UF/UF 309: Peace on Earth – Life on Venus

Did you think we’d get out of December without some weird sh*# happening? Have you not been paying attention?

We got Girls Scouts at war with the Boy Scouts over recruiting, Fauci saying worse Covid is on the way, Chris Christie saying he’ll run against Trump in 2024, and now NASA is basically saying the plot from Species and Species II is about to play out in real time with the very late discovery of life on Venus. Like late from 1974 late.

Really, could the year have ended any differently? I don’t think so. Tune in and we’ll sort it out. Plus Tony reveals the UF/UF The Podcast Christmas gift list. I have it on good authority that at least one person is getting a nifty piece of coal emblazoned with the UF UF Logo. You don’t want to miss that.



UF/UF 309: Peace on Earth – Life on Venus


It doesn’t end well. For anyone. Thanks a lot NASA!


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