UF/UF 334: NFL – No Freedom League?

The NFL has instituted some serious covid protocols and penalties for the unvaxxed players among them. In turn the most pampered, spoiled, ass kissed athletes on the planet are crying about “mah freedooommssss!”

So is the NFL overreaching as the normally do? Are the players giant cry babies? Can it be both? Maybe, but you’ll have to listen.

We also break down the race for the dumbest Democrat currently serving in government federal and state levels. The winner may surprise you…

But you gotta click.

UF/UF 334: NFL – No Freedom League

To Vax or not to Vax? That is the question. Or is it?

UF/UF271: The Great Divide

One of my favorite sporting events is the professional feces toss in the gorilla cage at the zoo. The absolute euphoria on the faces of those gorillas as their excrement slams against the glass after they’ve hurled it at an unsuspecting zoo patron is, as they say, priceless.

Sometime imitation is not the purest form of flattery. And quite frankly it diminishes the original in a lot of ways. Well thanks to the Democrats and Republicans my fav sport has been ruined. RUINED!

Click the link to hear Tony and I break down the shit tossing that was the impeachment hearings and Democratic Presidential debate this week.

You won’t be disappointed.

Well… you probably will be, but I get paid by the word so… here we are.

UF/UF271: The Great Divide




Get you a girl that looks at you the way No Nuts Nunes watches his witness kill his case.


UF/UF 268: Fickle Bitches

Democratic leadership has made it perfectly clear; they have no leadership. So the smart play, in their minds, is to find a new candidate. You know cause it ain’t like they don’t have 40 to pick from already.

That should work out for them.

Click the link to find out why it won’t and more importantly find out the top 5 candies you should be stealing from your kids trick-or-treat bag this year.

UF/UF 268: Fickle Bitches



20 MF’rs to choose from and not a solid candidate in the  bunch!



UF/UF 261: Democrats and Drunk Racoons – A Users Guide

So yeah it’s getting hard to tell the difference between intoxicated wild life who dodge cars for survival and the presidential hopefuls in the Democratic party who want us all to stop eating meat, control the world’s population issues, and stop using standard pronouns to describe humans.

How do I vote for the drunk racoons again?

Yeah, none of what you just read is a joke. It’s all real and it’s all sad.

By the way, you can write in your pick for president…

UF/UF 261: Democrats and Drunk Racoons – A Users Guide




Live look at Bernie Sanders stumping at a campaign stop in Detroit.


UF/UF 260: Say it ain’t so Joe!?!

Well it has come to this. We warned him. We told him.  We begged him not to run.  Should have listened to us Joe.  We had your back then. But now…

We can’t stop what’s’ coming for you Joe. The enemy is ironically, from with-in. Kamala, Spartacus, Faux-cohontas, The Mayor, they’ll be lining up to get you now. We can stop it for you.

Joe Biden told a very admirable story about honoring a sailor during his time as Vice President. Sadly, minus some minor facts, the whole episode was made up, a mere creation of Joe’s mind.

Still time to salvage your legacy Joe. Take our advice. Go home to Delaware and enjoy your popularity.

The rest of you…

Click the link.

UF/UF 260: Say it ain’t so Joe!?!




160 episodes ago during better days. Joe’s a long time UF/UF fan. At least he used to be.



UF/UF 256: Feelin the Bern?

The Dems are faltering. There is no doubt about that. It’s not unusual in either party when the field is this large. But are they coming in for a crash landing? Will Bernie Sanders be the end of them? Will the constant in-fighting make them look more foolish then they already do? Will they destroy the party as they begin to charge each other with that age old Liberal weapon; labeling someone who disagrees with you a racist?

All that tonight and more, as and age old segment is resurrected.  That’s right sports fans, Who Said That is back!!

Don’t miss it. Click the link.

UF/UF 256: Feelin the Bern?



Yeah what else is there to say?

UF/UF 250! Happy Father’s Day

Two big things. It’s Father’s Day and it’s episode 250 at UF/UF the podcast!

Big milestones both. In this episode:

  • Trump says controversial stuff (does it really matter what?)
  • Bieber challenges Tom Cruise to a fight. Who ya got?
  • Tony will list all Democrat candidates not winning the presidency. (Spoiler – all of them)

So relax on this father’s day Sunday and enjoy UF/UF 250, free of charge.  On us.

UF/UF 250! Happy Father’s Day


trump cup

“It’s the greatest Father’s Day in history.” “No one does Father’s Day better than me, I’m telling you!”



UF/UF 245: Measels are back!

Editor’s Note: At the time of recording episode 245 in the studio, we were unaware of the transition to the living force of Peter Mayhew, the actor who brought the most beloved walking carpet in the history of movies to life in the form of Chewbacca. 

We would be remiss in not mentioning this event even though we don’t speak of it in the following podcast. It is after all May the 4th. If you need the importance of this day explained to you, Chewbacca’s passing means nothing to you anyway. 

For all others: See you again Chewie, no one is ever really gone.


May the 4th Be With You.

Now on to the show UF/UF 245: Measels are Back

In case you were missing that famous desease that’s so much fun it’ll make you die, the Anit-vaxxer idiots got your back.

They have single-handedly brought back a disease that was eradivcated from America for years now.

Thank assholes.

UF/UF 245: Measels are back. Thanks Assholes.




Pic of actual anti-vaxxer  aka asshole



UF/UF 234: The Union is in a State

It’s State of the Union time again boys and girls. The annual government clown car of ridiculousness on parade for all the world to see. I’ve been watching since the Ford administration and I can tell you, the names have changed but the game, and the clowns, remain the same.

Also tonight!  A new segment: Are you serious? debuts.  And the Shot Gunning the News segment is straight fire. You cannot miss it.


UF/UF 234: The Union is in a State





Not sure who’s mean muggin more here. You be the judge!

UF/UF 230: At the Wailing Wall

You thought you heard too much about the Russians?  ha! Brace yourselves my friends. You ain’t heard nothing yet. Coverage of the Wall will make coverage of the Russians seem like a 30 second sound bite.

The wailing and gnashing of teeth over the Wall will go on for as long as the shut down for obvious reasons. The question then; is the end in sight? The answer; not even close.

Buckle up gang. And click the link.

UF/UF 230: At the Wailing Wall





I’m no wall expert but…