UF/UF 191: Everybody loves a parade!

Great Kim Jong Il’s ghost! A parade? With tanks and missiles and goose stepping troops?!? Hell yeah, sign us up. On second thought… Click the link and hear what two 20 year vets have to say about a military parade in DC on July 4th. Spoiler – it’s bullshit. But the conversation is fun so click anyway.

Come for the parade stay for the theater. UF/UF playhouse rides again! Tune in as Tony and Fran put voice to the lovers e-mails between two amorous FBI agents. You can’t live without hearing this. Trust me.


UF/UF 191: Everybody loves a parade!



Well maybe this parade…

UF/UF 110: Enter the Dumber-dome

I was about to say “The long awaited Democratic debate has arrived.” The problem? I don’t think anyone really gave a rats behind about it. I know I wasn’t all that keyed up for it. But hey I work here so I live tweeted the thing and then we podcasted about it.

Try not to be overwhelmed with the big build up there. But if this week’s Dem Debate is what that party has to offer then I’m pretty sure the democratic party is in deep trouble. Which is funny cause the talk for months has been about the demise of the republican party over their lack of leadership and ginormous presidential field. But these five Dem goofballs, criminals, hangers-on, and avowed socialists may be spelling the end of the Democratic party as we currently know it.

Anyway click and hear what we have to say about it. It’s pure genius. Trust me, I’m from the government, I’m here to help.

UF/UF 110: Enter the Dumber-dome

Or go to iTunes, search Unfiltered and Unfettered, and join the other thousands of satisfied subscribers. Yes thousands!

Hey Martin, that's the end of your career you're pointing at.

Hey Martin, that’s the end of your career you’re pointing at.

C’mon Joe, we need you, you know.

Help us crazy Joe, you're our only hope!

Help us crazy Joe, you’re our only hope!


UF/UF 110: Enter the Dumber-dome

Then tell us what you think, ask questions, argue with us, mock us. Do it in the comment section below or the show’s email: theunmail@yahoo.com