UF/UF 334: NFL – No Freedom League?

The NFL has instituted some serious covid protocols and penalties for the unvaxxed players among them. In turn the most pampered, spoiled, ass kissed athletes on the planet are crying about “mah freedooommssss!”

So is the NFL overreaching as the normally do? Are the players giant cry babies? Can it be both? Maybe, but you’ll have to listen.

We also break down the race for the dumbest Democrat currently serving in government federal and state levels. The winner may surprise you…

But you gotta click.

UF/UF 334: NFL – No Freedom League

To Vax or not to Vax? That is the question. Or is it?

UF/UF 319: Oh No Cuomos!?!

It couldn’t get worse for the NY Governor could it?

Hell yeah it can. And he’s more than willing to make it worse for himself. Oh Andrew, why do you have to be the way you are? Turns out his brother, CNN anchor Chris Cuomo, is in on it; taking special benefits for himself and his family.

Also tonight! Friend of the podcast Joe Biden, AKA The President, does his first press conference. Cringe worthy at times, decent at others. Tony and I break it all down for you.

So click it baby!

The link that is…

UF/UF 319: Oh No Cuomo!?!

Two Cuomos, one crime family.

UF/UF 288: Riots, riots, everywhere riots.

Lot going on this week.  Mostly riots. Lots of cow cookies being offered up by various politicians and party mouthpieces on various airwaves from both sides.  And when I say cow cookies I mean total bullshit.

The question of the day: will cynicism rein supreme as the Pope of the Podcast think?. Or can the dumb from the neck up American populace find a way to treat everyone the same as the Bully Opinionist believes? That debate starts now.

But you gotta click.


UF/UF 288: Riots, riots, everywhere riots.



The good old days, when riots were done the right way.


UF/UF 286: We’re Back!

It’s been a while. Things in Tennessee, and our city in particular, are loosening up quite a bit. With only 27 active cases in Knox County we decided it was time to get back at it.

And whoa nelly what a time to be back on the air.

Anyway glad to be back. Hope you enjoy episode 286 of UF/UF The Podcast.

UF/UF 286: We’re Back!




Pre-pandemic and the last time we touched elbows!


UF/UF 261: Democrats and Drunk Racoons – A Users Guide

So yeah it’s getting hard to tell the difference between intoxicated wild life who dodge cars for survival and the presidential hopefuls in the Democratic party who want us all to stop eating meat, control the world’s population issues, and stop using standard pronouns to describe humans.

How do I vote for the drunk racoons again?

Yeah, none of what you just read is a joke. It’s all real and it’s all sad.

By the way, you can write in your pick for president…

UF/UF 261: Democrats and Drunk Racoons – A Users Guide




Live look at Bernie Sanders stumping at a campaign stop in Detroit.


UF/UF 257: The Great Whore speaks!

In what can only be described as the dumbest thing in the history of dumb things, CNN posts “Fun Facts” about the Dem candidates before the debate. How any of these people are still employed is beyond me.

Also Tony takes to his Bully Pulpit to opine about Dem Presidential Candidate Marian Williamson.  OK let’s be honest, it was a long distance social media booty call. It was everything you might think it would be and more.

Click the link if you dare.

UF/UF 257: The Great Whore speaks!




Anyone think they can say that tag line with a straight face?  Nope, didn’t think so.


UF/UF 241: A porn star and a lawyer walk into a bar…

How low can you go?  Well former Stormy Daniels lawyer Michael Avenatti is about to find out. The lawyer, who once took on the President, went after Nike to the tune of 20 million American dollars, found himself in jail for extortion. Then he lost his most famous client.

Can you even call yourself a lawyer if a woman who screws people for money won’t take your call?

We report, you decide!

Click man, just click.

UF/UF 241: A porn star and a lawyer walk into a bar…




Who knew having sex with countless men in movies was more honorable than being a lawyer? Well… everyone.


UF/UF 222: Acosted!

Jesus Jim I’m a doctor not a miracle worker!

Yeah well anyway Jim Acosta of CNN made an ass out of himself… again. This time the President took him on face to face until an aide from the press office tried to get Jim to give up the mic. He wouldn’t, she tried again, they sort of scuffled, he sort of got banned from the White House.

Oh yeah, there was a mid-term election too.

UF/UF 222: Acosted!


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Dammit Jim!

UF/UF: There is always a tape.

Omarosa Onee Manigault Newman has tapes. She has jokes too. And she has crazy in spades. But she has tapes, that she made while in the White House, while she was in the White House Situation Room. The contents of the tapes amount to absolutely nothing. The question the media is asking: Why is everyone secretly taping each other in this White House?

Well we have a better question. How was Omarosa Onee Manigault Newman able to do such a thing and what is the penalty or punishment for doing such a thing?  Me thinks our questions will get zero attention and no answers.

Click anyway. We’ll offer up our take, which if you’re new here, is usually the correct one.

UF/UF: There is always a tape.





Only hiring the best and brightest… ok maybe not.

UF/UF 198: Rudy! Rudy! Rudy!

We ain’t talking Rudy Rudiger that kid from the football movie about Notre Dame. We’re talking about our man, the Mayor of America, hero of 911, Rudy Giuliani. Old Rudy went on Hannity and basically said the President’s repayment of his lawyers hush money to the porn star Stormy Daniels is perfectly legal. It’s all fine, good, nothing to see here. Move along. After Sean Hannity recovered from his brain bleed, he asked Rudy for an explanation, bad move dude.

Plus, Neil Cavuto, also of Fox News, calls out the President for being part of the swamp. Is it opposite day at Fox?

Click the link and we’ll sort it all out

UF/UF 198: Rudy! Rudy! Rudy!




Life comes at you fast.


Stormy weather ahead for Pres?