UF/UF 318: What’s in a number?

Fun with numbers. It was one of those weeks folks. And it started bad from the jump.

For future reference we are on episode 318. For some reason our lazy intern keeps sliding in a 217 or a 213 here and there. Rest assured she’ll be dealt with. Also be assured no matter the number, the product is as good as always.

Speaking of numbers…

How many times did President Biden trip up the stairs in one go? That would be three. How many times was it replayed on FOX News? That would be eleventy billion. How many times did MSNBC show Trump and Pence tripping the same way? Well it’s more than the other number, but I’ve run out of catchy names for it.

On the plus side of the numbers issue, and in line with our continuing effort to be more positive this year…

That’s 57 year old Kathy Jacobs below, who appeared at an open call for older models for Sports Illustrated’s swim suit edition. We here at UF/UF the Podcast applaud their choice and believe firmly in beauty being in the eye of the beholder. We behold her to be stunning.


Not a fan of numbers? No worry. The only number you need to know is 1. As in how many clicks you need to hear Tony and I break all this bullshit down in episode 318.

UF/UF 318: What’s in a number?

UF/UF 217: Time to go Cuomo

As if the case against NY Governor Andrew Cuomo wasn’t bad enough, now both NY Democrats in the Senate are calling for his ouster. Senators Kristi Gillibrand and Chuck Schumer have told Cuomo it’s time to go. Andrew’s response: I ain’t going nowhere.

So yeah that should make for a fun summer as more sexual assault/harassment victims come forward to accuse the embattled Governor. Stay tuned.

Also tonight, Tucker Carlson goes after pregnant women in the military and it goes exactly how you’d expect. So slide FOX NEWS into the “We no longer back the military” column. Definitely stay tuned on this one.

All that and more on tonight’s episode of UF/UF The Podcast.

But you gotta click.

UF/UF 217: Time to go Cuomo


President Biden declines to call for Gov. Cuomo to resign, awaits probe
So the exit is this way then?

UF/UF 290: The Year of Discontent

Man, 2020 has been a year. And it’s only June! It appears neither the pandemic nor the craziness coming from the Trump Whitehouse shows any signs of waning.

Even FOX News is publishing polls showing Trump down big to Biden. FOX News!!! We are through the looking glass my friends.

What will the second half of the year have in store?

Do you really want to know?

Click man, just click.

UF/UF 290: The Year of Discontent


Decisions, decisions…

UF/UF 288: Riots, riots, everywhere riots.

Lot going on this week.  Mostly riots. Lots of cow cookies being offered up by various politicians and party mouthpieces on various airwaves from both sides.  And when I say cow cookies I mean total bullshit.

The question of the day: will cynicism rein supreme as the Pope of the Podcast think?. Or can the dumb from the neck up American populace find a way to treat everyone the same as the Bully Opinionist believes? That debate starts now.

But you gotta click.


UF/UF 288: Riots, riots, everywhere riots.



The good old days, when riots were done the right way.


UF/UF 286: We’re Back!

It’s been a while. Things in Tennessee, and our city in particular, are loosening up quite a bit. With only 27 active cases in Knox County we decided it was time to get back at it.

And whoa nelly what a time to be back on the air.

Anyway glad to be back. Hope you enjoy episode 286 of UF/UF The Podcast.

UF/UF 286: We’re Back!




Pre-pandemic and the last time we touched elbows!


UF/UF 267: Emolument Green

The US Constitution is a pesky little document.  Pesky that is, if you give a crap about what it says.

FOX News of all people started the charge of calling out the President for his scheduling the G7 Summit at his Doral golf course resort in Florida in direct violation of the Emoluments Clause of the Constitution. That’s the part the keeps elected officials from profiting from heir office and accepting gifts from foreign governments.

See the problem?

The President has backed off very quickly which is highly unusual and should say how serious this situation got.  That sound you hear is the Dems Impeachment train picking up speed.

Click the link, and we’ll break it all down including how to say the word Emoluments.

UF/UF 267: Emolument Green




Yep this part right here is the problem. There that should fix it!





UF/UF 203: Fly Eagles Fly

Oh he done did it now. He done messed with my boys, my Iggles.  And if you haven’t heard, they are the Super Bowl Champion Iggles. The President drug the reigning world champion Eagles into the NFL kneeling controversy and then it all broke loose. FOX news went all in to help the Prez and only made it worse.

