UF/UF 334: NFL – No Freedom League?

The NFL has instituted some serious covid protocols and penalties for the unvaxxed players among them. In turn the most pampered, spoiled, ass kissed athletes on the planet are crying about “mah freedooommssss!”

So is the NFL overreaching as the normally do? Are the players giant cry babies? Can it be both? Maybe, but you’ll have to listen.

We also break down the race for the dumbest Democrat currently serving in government federal and state levels. The winner may surprise you…

But you gotta click.

UF/UF 334: NFL – No Freedom League

To Vax or not to Vax? That is the question. Or is it?

UF/UF 326: Another No No Cuomos

Well, they’re at it again.

Not that this should come as a surprise, but terrifically smug and sanctimonious Chris Cuomo of CNN has been conspiring with his brother, the Governor of NY, over the governor’s sexual harassment issues.

The arrogance by both men is unbelievable but not surprising.

We’ll break it all down and dish out the appropriate amount of disdain and vulgarity this situation demands. Plus Tony attacks the science from Planned Parenthood of using a cut up rubber glove as a condom for the small penised among us.

Click it. You know you want to.

UF/UF 326: Another No No Cuomos

Shame and Guilt in human form.

UF/UF 319: Oh No Cuomos!?!

It couldn’t get worse for the NY Governor could it?

Hell yeah it can. And he’s more than willing to make it worse for himself. Oh Andrew, why do you have to be the way you are? Turns out his brother, CNN anchor Chris Cuomo, is in on it; taking special benefits for himself and his family.

Also tonight! Friend of the podcast Joe Biden, AKA The President, does his first press conference. Cringe worthy at times, decent at others. Tony and I break it all down for you.

So click it baby!

The link that is…

UF/UF 319: Oh No Cuomo!?!

Two Cuomos, one crime family.