Podcast Episode 11: Stop the ride I want to get off!

Episode 11: Stop the ride, I want to get off! 

Go to iTunes and search for unfiltered and unfettered and you will see our new UF logo. Click, enjoy, write review.

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What happened to the paradise Obama promised?

We were promised this:





Instead we got this:

Rome is burning

Rome is burning


Even Nero wouldn’t fiddle while all these scandals were burning.









Hero or Criminal?

Hero or Criminal?

Snowden starts an avalanche.

Leaks info to The Guardian detailing US Intel Agency collecting all data on all calls in US all the time.  Obama Admin gonna need a bigger shovel, it’s getting deep.





Did he do the right thing?  Is he a hero, as some have said?  Take our poll and let us know what you think.



The unintentional comedy will be epic.

The unintentional comedy will be epic.

Trump makes the big board!

This will be pure awesome sauce. Please run hairpiece, please run!






All this and more on

Episode 11: Stop the ride, I want to get off.  

Go to iTunes and search for unfiltered and unfettered and you will see our new UF logo. Click, enjoy, write review.

If you don’t use iTunes, you can find us on Podhoster: http://unfilteredunfettered.podhoster.com/

Tell us what you think, ask questions, argue with us, mock us.  Do it in the comment section below or the show’s email: theunmail@yahoo.com

Just because you’re paranoid doesn’t mean they aren’t out to get you.

ATTENTION ALL VERIZON PHONE USERS:  The National Security Agency(NSA) has been cataloging your phone calls.  ALL. OF. THEM.

The best guess so far has the collection of all Verizon phone activity in the United States starting the day after the police captured the surviving Boston Marathon bombing suspect.

Again, Not. Making. This. Up.

Bush tested, Obama Approved!

This is not a joke and I am not making this up.

Read here: NSA Collecting millions of Americans phone records daily.

To say it’s been a tough month for the President would be an understatement.  It would also be completely illogical.  It’s not like he’s having bad luck or catching bad breaks.  He is being tripped up by snares of his own making.  Obama is also reshaping National Security policy and his legacy in the mean time.  My guess is by December he’ll be wishing someone reignites the birth certificate scandal.

Of course the defense being offered up by a lot of progressives and liberals for all this – Bush did it too.

No he didn’t.  Not like this.  Not to this magnitude. Obama passed Nixon and Bush three scandals ago.

Let me count the ways.

The spying scandals are mounting.  First it was the illegal collection of AP reporter’s phone and email data.  The legality of this is still in question.

Then the FBI and DoJ began the same invasive surveillance on FOX news reporter James Rosen because he, get this, reported on a story.  They eventually tagged Rosen as a co-conspiritor in the leak of sensitive national defense information and named him a flight risk.  That means Rosen cannot leave the country.  What was the big story he broke that got him in hot water?  Well, it seems Rosen got confirmation from 2 sources in the State Department that Kim Jong Un would respond with more nuclear testing if the UN Security Council passed another meaningless resolution.   Now some people have called out Rosen because he said in his story that the State Department official or contractor, learned this info from “sources inside North Korea.”  The theory being Rosen may have jeopardized some sources, even putting their lives in danger.

Guess what soft, liberal media, if you’re a spy inside North Korea, your life is in danger every minute you take a breath.   Rosen’s obscure use of the word “sources” isn’t going to ID anyone or amp up the threat any more than it already is.  North Korea only advertises what they want us to see.  Any story about other events in NK would obviously come from sources within the country.  This seems like a veiled scare tactic attempt by the Obama Administration to intimidate and now try and prosecute a reporter who just happens to work at a network that skewers Obama on a minute by minute basis.

All this in the name of National Security.  If they can make us believe that Rosen violated NSA policy and endangered people then they can get our passively implied permission to do things like, oh I don’t know, collect all cell phone data in the US without a warrant, hell without probable cause.  Just because they want it.   All in the name of National Security.

