UF/UF 337: He’s Running

So says my broadcast partner and a host of other people. The he? That would be the 45th President of the United States, Donald John Trump.

I also believe he’s going to run although he’s only teased it and not come right and said he’s running. The big question we tackle tonight; who can beat him from the repub or dem side if he does try to become the 47th President of the US?

Also tonight, in his climate speech Biden says we don’t call them tornadoes anymore. That was surprising news to us quite frankly. So the other hot question we’ll answer for you all is what do we now call those killer, twisting, funnels, of rotating debris?

Tune in to get Hupp’s Top 5 List of culturally appropriate names for said twisty things.

But you gotta click.

UF/UF 337: He’s Running

And he’ll win.

One comment on “UF/UF 337: He’s Running

  1. This was a fun episode! We vote for “mobile homer’s” for the new name for those columns of wind and debris, previously known as tornadoes. We concur that Kamala is ill-suited for any political office and 2024 will likely be a shit show. Hopefully crazy Joe doesn’t destroy our great nation before then. Keep up the podcasts guys!

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