Big sister to the rescue

You may not have been following the current storm cloud hovering over the Obama White House, but the shameful and disastrous way they have handled the Libya embassy attack and the murder of Ambassador Stevens and three of his security team finally turned into a hurricane over the past few days.  After the attack, the US Ambassador to the United Nations went on five, count em, five Sunday morning politcal shows and peddled some hash about an anti-muslim video and the resulting protests as the cause of the heinous attack.  All proven to be lies as State Department officials testifying in Congress say they were watching the attack in real time and there were no protests.  The Obama administration seems to be clinging to the idea that it was not a terrorist attack. Maybe they don’t want a terrorist attack on September 11th attached to his presidency, who knows.  So instead they decided a clown car style cover up might be better.

The President and his administration have given several answers to the what, why, and how this could happend questions.  They’ve also retracted some answers, changed stories, and have been pushing other agencies of the government under the bus with such frequency their arms must be tired by now.  As the second debate looms on the horizon, reports are that Obama is shopping for a bus with more ground clearance.  What has been more interesting to me is who has not given interviews.  Hillary Clinton, known as HRC in the social media world, has been oddly silent considering it was one of her ambassadors who was murdered.

Well, the President’s silver lining may have appeared last night, although it may only be the eye of the storm.  And as any good north-easterner knows, it’s the ass end of the hurricane that’s the most violent and causes the most damage.   Be that as it may, HRC went on CNN and talked to Wolf Blitzer. She took full responsibility for the attack, lack of security and the death of the four Americans.  That’s it, end of sentence.  She didn’t say, I take full responsibility but you have to understand…, she didn’t blame any other person. She did allude to the fog of war for causing some confusion as to the lies told by other members of the administration, but HRC was really just providing top cover for them.

In short, it appears Hillary Rodham Clinton was able to answer that 3am call and the President was not.  My guess is the administration was out of people to push under busses and out of excuses so they asked HRC to take a bullet.  And she did it.  The irony, this makes her look like more of a leader and the President in need of his big sister to protect him from the bullies.  In essence she was the leader that Obama should have been.

Tony loves Ronald Reagan.  He’ll be happy to remember that Ronnie Raygun took full responsibility for the Beirut bombing in 1983 that killed so many Marines.  Reagan did it immediately and even went as far as shielding the commanders on the ground from inquiry, claiming it was his own fault for their unpreparedness.  Now any military member knows this in hogwash, we are always responsible for our immediate environment.  But it’s a rare and honorable thing when the very top of the chain takes all the blame and then protects the guys on the ground.

Miss you big guy. The world misses you.


Mr. President my family voted for Ronald Reagan, I looked up to Ronald Reagan, Mr. President, you are no Ronald Reagan.

You’re not even HRC.









Mark your calendar, you are hearing it here first, (probably not), if the President wins re-elction she will resign within the next year.  If he loses to Romney, HRC will stay on the edge of the national stage and she will be a candidate for President in 2016.

HRC in 2016?