But I digress.  Moving on.  After the Rosen story broke, a story pops up that the IRS has been targeting Tea Party groups who apply for tax exempt status.  By targeting I mean, asking what their religious affiliation is, asking for donor and member lists, asking for the political affiliations of the leaders of said organizations, delaying applications for three years and counting, etc…   The list of questions is pages and pages long and are questions police can’t even ask criminals without a lawyer present.   It was impossible to get tax exempt status in this country from 2009 to 2012 if the name of your organization had words like freedom, take back america, prosperity, and the like.

Again liberals dismissed this as a rogue office in Cincinnati doing this on their own. Basically giving us the “These are not the drones you’re looking for.  Move along, move along” routine.  Turns out it’s not just the Cincy office.  Turns out several offices have been doing this since long before the last election.  You know the one.  The election where the President got reelected in a landslide with a 23 million people still out of work.  Also turns out that the director of the IRS, a Bush appointee, made 157 trips to the White House oddly enough during the exact time of this targeting tea party business.

How far do you have to go back to find a director of the IRS visiting the WH that many times?  All the way to the start of the organization, then add all of them together and they still get no where near 150 visits.  The last dude in charge of the IRS, who by the way was there during the mushroom cloud of the financial meltdown, visited the WH a grand total of 1 time, once, one, uno.  And it was a perfunctory visit for a photo op.

And still were told there is nothing to see here.  Move along, move the hell along.

A few weeks ago we saw the woman in charge of the branch of the IRS doing these invasive stall tactics, Lois Lerner, exercise her 5th amendment rights and refuse to answer any questions during a congressional hearing.  I said then she was smart because her own administration was coming to lock her up.  No need to hand it to them by incriminating herself.

Boy was I wrong.  Turns out old Lois has a past, and her past conflicts with the administrations’ story that it was some rogue field agents who decided on their own to bring down the tea party.

Whoops.  That lie just blew up.

In 1996 Lerner accused Al Salvi, a Republican State Representative from Illinois who was challenging then Democratic Congressman Dick Durbin for the open Senate seat in Illinois, with election fraud.  Lerner was head of the enforcement division of the Federal Elections Commission at the time.  Her accusation stemmed from an accounting error Salvi made on a personal loan to his campaign.  He broke no law, committed no violation. When he tried to explain this to Lerner she said “We’ll drop the case if you promise to never run for elected office again.”  Yeah, in case you are wondering, that’s illegal.  Salvi asked her to put that in writing and smartly Lerner did not.  So Salvi decided to proceed with the court case, and he won.  But he was so tied up in this legal issue, the FEC had his money tied up, he was unable to campaign effectively and Durbin won the Senate seat.

Flash forward to 2010.  Now Senator Dick Durbin (D) Illinois, sends a letter to Lerner asking her to target conservative groups who apply for tax exempt status prior to the run up for the mid-term elections.  Yeah, that’s not legal and certainly not ethical.

And still we are told to move along, nothing to see here.

Then we’re told anyone who thinks there is a conspiracy is just a conspiracy nutjob.  This isn’t coming from some liberal dope on MSNBC, but from the President and his spokesman.

Then the pice-de-resistance. During the congressional hearing into the IRS scandal, the tea party groups came foreword to testify.  The line of questioning from the democratic congressmen was not to be believed.  At one point Rep Jim McDermott says this is all their fault for applying for tax exempt status in the first place.

Watch this, you have to see to believe.


Read: Salvi vs Lerner & Durbin

More on Lerner  

Watch: Salvi himself explains what happened in 1996 

And still we’re told to move along, nothing to freaking see here.

effattlogoNow we find out that the President obtained a special writ that allows the NSA to collect all phone data, from everyone.  Currently only Verizon customers have been targeted.  And let me reiterate, all Verizon customers have had their phone data and phone conversation data collected, no matter if you’re a terror risk or not.  All customers from April 25th on.  So yeah, that means currently if you use Verizon and you make a call, the time, date, to who, duration, who disconnected first, all that is being collected by the NSA.

iPhones can’t be far behind.