Click the link and hear us break it all down.

UF/UF 203: Fly Eagles Fly




UF/UF 198: Rudy! Rudy! Rudy!

We ain’t talking Rudy Rudiger that kid from the football movie about Notre Dame. We’re talking about our man, the Mayor of America, hero of 911, Rudy Giuliani. Old Rudy went on Hannity and basically said the President’s repayment of his lawyers hush money to the porn star Stormy Daniels is perfectly legal. It’s all fine, good, nothing to see here. Move along. After Sean Hannity recovered from his brain bleed, he asked Rudy for an explanation, bad move dude.

Plus, Neil Cavuto, also of Fox News, calls out the President for being part of the swamp. Is it opposite day at Fox?

Click the link and we’ll sort it all out

UF/UF 198: Rudy! Rudy! Rudy!




Life comes at you fast.


Stormy weather ahead for Pres?

UF/UF 195: Masters of the News Cycle

We don’t usually do themed broadcasts, but sometimes a good one just falls in your lap. Tonight’s theme? Well of course it would be fake news in some fashion or another.  We’ll touch on various forms of fake news, lazy news, news for profit, and good old fashioned manufactured news across an entire enterprise.

Oh and in case you were unaware, it’s also Masters week.

Tune in you don’t want to miss this, and that’s for real.

UF/UF 195: Masters of the News Cycle


hioll dogg

Not sure where the fake news is here.

Bashir vs Robertson: false equivalency

n in his sophomore year (1966-1967) as quarterback

Robertson’s 2nd season at La. Tech as QB. Terry Bradshaw was his backup.

Martin Bashir - Carnival Barker

Martin Bashir – Carnival Barker








The past few days has seen some serious internet action over Phil Robertson’s GQ interview and subsequent suspension/firing from A&E, the network that airs Duck Dynasty.

Social media sites were blowing up. Twitter was a treasure trove of rumor & humor, conspiracy & theocracy, conjecture & grandstanding. Everyone has a take and thanks to social media everyone gets to put their take in a public forum. Some takes are crazier than others. But since this isn’t AYSO Soccer and there are no trophies for participation, we have picked a winner in the craziest take on the Robertson issue. Observe:

Grenell works for Fox


Richard Grenell is a Fox News contributor. I guess this is an attempt at fair and balanced. Who knows. I do know this comparison is ridiculous. My podcast partner will attest to my despise for one Sarah Palin and all she claims to stand for. But Martin Bashir of MSNBC, or should I say formally of MSNBC, espoused violent acts against Palin simply because she said the national debt will be like slavery to future generations. She may even be right about that. Broken clocks are right twice a day. But that’s not the point. She expressed her opinion and Bashir said someone should defecate in her mouth because of that.

Here is Bashir for your viewing pleasure.

Somehow Grenell of Fox News equates that with this:

“Don’t be deceived. Neither the adulterers, the idolaters, the male prostitutes, the homosexual offenders, the greedy, the drunkards, the slanderers, the swindlers—they won’t inherit the kingdom of God. Don’t deceive yourself. It’s not right.” Phil Robertson of Duck Dynasty

Of course Robertson said some other stuff, a lot of it pretty offensive to some, but the Robertson defenders cherry pick this quote so I will too. It serves the point. No matter how idiotic Robertson was in the entirety of his speech, it in no way rises to the level of what Bashir did. Robertson never incited violence against anybody, Bashir did. The wackos on the Left froth at the mouth just as much as the nut jobs on the Right.

This is where Grenell comes in. He not only equates the two actions but goes on to say to me and others that we need to toughen up if we think what Bashir said is violent. Really Rich?

Can you non-violently defecate in a person’s mouth? I don’t want to know, but I’m guessing it’s a violent act. And not for nothing, but Palin was a Governor and a serious candidate for vice president. Serious in that she had a good chance of becoming such. Which is to say it’s a little strange that a guy, Bashir, who always bemoans the disrespectful tone toward President Obama, would be so disrespectful toward Palin.

Of course if you watched Bashir’s show I guess it’s not strange at all. The guy runs his pompous pie hole like that all the time. But this instance was the first time he took to suggesting actual violence toward another person that I can remember.

Bashir resigned. He should have been fired. Robertson was suspended and probably will be fired and he really should not have been.

Both men are no longer on TV. That’s where the equivalency starts and stops.

Maybe they can open a bake shop together.