UF/UF 336: Your neighbor’s keeper.

The Texas abortion law has dominated the news cycle, almost pushing the Afghan debacle into the background. As a pro-lifer myself, I get it. The law basically outlaws abortion as most women would never know if they were pregnant after just 6 weeks. I don’t have a particular issue with that. The other part…

The bounty portion of the law, where you could be in for a $10 grand payday for ratting out your neighbor for getting or aiding anyone in getting an abortion to include the Uber or Lyft ride, is causing all kinds of issues for dems and repubs alike.

We discuss that, the Afghan issue, college football being back, and Joe Rogan’s about face on the danger of Covid, (now that he has it).

Don’t miss it.


UF/UF 336: Your neighbor’s keeper.

UF/UF 335: ID’A know man, that’s a big storm!

Heads up New Orleans peeps. IDA is coming and she’s not happy. When we started the pre production of todays’ episode IDA was a tropical storm or TS for short. Now just two days later she’s a full blown Cat 4 Hurricane hitting the New Orleans area almost 16yrs to the day that other bitch rolled in.

Likely too late for y’all to get out.  No worry UF/UF The Podcast is here to keep you company. Click and listen to everything form IDA to Afghanistan to new and improved crop circles in England.

UF/UF 322: When Johnny Comes Marchin Home

It’s over. After 20 years, finally and officially over.

The war in Afghanistan is done. In what no one will recognize as a truly bi-partisan effort, President Biden officially ended the war and set the date for the troops to come home. Paying off on a promise President Trump made during his campaign in 2016 and set in motion in 2020.

As 24 and 22 year veterans ourselves, of course Hupp and I are biased and all in favor.

Presidents Bush and Obama both made threats/promises to get the troops back but it was Presidents Trump and then Biden who managed to actually get it done.

This is clearly not getting nearly the play it deserves. Go figure. Neither side can manage to turn it into a political missile to fire at the other so of course no lip service from the “media”.

Not a problem. As per usual, Tony and I will carry the water for those so called professionals who have long since forgotten what professionalism means.

UF/UF 322: When Johnny Comes Marchin Home

Coming home. Finally.