While all this goes on, no one has been held accountable for the deaths of an American Ambassador and his security team in Benghazi and the Administration’s cover up of the mistakes and willful disregard that led to their deaths.

In the name of National Security I will now await the collection of my iPhone data by the NSA.

Hey NSA dudes, if you get into my LinkedIn app, can you tell me what my password is?

Nothing to see here folks, move along, move along.

Who are you and what did you do with our congress?

Shhh... or I'll introduce to some of my little friends.

Shhh… or I’ll introduce to some of my little friends.

What a difference a crisis makes.

As some of you may know I am a C-Spanaholic.  There are three glorious channels now.  The Senate is on C-Span, the House on C-Span 2, and any special committee meeting usually ends up on C-Span 3.  Zero commercials.  It’s freaking awesome.  Well, that might be an over-statement, but probably not.

Anyway, it was on C-Span 3 that our body of ineptitude, aka the Senate, showcased their inability to ask one meaningful or probing question during the throw down with Hillary Clinton over the events in Benghazi.  She then dashed over to C-Span 2 for a round with the gang who couldn’t shoot straight, aka the House of Representatives.  The regaled her with equal doses of false praise and righteous indignation.  I leave you to figure out which side dispensed which meaningless emotion.

S0 it was really for some amusing lunch theater that I turned on C-Span 3 to catch Congressman Darrell Issa (R) California, chair a bi-partisan committee meeting which would be looking into the IRS scandal Tony and I talked about on the last podcast.

At first I thought I had turned on the wrong channel.  Can’t be, it’s programed into my favorites.  Maybe a solar flare was messing with the channel lineup.  Whatever was going on, I could not find the usual clown car of American Politics that is our representative body.  Instead what I saw, what I heard, was representative after representative, republican and democrat, asking cogent, probing questions; civil in tone, laced with verbiage for quality follow up questions.

So stunned, I almost choked on my sarsaparilla, almost spat out my mint julep.

It really was hard to believe.  Especially given their history of mucking up things like this. I can only imagine they all watched the tape of Hill-Dogg kicking their asses up and down the Capital Building steps during the Benghazi hearings and they decided to bring their A games.  And truly they did.

When Lois Lerner, the director of the branch of the IRS accused of targeting groups because of political affiliation, decided to invoke her 5th amendment rights and not answer questions, Rep. Issa simply dismissed her.  And that was the right play even though his colleagues thought otherwise.  Issa had the former IRS commissioner Douglas Shulman in his sights as well as J. Russell George, the Treasury inspector general.  Those boys didn’t take the fifth, they just took a beating.  Issa didn’t need Lerner.  No reason to cause a lot of drama by forcing her to take the fifth to every single question for the cameras.  Thats what a lot of republicans wanted.  It looks like Issa is just after the truth. That’s smarts you can play with.  That’s how championships are won my friend.

Let me tell you neither IRS man had a friend in that room.  No democrat came to the rescue, no liberal would argue for them.  Elijah Cummings, (D) Maryland, actually scolded the two men, treated them like school children in the principals office.

James Rosen and the hit squad warrant, aka FBI.

James Rosen and the hit squad warrant, aka FBI.

This bodes bad for the President.  We are way past birth certificates and Reverend Wright.  The IRS investigation is just getting fired up, then the mater of the Department of Justice gathering the personal information, e-mails, texts, contacts, of a handful of Associated Press reporters.

Then comes the bizarre issue of the DoJ doing surveillance on and tagging as a flight risk, one James Rosen from FOX News.  It seems Rosen is being hounded by the Obama administration for doing his job.  In other words he reported on a story about North Korea and cited his sources in the State Department.  He may be charged with espionage or aiding and abetting espionage.  It truly is absurd.  And when I say hounded I mean having search warrants executed on his home and work computers, confiscation of his e-mails, etc…, being followed, not allowed to leave the country.   This isn’t just a threatening feeling like Bob Woodward had a few months back, this is an outright threat and harassment against a reporter who works for a network that criticizes Obama most of the time.

