UF/UF 281: From Russia with Love

As the election season ramps up and the Dems realize they’re sucking wind, both parties get notified the Russians are “meddling” in both sides of the election.

Yeah that’s right, Bernie Sanders has been notified the Russians are helping his campaign as well as Trump’s run. Not sure why Trump needs help at this moment, but hey it’s their rubles, they can spend them how they want.

Saddle up gang. The Russians are coming.  Again.

UF/UF 281: From Russia with Love



Comrades in Arms

UF/UF 256: Feelin the Bern?

The Dems are faltering. There is no doubt about that. It’s not unusual in either party when the field is this large. But are they coming in for a crash landing? Will Bernie Sanders be the end of them? Will the constant in-fighting make them look more foolish then they already do? Will they destroy the party as they begin to charge each other with that age old Liberal weapon; labeling someone who disagrees with you a racist?

All that tonight and more, as and age old segment is resurrected.  That’s right sports fans, Who Said That is back!!

Don’t miss it. Click the link.

UF/UF 256: Feelin the Bern?



Yeah what else is there to say?

UF/UF 249: Send in the clowns!

Gas up the clown car boys, it’s debatin season!

For all of you who thought the Republican primary of 2016 was a giant shit show, and I was one of those people; hang on to your hats. You ain’t seen nothing yet.

The Democratic primary has become so large the debates have to be staggered over two nights. The field is so crowded right now the Dems have scheduled debates every month until the primary election just so they can get all the candidates proper air time.

We sort out the field for you tonight. Don’t miss it.

UF/UF 249: Send in the clowns!



primary 202

Clinton, McAuliffe, and Bloomberg are the only non-official candidates in this field, but are expected to join soon.


UF/UF 207: When a #shero comes along…

Yeah you read that right. Shero, as in women heroes. Folks we need em, the sheros.  A crisis has emerged.  A civil war has broken out and it’s not Trumpians vs Liberals.  It’s not Avengers vs Justice League. It’s the… It’s… I can’t believe I’m typing this.

It’s the Lesbians (#sheros) vs the Transgenders (no hashtag, indicating their lameness) over the right to womanhood.  As in who are real women and who aren’t.  The first shot was fired by the #sheros at the pride parade in London, England. They wanted the Trans folks out of the parade and more importantly out of the movement for equality. This isn’t getting much play as you might imagine.

All joking aside this may have serious implications in the issue over the rights of Transgenders in this country.  Stay tuned.  More on this in the future.  Until then revel in the glory that is the greatest hashtag since #feelthebern

As for me and my house we are team #shero.

We talked about other stuff too. So click and listen.

UF/UF 207: When a #shero comes along…





The #shero we need!