 202

Clinton, McAuliffe, and Bloomberg are the only non-official candidates in this field, but are expected to join soon.


UF/UF 224: Black Out the Sun

If you were as savvy a musical aficionado as my partner (that’s podcast partner, not that there’s anything wrong with that) you would think the title of our post today is from the song Black Out the Sun by the band Sevendust. And you’d be right and you’d also be wrong.

Black out the sun is the new remedy by the current group of climate scientists to forestall the coming climate apocalypse.  It seems spraying chemicals into the atmosphere to “dim” the sun passed muster and is now being considered by the people who consider these things.

No wonder Donald Trump got elected.

God help us all.

But before that, click the link.

UF/UF 224: Black Out the Sun





Dim the Sun with aerosols? Yeah that should be fine.

UF/UF 185: Year End Review-tacular

Well we survived another one, as hard as it is to believe. Lots of stuff packed into 12 short months. We’ll recap some of it, make a few predictions, say goodbye to some other things.

Hard to imagine what 2018 will bring. Sadly I’m pretty sure it’ll be more of this dude…

North Korea's leader Kim Jong-Un waves a

North Korea’s leader Kim Jong-Un.

Click the link folks and lets get 2018 under way.

UF/UF 185: Year End Review-tacular.



UF/UF 176: Weinstein’s Hollywood

Some dark days in Hollywierd these days. And by all accounts there is more to come. I’m not sure what’s more sad, the crimes perpetrated by this monster or the people covering up for him all these years,or the people running for cover now.

It’s not all dark here at UF/UF. T-Nak is back!

Also we are changing providers soon. Keep checking here on what you may need to do if you’re a faithful subscriber.

So click the link you crazy loyal bastards.

UF/UF 176: Weinstein’s Hollywood


Oh My God. The creepy! It burns!

UF/UF 139: To Boldly Go

Fitting this podcast comes out the very day Star Trek premiered it’s very first episode so long ago. Why? Well we find out today that Nano-tube technology is being perfected, thus providing the infrastructure necessary for machines to take over. I for one welcome it. With machines and complex communication nets required to maintain their dominance comes massive amounts of air conditioning.

That’s right you heard it here first. The HVAC industry will become the greatest department in the new machine run government. Can’t wait.

Also, Hillary’s staff destroyed 14 of her Blackberries and iPads, using hammers. But that’s not important.

Until then, click and listen. You’re welcome.

UF/UF 139: To Boldly Go

Or go to iTunes, search Unfiltered and Unfettered, and join the other thousands of satisfied subscribers. Yes thousands!

Blackberry, iPad what difference does it make now!

Blackberry, iPad what difference does it make now!


Then tell us what you think, ask questions, argue with us, mock us. Do it in the comment section below or the show’s email: theunmail@yahoo.com


UF/UF 137: Ain’t Over Till it’s Over

Three weeks ago we sang a dirge for Trump. He was spiraling out of control, flipping and flopping even. Who knew he would have this kind of resurgence? Well I’m not gonna say I told you so, mainly because I didn’t. All I said was, it’s a long way to November. Now, here we are; Khan is barely an afterthought, Tele-prompter Donald is staying on his prompter and his message, and he’s decided putting 11 million people on trains and sending them somewhere doesn’t sound as good out loud as it did in his head. As a result? Well he’s closing on Hill-dogg who has her own issues. Go figure.

Click the link and we’ll break it all down.

UF/UF 137: Ain’t Over Till it’s Over

Or go to iTunes, search Unfiltered and Unfettered, and join the other thousands of satisfied subscribers. Yes thousands!

You are most welcome America.

So now what?

So now what?


Then tell us what you think, ask questions, argue with us, mock us. Do it in the comment section below or the show’s email: theunmail@yahoo.com

UF/UF 134: The Rule of Law

Timing is everything. We went off the air just before the murder of 5 police officers in Dallas took place. If you’re looking for commentary on that, this episode is not it.

We went on the air just as the State Department announced it was re-opening it’s own internal investigation into Secretary Clinton and her illegal e-mail server.

In UF/UF 134 we roast the ridiculousness that is the FBI, DOJ, and the lack of rule of law when it comes to Secretary Clinton.

Check back next week for our thoughts on Dallas and the State Department. Until then click the link and listen to two non-lawyers try to understand the FBI and Dept of Justice.

UF/UF 134: The Rule of Law


End of Watch

End of Watch



UF/UF 110: Enter the Dumber-dome

I was about to say “The long awaited Democratic debate has arrived.” The problem? I don’t think anyone really gave a rats behind about it. I know I wasn’t all that keyed up for it. But hey I work here so I live tweeted the thing and then we podcasted about it.

Try not to be overwhelmed with the big build up there. But if this week’s Dem Debate is what that party has to offer then I’m pretty sure the democratic party is in deep trouble. Which is funny cause the talk for months has been about the demise of the republican party over their lack of leadership and ginormous presidential field. But these five Dem goofballs, criminals, hangers-on, and avowed socialists may be spelling the end of the Democratic party as we currently know it.

Anyway click and hear what we have to say about it. It’s pure genius. Trust me, I’m from the government, I’m here to help.

UF/UF 110: Enter the Dumber-dome

Or go to iTunes, search Unfiltered and Unfettered, and join the other thousands of satisfied subscribers. Yes thousands!

