UF/UF 261: Democrats and Drunk Racoons – A Users Guide

So yeah it’s getting hard to tell the difference between intoxicated wild life who dodge cars for survival and the presidential hopefuls in the Democratic party who want us all to stop eating meat, control the world’s population issues, and stop using standard pronouns to describe humans.

How do I vote for the drunk racoons again?

Yeah, none of what you just read is a joke. It’s all real and it’s all sad.

By the way, you can write in your pick for president…

UF/UF 261: Democrats and Drunk Racoons – A Users Guide




Live look at Bernie Sanders stumping at a campaign stop in Detroit.


UF/UF 257: The Great Whore speaks!

In what can only be described as the dumbest thing in the history of dumb things, CNN posts “Fun Facts” about the Dem candidates before the debate. How any of these people are still employed is beyond me.

Also Tony takes to his Bully Pulpit to opine about Dem Presidential Candidate Marian Williamson.  OK let’s be honest, it was a long distance social media booty call. It was everything you might think it would be and more.

Click the link if you dare.

UF/UF 257: The Great Whore speaks!




Anyone think they can say that tag line with a straight face?  Nope, didn’t think so.


UF/UF 256: Feelin the Bern?

The Dems are faltering. There is no doubt about that. It’s not unusual in either party when the field is this large. But are they coming in for a crash landing? Will Bernie Sanders be the end of them? Will the constant in-fighting make them look more foolish then they already do? Will they destroy the party as they begin to charge each other with that age old Liberal weapon; labeling someone who disagrees with you a racist?

All that tonight and more, as and age old segment is resurrected.  That’s right sports fans, Who Said That is back!!

Don’t miss it. Click the link.

UF/UF 256: Feelin the Bern?



Yeah what else is there to say?

UF/UF 249: Send in the clowns!

Gas up the clown car boys, it’s debatin season!

For all of you who thought the Republican primary of 2016 was a giant shit show, and I was one of those people; hang on to your hats. You ain’t seen nothing yet.

The Democratic primary has become so large the debates have to be staggered over two nights. The field is so crowded right now the Dems have scheduled debates every month until the primary election just so they can get all the candidates proper air time.

We sort out the field for you tonight. Don’t miss it.

UF/UF 249: Send in the clowns!



primary 202

Clinton, McAuliffe, and Bloomberg are the only non-official candidates in this field, but are expected to join soon.


UF/UF 110: Enter the Dumber-dome

I was about to say “The long awaited Democratic debate has arrived.” The problem? I don’t think anyone really gave a rats behind about it. I know I wasn’t all that keyed up for it. But hey I work here so I live tweeted the thing and then we podcasted about it.

Try not to be overwhelmed with the big build up there. But if this week’s Dem Debate is what that party has to offer then I’m pretty sure the democratic party is in deep trouble. Which is funny cause the talk for months has been about the demise of the republican party over their lack of leadership and ginormous presidential field. But these five Dem goofballs, criminals, hangers-on, and avowed socialists may be spelling the end of the Democratic party as we currently know it.

Anyway click and hear what we have to say about it. It’s pure genius. Trust me, I’m from the government, I’m here to help.

UF/UF 110: Enter the Dumber-dome

Or go to iTunes, search Unfiltered and Unfettered, and join the other thousands of satisfied subscribers. Yes thousands!

Hey Martin, that's the end of your career you're pointing at.

Hey Martin, that’s the end of your career you’re pointing at.

C’mon Joe, we need you, you know.

Help us crazy Joe, you're our only hope!

Help us crazy Joe, you’re our only hope!


UF/UF 110: Enter the Dumber-dome

Then tell us what you think, ask questions, argue with us, mock us. Do it in the comment section below or the show’s email: theunmail@yahoo.com