UF/UF 338: “We will not comply!”

So says WWE wrestler KANE! Otherwise known as Knox County Mayor Glenn Jacobs. The mayor sent a letter to President Biden declaring that Knox County Tennessee will not comply with vaccine mandate for businesses with 100 or more employees.

No reply from the President or the Undertaker as of yet. Stay tuned.

Meanwhile the people who are supposed to be looking out for the poor, or so they claim, are going to Met Gala’s in custom made expensive dresses yelling about taxing the rich. I’ll let the irony sink in for you all who get it.

All this plus Nikki Minaj’s cousin’s friend’s balls tonight on Episode 338 of UF/UF The Podcast.

But you gotta click.

UF/UF 338: “We will not comply!”

Knox County Mayor Glenn Jacobs. Yep both pics.

UF/UF 335: ID’A know man, that’s a big storm!

Heads up New Orleans peeps. IDA is coming and she’s not happy. When we started the pre production of todays’ episode IDA was a tropical storm or TS for short. Now just two days later she’s a full blown Cat 4 Hurricane hitting the New Orleans area almost 16yrs to the day that other bitch rolled in.

Likely too late for y’all to get out.  No worry UF/UF The Podcast is here to keep you company. Click and listen to everything form IDA to Afghanistan to new and improved crop circles in England.

UF/UF 334: NFL – No Freedom League?

The NFL has instituted some serious covid protocols and penalties for the unvaxxed players among them. In turn the most pampered, spoiled, ass kissed athletes on the planet are crying about “mah freedooommssss!”

So is the NFL overreaching as the normally do? Are the players giant cry babies? Can it be both? Maybe, but you’ll have to listen.

We also break down the race for the dumbest Democrat currently serving in government federal and state levels. The winner may surprise you…

But you gotta click.

UF/UF 334: NFL – No Freedom League

To Vax or not to Vax? That is the question. Or is it?

UF/UF 327: The crazy, it’s spreading!

What a week! Hard to know where to start. Even harder to know where to stop. We could go on for days about this past week.

Let’s see. Phil Mickelson won the PGA Championship at 50yrs of age.

MTG busted out her Mexican accent for the hometown crowd. Not kidding.

Republicans blocked the Jan 6th commission, having no desire to learn anything more about the attack on the democracy over which they preside.

And a Nashville hat store started selling yellow Stars of David that read Not Vaccinated on them.

The store owners justification? She wanted to make sure the same thing that happened to the Jews in Nazi Germany didn’t happen here.

I imagine that makes sense in some alternate reality, but I doubt it. Unfortunately for her she got a crash course in market capitalism.

Will it likely be the end of her business?

Click here to find out!

UF/UF 327: The crazy, it’s spreading!

Don’t man, just don’t.