UF/UF 340: The Enemy Within.

So not for nothing, but we predicted this way back. I mean like prior to Biden taking office. His problems would not come from conservatives but from within his own party. And now almost 10 months into his first year, here we are.

The Squad as they call themselves, the radical left wing part of the democratic party, has taken Biden and Pelosi head on and won. Stopping a 3.5 trillion dollar bill aimed at infrastructure that had plenty of republican votes to pass.

We deep dive in what this means for both parties and the mid-term elections creep closer.

Also tonight, robot-dogs – man’s best friend or humanities’ extinction?

Click the link and be warned.

UF/UF 340: The Enemy Within.

They named him Spot. Oh the humanity!

UF/UF 339: Weird Science

We are being told constantly to follow the science. But what science is that? And who’s science? And why aren’t we following the science in any other facet of our lives, like say human biology? And if f*&king science is so great why don’t we have light sabers yet?

Lot’s questions, not many answers. No worry, we’ll make some stuff up.

Click and be educated, or you know… not.

UF/UF 339: Weird Science

A mask mandate we can all get behind.

UF/UF 338: “We will not comply!”

So says WWE wrestler KANE! Otherwise known as Knox County Mayor Glenn Jacobs. The mayor sent a letter to President Biden declaring that Knox County Tennessee will not comply with vaccine mandate for businesses with 100 or more employees.

No reply from the President or the Undertaker as of yet. Stay tuned.

Meanwhile the people who are supposed to be looking out for the poor, or so they claim, are going to Met Gala’s in custom made expensive dresses yelling about taxing the rich. I’ll let the irony sink in for you all who get it.

All this plus Nikki Minaj’s cousin’s friend’s balls tonight on Episode 338 of UF/UF The Podcast.

But you gotta click.

UF/UF 338: “We will not comply!”

Knox County Mayor Glenn Jacobs. Yep both pics.

UF/UF 328: He’ll be back!

Will he though?

Trump has been led to believe that he will be reinstated as President by August of this year. Who is leading him to believe that you ask?


The psycho on the left is Mike Lindell AKA My Pillow Guy. The other one is Sidney Powell, Trump’s lawyer he jettisoned after she claimed Hugo Chavez rigged the machines to throw the election to Biden. Hugo took the eternal dirt nap about a hundred years ago so yeah bye bye Sid.

Either way both of these knuckle heads have been making separate loud public statements about the election and Trump being reinstated by August due to the evidence they each have dug up on their very own.

According to people in the know, the former President has taken to believe those two morons, telling his inner circle to make ready to return to the Oval Office.

Stay tuned people.

And click.

UF/UF 328: He’ll be back!

UF/UF 325: MTG vs AOC who ya got?

Now we’re gettin somewhere.

If you’ve followed us at all you know we are always here for the rough stuff. And finally the two young guns in congress are getting after it.

It’s North vs South, Georgia vs New York, MTG vs AOC. Good looking members of congress with names so long they both go by their edgy monograms.

This could be a solid bout. AOC is more diminutive but feisty hailing from the mean streets of the Bronx and part of Queens. MTG is a sexy gym rat, chiseled and toned on her own training business ironically enough also in the 14th district. In this case that means Dade, Polk, and Catoosa counties in the northwest corner of Georgia.

Tough to pick a philly in this race. In the octagon I’m going MTG; a trained fighter with a good history of living in the gym. In the streets I’m going with AOC, the former bartender from the Bronx.

We’ll see how this plays out, but you know what we’re hoping for. Fingers’ crossed.

UF/UF 325: MTG vs AOC who ya got?

UF/UF 265: “Hold my beer!”

As the Democrats wring their hands over the potential for impeachment hearings Trump offers some new red meat; effectively daring them to do it.

Make no mistake, there are almost no scenarios that have a happy ending for the Democrats here. Nancy knows it and she’s still hedging her bets becasue of it.

Click to hear our breakdown and our new bit UF/UF Crazy Bitch.

You’re welcome America.

UF/UF 265: “Hold my beer!”



The Trump Impeach-o-Meter is getting worse for him.



UF/UF 235: Fly on the Wall

The President has opened Pandora’s Box, grabbed the third rail, tempted the gods, etc, etc, etc…

What he has really done is f**k up. The precedent he is about to set may get his wall built and keep his campaign promise but it will do little to fix the actual issue and sets the table for the next Democrat President to do likewise on issues they deem important. Plus it’s gonna cost billions in taxes.  Mexico ain’t paying for it my friends.

I don’t care what party you’re in, that’s just plain stupid and very reckless. We’ll see how it plays out.

Click the link and we’ll discuss.

UF/UF 235: Fly on the Wall





Take my money. You’re going to anyway.

UF/UF 221: Vote Early, Vote Often

Well it’s finally here gang. Mid-term elections are upon us. This Tuesday, the 6th of November, Year of Our Lord 2018 is your chance to put up or shut up. I’m not saying you can’t complain if you don’t vote.  You’re an American, it’s your god given right to complain.  I’m just saying if you complain about current government but didn’t vote, I reserve the right to call you a jerk off.

So find your polling place, drive your happy ass down there, cast your vote, and then post your annoying little pic on Facebook with your I Voted sticker. Also don’t think for a second your little sticker is better than ours. The I Voted sticker in Tennessee is actually in the shape of the state.  Suck on that!

Happy election Day from the staff at UF/UF The Podcast!

(Not to be confused with UF/UF the Blog or UF/UF the Twitter account. We all know we’re better than those other two divisions of the UF/UF empire.)

UF/UF 221: Vote Early, Vote Often




We’re better! Go Vote!


UF/UF 207: When a #shero comes along…

Yeah you read that right. Shero, as in women heroes. Folks we need em, the sheros.  A crisis has emerged.  A civil war has broken out and it’s not Trumpians vs Liberals.  It’s not Avengers vs Justice League. It’s the… It’s… I can’t believe I’m typing this.

It’s the Lesbians (#sheros) vs the Transgenders (no hashtag, indicating their lameness) over the right to womanhood.  As in who are real women and who aren’t.  The first shot was fired by the #sheros at the pride parade in London, England. They wanted the Trans folks out of the parade and more importantly out of the movement for equality. This isn’t getting much play as you might imagine.

All joking aside this may have serious implications in the issue over the rights of Transgenders in this country.  Stay tuned.  More on this in the future.  Until then revel in the glory that is the greatest hashtag since #feelthebern

As for me and my house we are team #shero.

We talked about other stuff too. So click and listen.

UF/UF 207: When a #shero comes along…





The #shero we need!