UF/UF 333: Black Widow takes bite out of Mickey

The house of the Mouse may have gone too far this time. Disney screwed over one of it’s starts for one of if not the biggest franchise they’ve ever owned.

Disney released the new Black Widow movie, staring Scarlett Johannsen as Avenger Black Widow, to it’s streaming platform one week after the movie debuted in theaters. And by the way it was raking in the cash the first week it opened.

The release to the streaming platform some 6 months early has cut the profits of the movie and Scar Jo’s profits considerably. Mickey may have stepped in it this time. Give me the smart hot tough chick over the stupid mouse any day of the week.

Oh yeah and Trump is running for president in 2024. So there’s that.

UF/UF 333: Black Widow takes bite out of Mickey

My money is on Scar Jo

UF/UF 276: Hupp vs The Mouse

They are a lot of elements to the show today. We get into the Iran issue of course, and the impeachment, and the election.  We even renew a golden oldie in a Culture Club rant.

But nothing will compare to Hupp’s take down of The House of the Mouse. Don’t miss our Top 5 list as we run down the most overrated things in our world. And yeah, Hupp went there.

For the record I happen to love my Disney + subscription.  (Just in case Mickey is a listener.)

UF/UF 276: Hupp vs The Mouse




He ain’t Hupp’s father.