UF/UF 192: Please Stand By

Man let me tell you, disrespect your nerds at your own peril. We have been in the grip of some serious technical difficulties that may have been avoided had we shown our staff nerds some love. Well we’ve repented of our sins and are up and running again. Up and running with a new segment no less.

We’ll also retrace some of the issues we’ve missed in our two week technical hiatus. So sit back, click the link, and bask in the warmness of our newly repaired radio waves.


UF/UF 192: Please Stand By





Technical difficulties

Yeah this about sums it up.

UF/UF 175: The great and terrible gun debate.

Well it was inevitable. Not the shooting in Vegas, but the political football it has become. Or should I say the political football it was made into by conservatives who won’t relent one bit on gun control and liberals who want every item that fires a projectile of any sort banned from the universe.

Is it any wonder Sandy Hook, where a school full of little kids were murdered, has had zero effect on guns and gun crime in this country? But you can forget blaming the guns. And stop blaming the shooter for that matter. This issue rests squarely on the two sides who only want to score political points instead of solve anything.

Click and we’ll explain.

UF/UF 175: The great and terrible gun debate.

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Flipping off the Vegas shooter during the rain of gunfire. This is the hero America needs.