UF/UF 336: Your neighbor’s keeper.

The Texas abortion law has dominated the news cycle, almost pushing the Afghan debacle into the background. As a pro-lifer myself, I get it. The law basically outlaws abortion as most women would never know if they were pregnant after just 6 weeks. I don’t have a particular issue with that. The other part…

The bounty portion of the law, where you could be in for a $10 grand payday for ratting out your neighbor for getting or aiding anyone in getting an abortion to include the Uber or Lyft ride, is causing all kinds of issues for dems and repubs alike.

We discuss that, the Afghan issue, college football being back, and Joe Rogan’s about face on the danger of Covid, (now that he has it).

Don’t miss it.


UF/UF 336: Your neighbor’s keeper.

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