UF/UF 291: The Rise of the Anti-Maskers

I used to think Anti-Vaxxers were kind of ridiculous. But compared to Ant-Maskers? Hell, Anti-Vaxxers are practically mainstream.

An.ti – Mask.er (an ti mas ker) n. 2020 origin American Continent 1. Angry or discontented American, devoid of care for their fellow country men or any human for that matter to the point of refusing to wear a mask the way a normal person wears pants. 2. Person who believes wearing a mask potentially protecting their fellow man from a deadly virus is so egregious to their “constitutional rights” they would rather get infected and die than simply WEAR A GODDAMN MASK. (See Herman Cain) (except you can’t see Herman Cain because he’s hospitalized with Covid-19 after not wearing a mask to Trump’s Tulsa Oklahoma rally)

Yeah man, this is where we are right now. I type this as I watch a series called Life After People. It now seems less like fantasy and more prophetic. The current news makes our Signs of the Apocalypse seem like a silly joke.

In other news, Joe comes out of the basement to throngs of tens, Trump goes into hysterics after crowds of hundreds not millions, and the election on Nov 3rd is likely to be in chaos for millions. Other than that it should be fine. And what happened to the murder bees?

All that and more tonight on:


UF/UF 291 The Rise of the Anti-Maskers



A tale of two masks

UF/UF 287: The End Times?

Corona, Murder Bees, locusts terrorizing the African Continent, Arabia, and Southeast Asia. This was all the opening act of 2020.  What this year needs now is a little race war. In steps the Minneapolis Police with the murder of a handcuffed, subdued, black man on live TV.   

You hate to think the year couldn’t get worse cause you’d hate to see it prove you wrong.

Either way we break it all down for you as usual.

But you gotta click.

UF/UF 287: The End Times?


George Floyd protest: Minneapolis police station torched - Chicago ...

That is a 3rd Precinct police station in Minneapolis Saturday night.