UF/UF 203: Fly Eagles Fly

Oh he done did it now. He done messed with my boys, my Iggles.  And if you haven’t heard, they are the Super Bowl Champion Iggles. The President drug the reigning world champion Eagles into the NFL kneeling controversy and then it all broke loose. FOX news went all in to help the Prez and only made it worse.

Click the link and hear us break it all down.

UF/UF 203: Fly Eagles Fly




UF/UF 195: Masters of the News Cycle

We don’t usually do themed broadcasts, but sometimes a good one just falls in your lap. Tonight’s theme? Well of course it would be fake news in some fashion or another.  We’ll touch on various forms of fake news, lazy news, news for profit, and good old fashioned manufactured news across an entire enterprise.

Oh and in case you were unaware, it’s also Masters week.

Tune in you don’t want to miss this, and that’s for real.

UF/UF 195: Masters of the News Cycle


hioll dogg

Not sure where the fake news is here.

UF/UF 152: Fakers gonna fake

Does anyone know what’s real anymore? Does anyone really care? Did we really land on the moon? Did Sinatra’s fans really swoon? Click the link and we’ll tell ya. That’s as real as it gets folks.

UF/UF 152: Fakers Gonna Fake

Or go to iTunes, search Unfiltered and Unfettered, and join the other thousands of satisfied subscribers. Yes thousands!

You are welcome America!


Real or just awesome? We report you decide!

Real or just awesome? We report you decide!

Just in case you were wondering, this is the photo that comes up when you google Press Secretary Sean Spicer. What is real anymore?

UF/UF 150: Fake news – The Lies that Bind

Folks we don’t know what to tell you. If you’re going to be too lazy to read past a headline or two, you will be the pawn in the fake news game. Read the articles and reports. Don’t settle for some fantastical headline or tag line or blog title. This one included.

Click and listen. Then make up your own damn mind.

UF/UF 150: Fake news – The Lies that Bind

Or go to iTunes, search Unfiltered and Unfettered, and join the other thousands of satisfied subscribers. Yes thousands!

You are welcome America!

This is real news. This really happened.  Or maybe it didn't.

This is real news. This really happened. Or maybe it didn’t.