UF/UF 335: ID’A know man, that’s a big storm!

Heads up New Orleans peeps. IDA is coming and she’s not happy. When we started the pre production of todays’ episode IDA was a tropical storm or TS for short. Now just two days later she’s a full blown Cat 4 Hurricane hitting the New Orleans area almost 16yrs to the day that other bitch rolled in.

Likely too late for y’all to get out.  No worry UF/UF The Podcast is here to keep you company. Click and listen to everything form IDA to Afghanistan to new and improved crop circles in England.

UF/UF 334: NFL – No Freedom League?

The NFL has instituted some serious covid protocols and penalties for the unvaxxed players among them. In turn the most pampered, spoiled, ass kissed athletes on the planet are crying about “mah freedooommssss!”

So is the NFL overreaching as the normally do? Are the players giant cry babies? Can it be both? Maybe, but you’ll have to listen.

We also break down the race for the dumbest Democrat currently serving in government federal and state levels. The winner may surprise you…

But you gotta click.

UF/UF 334: NFL – No Freedom League

To Vax or not to Vax? That is the question. Or is it?

UF/UF 213: What’d We Miss?

A little impromptu hiatus for the team of UF/UF The Podcast. We’re back now and trying to catch up.

Annnnnd it looks like we picked the wrong week to stop sniffing glue. What in the hell have you people been doing while we were away!?!

The impeachment is still going? The virus is still going. You dumbasses said it’d be gone by November 6th. Or was it Jan 20th? No matter. And what the hell is with wearing 2 masks? Is that a thing?

Anyway click the link and listen as Tony and I get our sea legs and try to unravel the goings on.

UF/UF 213: What’d We Miss?


AOC survives Trump’s coup attempt. A Festivus miracle!

UF/UF 309: Peace on Earth – Life on Venus

Did you think we’d get out of December without some weird sh*# happening? Have you not been paying attention?

We got Girls Scouts at war with the Boy Scouts over recruiting, Fauci saying worse Covid is on the way, Chris Christie saying he’ll run against Trump in 2024, and now NASA is basically saying the plot from Species and Species II is about to play out in real time with the very late discovery of life on Venus. Like late from 1974 late.

Really, could the year have ended any differently? I don’t think so. Tune in and we’ll sort it out. Plus Tony reveals the UF/UF The Podcast Christmas gift list. I have it on good authority that at least one person is getting a nifty piece of coal emblazoned with the UF UF Logo. You don’t want to miss that.



UF/UF 309: Peace on Earth – Life on Venus


It doesn’t end well. For anyone. Thanks a lot NASA!


UF/UF 302: Option C Please

Editor’s Note: At the time of the taping of this podcast the President had not been taken to the hospital. We at UF/UF The Podcast wish President Trump and more so First Lady Melania a speedy recovery.

Wow that was something alight. Something terrible and embarrassing.

It brought to mind the declaration from King Longshanks in Braveheart when he pondered who to send to negotiate with William Wallace. When the thought of his son came to mind he said this: The mere sight of him would only encourage an enemy to take over the whole country. 

My friends that sums up the 1st presidential debate in a nutshell. A petulant man-baby who is President and a doddering old man who wants to be President.

How have we not been invaded yet?

Click the link.

UF/UF 302: Option C Please


Holy Guacamole we’re doomed!


UF/UF 291: The Rise of the Anti-Maskers

I used to think Anti-Vaxxers were kind of ridiculous. But compared to Ant-Maskers? Hell, Anti-Vaxxers are practically mainstream.

An.ti – Mask.er (an ti mas ker) n. 2020 origin American Continent 1. Angry or discontented American, devoid of care for their fellow country men or any human for that matter to the point of refusing to wear a mask the way a normal person wears pants. 2. Person who believes wearing a mask potentially protecting their fellow man from a deadly virus is so egregious to their “constitutional rights” they would rather get infected and die than simply WEAR A GODDAMN MASK. (See Herman Cain) (except you can’t see Herman Cain because he’s hospitalized with Covid-19 after not wearing a mask to Trump’s Tulsa Oklahoma rally)

Yeah man, this is where we are right now. I type this as I watch a series called Life After People. It now seems less like fantasy and more prophetic. The current news makes our Signs of the Apocalypse seem like a silly joke.

In other news, Joe comes out of the basement to throngs of tens, Trump goes into hysterics after crowds of hundreds not millions, and the election on Nov 3rd is likely to be in chaos for millions. Other than that it should be fine. And what happened to the murder bees?

All that and more tonight on:


UF/UF 291 The Rise of the Anti-Maskers



A tale of two masks