In other words this looks bad.  Now taken separately the Associated Press and the Rosen thing wouldn’t be a big deal, mostly because the American public tends to loathe reporters just slightly less than they do lawyers.  However add them to the IRS targeting Tea Party organizations and you have what looks like for all the world to be a political hit squad operating at the behest of the President.

What does this have to do with the aforementioned congress and their surprisingly good job during the start of the IRS investigation?  Good question.

As Tony mentioned in the last podcast, Nixon didn’t really order the break in at the Watergate building, but he failed to react fast enough there-by implying more involvement than may have been true.

Obama has not failed to react, he appears to be saying, “So what?”  Much like Nixon, it seems Obama has created this atmosphere in his administration that causes high level officials to believe the full weight of the federal government is there to be used against political enemies.

This is worse than Watergate.

And it appears the Senate and the House of Representatives have found their stride when it comes to investigative hearings and questioning.  They also taste blood in the water.

Obama better hope the good old Congress, the one that can’t even ask a simple question without stammering through meaningless diatribe, comes back soon.

That gang I saw doing the IRS investigation hearing will make Obama cry for his momma.

Take a good look O.  This might be you in a month.

Take a good look O. This might be you in a month.

Podcast Episode 9: Benghazi, Ben-lyin, & Ben-spyin

Really, really big show tonight – hear that in Ed Sullivan’s voice and it works nicely.  Yes, google Ed Sullivan.

Man I’m not sure we’ll even get to everything tonight.  We are creeping up to the edge of a very big cliff, and when I say we, I mean the President and his administration.

You absolutely have to listen.

Click Here: 

Podcast Episode 9: Benghazi, Ben-lyin, Ben-spyin

Go to iTunes and search for unfiltered and unfettered and you will see our new UF logo. Click, enjoy, write review.

If you don’t use iTunes, you can find us on Podhoster: http://unfilteredunfettered.podhoster.com/

Tell us what you think, ask questions, argue with us.  Do it in the comment section below or the show’s email: theunmail@yahoo.com

OK on to the teaser.

There are 3 more graves just like Amb Stevens'.  Don't lose focus.

There are 3 more graves just like Amb Stevens’. Don’t lose focus.

Benghazi heats up again.

Whistle blowers are coming forward in droves now.  Not just disgruntled State Department employees, but current CIA operatives and admin folk.  2016 is a long way off but Hil-Dogg may be damaged goods after this.

I'd love to stay, but I got a thing

I’d love to stay, but I got a thing

White House Press Secretary’s Ben-Lyin

Jay Carney, WH Press Sec, gets caught in not one but two bold face lies in a matter of minutes in a press conference about Benghazi, the IRS, and the case of the O Administration collecting info on Associated Press reporters.  It seems the White house press corp has decided to take the gloves off.  Hmmm… I wonder what caused their change of pace all of a sudden?  Oh yeah it was because the ….

Can't improve on this.

Can’t improve on this.

…President’s Ben-Spyin

Obama administration caught using the Department of Justice to spy on reporters from the Associated Press. On the same day this story breaks, it quietly gets out that Vladimir Putin has a “US Diplomat”/CIA agent in custody, embarrasses him on Russian television, and kicks him out of the country.  Ryan Christopher Fogle was nabbed after trying to recruit a Russian into the CIA.  Too bad for Ryan that Russian was an undercover Secret Service agent.

All this plus a lively, and I do mean lively, debate on wether the Government has overstepped their bounds in the sexual education of our children.

You absolutely have to listen.

Click Here: 

Podcast Episode 9: Benghazi, Ben-lyin, & Ben-spyin

Go to iTunes and search for unfiltered and unfettered and you will see our new UF logo. Click, enjoy, write review.

If you don’t use iTunes, you can find us on Podhoster: http://unfilteredunfettered.podhoster.com/

Tell us what you think, ask questions, argue with us.  Do it in the comment section below or the show’s email: theunmail@yahoo.com