UF/UF 224: Black Out the Sun

If you were as savvy a musical aficionado as my partner (that’s podcast partner, not that there’s anything wrong with that) you would think the title of our post today is from the song Black Out the Sun by the band Sevendust. And you’d be right and you’d also be wrong.

Black out the sun is the new remedy by the current group of climate scientists to forestall the coming climate apocalypse.  It seems spraying chemicals into the atmosphere to “dim” the sun passed muster and is now being considered by the people who consider these things.

No wonder Donald Trump got elected.

God help us all.

But before that, click the link.

UF/UF 224: Black Out the Sun





Dim the Sun with aerosols? Yeah that should be fine.

One comment on “UF/UF 224: Black Out the Sun

  1. elletelle says:

    What could go wrong.

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