UF/UF 330: The Un Diet

A new fad is on the horizon. You’ve not heard of it? Surely not.

You better get on board. Every dictator will be styling it this season. It’s the Un diet. As in North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un. The would be moronic despot looked markedly thinner in his first public appearance in some time.

Now word comes, from Un himself, that North Korea is facing a “tense food crisis.” Word on the street is it’s likely that around 3 million North Koreans have died from starvation over the last several years. If true that number may balloon now that the most dishonest man on the planet is admitting to a food shortage in his own country.

Is the Un story believable? Yeah kind of. You know if the food is short, Un is getting the lion’s share of it and he’s still dropping weight like an aging swimsuit model stung out on Cali’s finest blow.

Peep for yourself.

How it started – How it’s going.

Now click.

UF/UF 330: The Un Diet

UF/UF 325: MTG vs AOC who ya got?

Now we’re gettin somewhere.

If you’ve followed us at all you know we are always here for the rough stuff. And finally the two young guns in congress are getting after it.

It’s North vs South, Georgia vs New York, MTG vs AOC. Good looking members of congress with names so long they both go by their edgy monograms.

This could be a solid bout. AOC is more diminutive but feisty hailing from the mean streets of the Bronx and part of Queens. MTG is a sexy gym rat, chiseled and toned on her own training business ironically enough also in the 14th district. In this case that means Dade, Polk, and Catoosa counties in the northwest corner of Georgia.

Tough to pick a philly in this race. In the octagon I’m going MTG; a trained fighter with a good history of living in the gym. In the streets I’m going with AOC, the former bartender from the Bronx.

We’ll see how this plays out, but you know what we’re hoping for. Fingers’ crossed.

UF/UF 325: MTG vs AOC who ya got?

UF/UF 323: Oh Rudy

Bitten by the hand that fed him. Hoisted on his own petard. And any other euphemism that applies to the situation America’s Mayor finds himself in at the moment.

Rudy was raided by the Department of Justice under a warrant that does not require his consent or knowledge before or after it’s executed. But Rudy knows the score. He used to execute these all the time and has long been a champion of their use.

Until the other day.

They got Rudy, they got his files, the got his Cloud, they got it all. The question remains what will all that data and info tell them?

Can’t wait to find out.

UF/UF 323: Oh Rudy

America’s what now?

UF/UF 230: At the Wailing Wall

You thought you heard too much about the Russians?  ha! Brace yourselves my friends. You ain’t heard nothing yet. Coverage of the Wall will make coverage of the Russians seem like a 30 second sound bite.

The wailing and gnashing of teeth over the Wall will go on for as long as the shut down for obvious reasons. The question then; is the end in sight? The answer; not even close.

Buckle up gang. And click the link.

UF/UF 230: At the Wailing Wall





I’m no wall expert but…

UF/UF 228: 2018 – The year that was.

It was a long year. It was a strange year. It was the year that was.

It was a year that saw a spike in earnings and a decrease in inflation. In 2018 more jobs were available than people who needed jobs. Both of those things haven’t happened in almost 30 years. The stock market hit 26,800 in trading, a first in history. Retirement accounts boomed, thanks in part to the record stock market.

So the question is… What the hell are y’all so mad about!?!?! There have been more marches and causes in 2018 then at any point in our history and that includes the American Revolution and the 1960s.

Well click the link and Hupp and I will  tell you why all of you are wrong and why you should be ecstatic.

Happy New Year!

UF/UF 228: 2018 – The year that was.



new year

Come at me 2019!


Make a run to the border, Mr. President, you can get fourth meal after shooting pool


The border, that is.




Presidents visit disaster sites. It’s one of the things they do. Do they accomplish anything, physically? Of course not, that’s not why they’re there. They’re there for several reasons that all serve one purpose. Is it symbolic? Of course. Does it matter? Of course it does.

  • Clinton visited Arkadelphia, Ark., after a tornado
  • Clinton visited Del City, Ok., after the horrific tornado in Moore Ok.
  • Bush visited New Orleans and Biloxi after hurricane Katrina.
  • Bush went t0 Americus, Georgia, after a tornado ripped through that town.
  • Former Presidents Bill Clinton and George H.W. Bush visited Galveston, Texas after hurricane Ike.
  • President Obama visited fire-damaged homes in Mountain Shadow of Colorado Springs, Col. after wildfires there.
  • President Obama visited New Jersey after hurricane Sandy.
  • Of course, who can forget when George W. Bush visited Ground Zero after 9/11. Regardless about what you think of the rest of his presidency, those words spoken that day lifted us and gave us hope.

The list would go on and on. I know this is different, but it’s a crisis, and people are suffering.

I remember the picture of George W. Bush in the plane after hurricane Katrina, looking out the window, and how much grief he took for that picture. People said it showed him being disconnected and aloof. That mattered to people, and he even visited the place later.

They visit these places because they are the leaders of our country. It shows interest, engagement, involvement. It shows people that they are there, ready to lead and help the country work through the problems. To some, it provides solace, to others it shows the commitment of the government that the leader is there, interested and ready to play a part in the solution. No one thinks he’s going to start digging ditches or picking up boards.

Some of those in your own party have practically begged you to go.

Your speech about it basically amounted to “Tell Congress to approve the money and this goes away.” Really? You simply want 3.8 billion dollars, and you won’t take a few hours to even visit?  Well, I have no trust that you even have a clue how to go about it. Your administration has shown no administrative skill in problem solving to this point.

A huge humanitarian crisis, and he won’t go. In his comments about it, he says “it’s not about a photo op.” Well, Mr. President, yes it is, that’s a big part of it. And this is coming from a President who’s never, ever, shied away from a photo op. He appears on TV more than “Law and Order.” All this on top of the fact that You’re In the State Fundraising!! Yes, you’re right there, dude. A couple hours away. You know, playing pool, having fun. Take a couple of hours and show the rest of the country you give a damn. People are suffering.

His failure to go there is duplicitous. I don’t know how or why, but I know it when I see it.

It’s called leadership. Show some.

people crossing the river

Mr. President, this isn’t the community pool. It’s people in the middle of a humanitarian crisis. Maybe you could be interested.

On the other hand, why would you start now.