Hey Martin, that's the end of your career you're pointing at.

Hey Martin, that’s the end of your career you’re pointing at.

C’mon Joe, we need you, you know.

Help us crazy Joe, you're our only hope!

Help us crazy Joe, you’re our only hope!


UF/UF 110: Enter the Dumber-dome

Then tell us what you think, ask questions, argue with us, mock us. Do it in the comment section below or the show’s email: theunmail@yahoo.com

UF/UF 88: The Tax Man Cometh

It’s tax day my friends! Well it was when we recorded this last night. For your sake I hope you are square with The Man. We all know what the IRS can do when motivated by a certain Administration, if you know what I’m saying. Anyway, pay your taxes you deadbeats, but first click the link.

UF/UF 88: The Tax Man Cometh

Or find us here: http://unfilteredunfettered.podhoster.com/ Or go to iTunes and search Unfiltered Unfettered. Find the UF/UF icon, click, and enjoy every episode from season 1, 2, and/or 3.

Tease Time

Well this is just tired, polarizing, & out of touch!

Well this is just tired, polarizing, & out of touch!

Never go super stupid!

Hill-dogg’s “Super Volunteers” have published a manifesto of sorts for journalists on what words can and can not be said when referencing Hillary as she runs for Pres. In a galactically super stupid move Hill-dogg’s team has put her behind the 8-Ball on day one. And she’s not running against anyone!




At least Gary has better taste in mistresses than Bill.

At least Gary has better taste in mistresses than Bill.

Be afraid, be very very afraid.

Prominent Democrat and former Colorado Senator Gary Hart, yes that Gary Hart, says Americans should be super frightened about the money being raised and subsequently spent by Hillary Clinton on her run for the White House. With some estimates in the billion dollar range, how much is too much when running for such a high office? We report you decide!


I vote for To Kill a Mockingbird.

I vote for To Kill a Mockingbird.

The End of Days in Tennessee?

Taping the show last night a TN State House bill that would make the christian bible the state book of TN passed 55-38. Since that time the TN Senate has overturned said bill, thus averting Armageddon or the Apocalypse, depending on which of the 583 different versions of the christian bible you may or may not adhere to. Who the hell thought this was a good idea to start with anyway?


All this plus a pharmacist decides the only drug people need is God. Maybe Armageddon is upon us after all.

Don’t miss it.

UF/UF 88: The Tax Man Cometh

Then tell us what you think, ask questions, argue with us, mock us. Do it in the comment section below or the show’s email: theunmail@yahoo.com

Podcast Season 2 Episode 50: Down goes Cantor! Down goes Cantor!

Whoa nelly, take me home! I know enough to know I have seen too much!

Republican Majority Leader in the House of Representatives Eric Cantor loses his primary election against Republican Tea Party challenger David Brat. Yeah you read that right. The most powerful Republican in the House will no longer be in the House, no longer be the Majority Leader after getting pounded by an economics professor from Randolph-Macon College in Ashland Virginia.

The effects of this are yet to be seen. Is this the start of a run on establishment Republicans by the Tea Party? Has the Tea Party come back from the dead? Were they ever dead to begin with? Is this just another battle in the civil war raging inside the Republican Party? Is this good or bad for Republicans, Congress, the country? We’ll talk, you listen, then make up your own mind.

Click the link now, thank us later.

Podcast Season 2 Episode 50: Down goes Cantor! Down goes Cantor!

Or find us here: http://unfilteredunfettered.podhoster.com/

Or go to iTunes and search Unfiltered Unfettered. Find the UF/UF icon, click, and enjoy every episode from season 1 and/or 2.

Then tell us what you think, ask questions, argue with us, mock us. Do it in the comment section below or the show’s email: theunmail@yahoo.com

On to the tease…

Do you know this man?

Do you know this man?

David Brat orders a De-Cantor 

Nobody from nowhere that no one saw coming beats top House Republican. Sounds like Mr. Smith goes to Washington right? Has to be a movie script right? Wrong. David Brat, school teacher, spender of no money, takes down Eric Cantor, the Majority Leader in congress. Cantor’s internal polling people had him up by 34%. Cantor lost by 11%. Do the math, don’t do the math, that’s huge suckage on an epic scale.


Wasn't me bro!

Wasn’t me bro!

Hagel takes the Hill…

…alone. All alone. DoD Secretary Chuck Hagel testifies in congress over the Bergdahl incident. As we’ve seen over and over, the Administration is lacking in what you would call full throated support of one of it’s cabinet members. Hagel is not going down alone though. He made it clear who was calling the final shots and it wasn’t him.


Here we go again.

Here we go again.

Turn out the lights. The party is ….over?

Apparently not. The reports of the Tea Party demise was greatly exaggerated it seems. After not winning one primary election in early April, they win a big one last night. Taking down the Majority Leader was a big surprise, but really how much did the Tea Party have to do with that? They’re taking credit but Brat’s not crediting them very much. This story within the story may have legs. Stay tuned.


All that plus a second rendition of our new segment “Oh No You Didn’t!” Click the link and find out what the 50th episode of a podcast sounds like.

Podcast Season 2 Episode 50: Down goes Cantor! Down goes Cantor!

Then tell us what you think, ask questions, argue with us, mock us. Do it in the comment section below or the show’s email: theunmail@yahoo.com